Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: sy4090
: Oddworld Discussion 11-01-2014, 06:49 AM
: 12
: 2,819
Yes but i am just saying i have never seen this...

Yes but i am just saying i have never seen this before.
: Oddworld Discussion 11-01-2014, 06:34 AM
: 12
: 2,819
Exclamation New/Old Hand of Odd Info

So i was on archive.com to see what the oddworld site was like when it started.
And i saw this http://web.archive.org/web/19990218183357/http://www.oddworld.com/shock/index.htm .
And then I found...
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-23-2014, 05:48 AM
: 119
: 16,765
I only joined because i was modding oddworld....

I only joined because i was modding oddworld. Then i realized how many people where on here. There must be alot because i saw soulstorm64's location and i am in minnesota too.
: Oddworld Discussion 08-21-2014, 05:18 AM
: 18
: 3,496
Idea Anyone know why all sounds are from the demo on...

Anyone know why all sounds are from the demo on here compared to final? I also already saved 50 mudokons .
: Oddworld Discussion 08-21-2014, 04:25 AM
: 18
: 3,496
Question Old computer for oddworld?

anyone have a old computer for oddworld only? My Grandma was let go,and she got to keep her pc. but she got a new one so now I have a ODDWORLD PC!!!!http://postimg.org/image/rps1z0e33/
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-18-2014, 07:28 AM
: 13
: 4,141
It is a kids show but it has illuminati and death...

It is a kids show but it has illuminati and death messages and stuff like that. Its one of the good disney shows. infact the only one.
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-18-2014, 07:13 AM
: 13
: 4,141
Gravity FAlls

Anyone here watch gravity falls...
: Oddworld Discussion 08-18-2014, 06:42 AM
: 42
: 10,144

I think they should make as like a INFAMOUS SECOND SON game where you can unlock powers and stuff.The powers would be like Possession Fuzzles and new gamespeak.
: Oddworld Discussion 05-04-2014, 04:12 AM
: 6
: 1,310
Because in the actual release its one disk and...

Because in the actual release its one disk and has a diffrent design and final doesnt have 15+ demos
: Oddworld Discussion 05-03-2014, 08:57 AM
: 6
: 1,310
its $24 dont think ill get it incase its not...

its $24 dont think ill get it
incase its not beta
: Oddworld Discussion 05-03-2014, 08:50 AM
: 6
: 1,310
Wired Abes Exoddus Beta PC Disk?

I was searching the internet and found this http://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-552984166-revista-cd-expert-game-odd-world-abes-exoddus-_JM
A full abes exoddus pc game with 2 cds and 15+ demos....
: Necrum Burial Grounds 07-27-2013, 12:05 PM
: 3
: 3,628
Question delet?

this one for wifi games sorry should I delete
: Non-Oddworld Gaming 07-27-2013, 11:59 AM
: 32
: 5,437
anyone want to wifi

anyone want to wifi
: Non-Oddworld Gaming 07-27-2013, 11:58 AM
: 32
: 5,437
want to wifi some time I have all fruits if you...

want to wifi some time I have all fruits if you need any
: Necrum Burial Grounds 07-27-2013, 11:51 AM
: 3
: 3,628
Question animal crossing new leaf

anyone here play animal crossing new leaf if you do want to wifi some time :fuzgrin:
: Non-Oddworld Gaming 06-06-2013, 09:09 AM
: 32
: 5,437
Question animal crossing series

does any one play the animal crossing series:D
: Oddworld Discussion 04-27-2013, 02:36 AM
: 31
: 2,448
Mad Where did you get that I want one:fuzmad:

Where did you get that I want one:fuzmad:
: Oddworld Discussion 04-03-2013, 07:35 AM
: 38
: 3,030
Drunk maby it would be good and exspecialy facebook...

maby it would be good and exspecialy facebook and twiter
: Oddworld Discussion 04-03-2013, 07:14 AM
: 38
: 3,030
Oddworld maby not a prank

maybe it is some kind of new online game there making and timer is when avalible to play but sound terrible :banghead: :fuzmad:
: Oddworld Discussion 03-08-2013, 02:33 PM
: 182
: 23,148
Exclamation i have one remote control paramite or scrab real...

i have one remote control paramite or scrab real size and attacks


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