thread: Forum Bullying
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05-20-2003, 07:51 PM
Reese Charles's Avatar
Reese Charles
Sniper Wasp
: May 2003
: I have left
: 251
Rep Power: 0
Reese Charles  (10)

Oh boy, I need to do some serious telling off here...

Jacob, dont post here, your ignorant...

Native poser, dont post here, your ignorant...

Disgruntled intern. stop swearing you idiot, go curse at someone in another thread, this isn't where its to be done.

None of you know what this is about, and your all still trying to take the glory of the limelight here.
So piss off all of you, no offense but its really getting me annoyed.

What I am doing here is trying to get the person who is doing this to stop.
I don't actually know who is doing any of this, so this is an open "STOP IT" message.

I appreciate all the nice stuff you have all said about me, but some of it is just utter rubish, it really is. I am not blaming any of you here, the person who is doing this is a hacker who has hidden his/her identity.
A Cyberbully in other words.
Now if you think that I can't handle the pathetic and somewhat shitty little arguments I get with ignorant wankers around here, then you are very much mistaken. And Alcar, please don't start again on stuff like "I have seen much worse" because you actually haven't.
Unless you have recieved messages like this:

Hey wanker, think your great do you? Think you run the place? I hack people like you for fun asshole, I'll find out where you live and break into your house.
This idiot has it coming to him, don't worry about that. The police are already checking out his IP, by tracing his carrier signal back to the PC he logged to the net through, then tracing from there.

As for the rest of you, please quit with your "OMG your making such a big fuss" routine, because I don't have time for it.

Sorry about the swearing, I am not usually like this but I think a point needs to be made here...
