thread: Corruption!
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05-16-2003, 10:32 AM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Rep Power: 26
Jacob  (87)

finally u realize bashing gay ppl is the right thing to do!
Bless ya, you actually believed he was? And i would appreciate an answer to the questions i've asked you in PM, why are you so against gays? Is it cos Daddy touched you? Or did Unky Bob show you his plaything? Or, is it because when your with your [male] friends at a sleepover you long to be sleeping next to them, to be holding them, to be resting your head on their chests as they sleep? Im guessing, all of the above.

is there anyhting to do here besides be complete pussies and act like a bunch of peaceful homos?
For a 16 yr old you really are a f*cking moron aren't you? "Peaceful homos"? Im pressuming you meant 'homosexuals' but you do realise 'Homos' can also mean 'Homosapiens'. And i havent witnessed any Vagina-like actingness...

where cursing doesnt get u warnings
It doesn't usually [its just if you invoke hatefulness of the minorities] look;
Ha, you stupid no-lifer, small penised, Neo-Nazi, sad excuse for a Heterosexual. You really think your all "that" what with your "I am a Halo God" speak and such and such? Please, the only thing your God of is the disillusioned gang at school whom believe they're liked when all the Trendies and popular kids are acting like they like you for amusement, believe me...i've seen it and done it. You stated you had a girlfriend aswell? Interesting, not because i believe you, but because you believe an internet girlfriend is worthy of titling a "girlfriend". Your a sad, sad, low little man...and i personally would LOVE you to come back on the forums and spew some of your f*cking loserness somemore, you make most of the forumers seem cool...

Ferril and Paramite Abe ( they r cool)
Erm...i believe this confirms my above point...

but the rest of u Fags
If your going to be homophobic at least be the homophobe thats offensive and not one of the pricks in the street that merely states a gay guys sexuality at him...

specially the real fag Jacob Lol i hope i run into u in person, id love to see the butt plug up close
Is that a comeon? Are you coming onto me? Eww, please, i would rather insert an electric whisk up my anus and then turn it on, i would rather masturbate with sandpaper, i would rather have sexual intercourse with your overweight, balding father than to allow you to touch me in anyway that seemed at all sexual...
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