This is hilarious. All the pent up curiosity is spilling out over 3 images and a name. Jeebus, gotta give OWI credit- they know how to build a desire in the consumers. Yowza.
Anyway, that said, I'm as psyched as you guys. Damn, now I'm gonna lose more of my life to this forum. Oh well.
A thought- the chicken guys have little mudokon ponytail jobbers. look at their skulls- very similar towards the top. Pull the beak back, skinny em up, bulge the eyes... and mudokons evolved from birds, did they? Hmm.... Remember the schpiel we got about how on a planet ten times the size of earth, things move at one tenth the speed? Maybe, on another continent, there are proto-mudokons, an earlier evolutionary form. And they're hillbilly livestock. So, (And bare with me here for a second) everybody's favorite floor-waxing messiah figure all the sudden has to deal with not only trigger-emotioned fellows who waffle back and forth in their loyalties, a lonely, whiney little amphibian whom he doesn't get along with all that well and commands ravenous pom-poms, a narcoleptic prune's half-assed clairvoyance, and a gaggle of weird looking, chain smoking, knive shining species who want to eat him, drain him, and mount his head on the wall... but NOW he's got redneck cousins who probably don't even believe in him, an enormous ocean to travel, and some particularly depraved looking lunatic in a crocadile dundee hat wafting through the swamps with a telepathic boat, a gun, and maybe a contract with flying purple scientists with three legs...
Ooh, I'm ranting. yeah, this is gooooood stuff.