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: Posts Made By: lautaro_12
: Oddworld Help 11-10-2009, 07:16 AM
: 105
: 23,768
Happy Okay , I'm happy because my new program works!...

Okay , I'm happy because my new program works! Good luck with it.
Also , someone (without count MyParamite Pie) has tested my trainer?? Please tell me , perhaps I can create another trainer that...
: Oddworld Help 11-07-2009, 05:47 PM
: 24
: 4,505
Happy Well , I don't know any "button-combinations" but...

Well , I don't know any "button-combinations" but perhaps I can create a trainer that does the cheat of the infinite grenades (push so much times the button and still falling the grenades of the mine...
: Oddworld Help 11-07-2009, 06:53 AM
: 105
: 23,768
Happy Only go to "How to be invencible in AE" thread...

Only go to "How to be invencible in AE" thread and download the 2 parts of the game is posted in it. In that game the cheat will works.
And if it is so big I don't know what to do. Sorry , you have...
: Oddworld Help 11-06-2009, 07:02 AM
: 20
: 5,689
Happy Well , have you downloaded and tried the hack? I...

Well , have you downloaded and tried the hack? I have to tell you something.
This is for all people wants infinite [item you're carrying] (grenades , rocks and meat)

If you open cheat engine and...
: Oddworld Help 11-05-2009, 05:19 AM
: 20
: 5,689
Happy But I can upload a super trainer that edit the...

But I can upload a super trainer that edit the savegames. It can do you have fart , endless items you're holding at the moment you've saved that game , add blue , red , green and yellow rings and can...
: Oddworld Help 11-03-2009, 06:24 AM
: 20
: 5,689
Happy EDIT: I can't create a trainer because the cheat...

EDIT: I can't create a trainer because the cheat of infinite rocks doesn't work , if you die you lose the cheat and then if you hit the rock container the game crash. Sorry.
: Oddworld Help 11-02-2009, 09:31 AM
: 20
: 5,689
Sad No , sorry. There isn't a "bulletproof cheat" for...

No , sorry. There isn't a "bulletproof cheat" for Abe's Oddysee , that's why I can't create a trainer that activates the cheat in Abe's Oddysee.
But I can tell you how to do the -ddcheat if you want.
: Oddworld Help 11-01-2009, 10:14 AM
: 20
: 5,689
Happy Hey people , yesterday I have created a trainer...

Hey people , yesterday I have created a trainer that does this cheat on the Exoddus Game I've shared (it is on mediafire too) and uploaded it.
Once time you activate it you can't deactivate it ,...
: Oddworld Help 10-31-2009, 11:42 AM
: 105
: 23,768
Wired Okay , try to create it again. Well , I have...

Okay , try to create it again.

Well , I have some important news to share: now I can create a trainer using CE 5.4 because I didn't see what contains the Advanced Options.
I will try to create...
: Oddworld Help 10-30-2009, 07:55 AM
: 105
: 23,768
Native But if you disable the cheat you can open the...

But if you disable the cheat you can open the portals , or simply use Save Editor to edit your save.

And I have doubleposted because it's a bad thing joining shrykull with the other thing that I...
: Oddworld Help 10-29-2009, 07:59 AM
: 105
: 23,768
Wired Sorry for the repost , but I have to tell you...

Sorry for the repost , but I have to tell you something great I've founded trying to do the OAERH works.
When I press F1 nothing happens , but if I get the shrykull ring and use it the ring doesn't...
: Oddworld Help 10-28-2009, 03:16 PM
: 105
: 23,768
Mad Well , I have 2 problems with this. The...

Well , I have 2 problems with this.

The first is I have searched for the code but I have a problem , when it finish there is a million of codes , and I have to quit the game and start it again to...
: Oddworld Help 10-28-2009, 03:02 PM
: 24
: 4,505
Oddworld Yes , it works in PSP.

Yes , it works in PSP.
: Oddworld Help 10-28-2009, 09:03 AM
: 105
: 23,768
Happy Thanks , Schnappi , I will try to create the...

Thanks , Schnappi , I will try to create the trainer , but the other problem is uploading it , I never uploaded a file , perhaps anyone can send me his/her e-mail and I transfer the trainer in a mail...
: Oddworld Help 10-27-2009, 01:07 PM
: 105
: 23,768
Post Speaking of that , the cheat works or not? Please...

Speaking of that , the cheat works or not? Please someone tell me about this hack.
And if it works someone can create a program that does and the fart cheat in all clients.

I have to share...
: Oddworld Help 10-26-2009, 12:15 PM
: 6
: 1,477
Native MeechMunchie is right , you don't need to rescue...

MeechMunchie is right , you don't need to rescue the latest mudokon to win the game , maybe he is the one you're looking for , or maybe you forget one mudokon in RF2 Zulag One. This one is behind a...
: Oddworld Help 10-26-2009, 12:09 PM
: 105
: 23,768
Oddworld Yes , it's too hard to make a program , but . if...

Yes , it's too hard to make a program , but . if CakeSnatcher can do it , there "maybe" will be no problem.
"Maybe" is because the latest program he has maded doesn't work (only for him)

: Oddworld Help 10-24-2009, 07:25 AM
: 25
: 3,085
Sad Okay , if that seems you are going to kick me of...

Okay , if that seems you are going to kick me of the forum i'm closing the thread of the invincibility powers. And sorry for re-post. :fuzsad:
: Oddworld Help 10-23-2009, 07:48 AM
: 25
: 3,085
Happy Nate is right , and wrong. The problem is in your...

Nate is right , and wrong. The problem is in your game , but if you start the game again after the ending of Bonewerkz (in the path you have to go to FeeCo. Offices) the error will not appear. This...
: Oddworld Help 10-23-2009, 07:38 AM
: 105
: 23,768
Native Shit , I don't understand nothing you say....

Shit , I don't understand nothing you say. Hexedit?? What's that??
I know how to use a small part of Cheat Engine because the tutorial don't let me move foward in the part of Code Injection.

: Oddworld Help 10-21-2009, 10:21 AM
: 8
: 1,527
Oddworld You have to rescue 150 mudokons at least , and...

You have to rescue 150 mudokons at least , and kill , maximium 149 mudokons.
If you kill 150 and rescue the same quantity I don't know what happen , don't ask please.
If this thread is for other...
: Oddworld Help 10-21-2009, 10:16 AM
: 25
: 3,085
Sad My english is not very good , like BlueAbe , I'm...

My english is not very good , like BlueAbe , I'm from Argentina and we speak spanish in Argentina.
If you don't understand what i want to say sorry but i'm in second year of english school and my...
: Oddworld Help 10-21-2009, 08:31 AM
: 25
: 3,085
Native Well , this bug is because your client of AE is...

Well , this bug is because your client of AE is bugged , you have to possess him when he is in the teleporter , or go to my post and download my client , perhaps that works.
: Oddworld Help 10-21-2009, 08:26 AM
: 105
: 23,768
Oddworld Well , I have downloaded an Exoddus client that...

Well , I have downloaded an Exoddus client that posses 1 gigabyte on it.It is the full but it is in spanish.
The hack of CakeSnatcher doesn't work on that client too , I think the address has...
: Oddworld Help 10-20-2009, 06:02 AM
: 105
: 23,768
Sad Well , I don't know what word are you saying. ...

Well , I don't know what word are you saying.
Perhaps I have a mistake speaking English and because of it you don't understand me well.
And sorry for the space before the comma
: Oddworld Help 10-19-2009, 06:53 PM
: 105
: 23,768
Happy People: I have something to tell you. I have...

People: I have something to tell you.

I have tried to find the value that just CakeSnatcher have founded but it has got a problem , the same problem in the program of CakeSnatcher.
The problem is...
: Oddworld Help 10-19-2009, 09:41 AM
: 24
: 4,505
Native The problem with this bug has finished , go to my...

The problem with this bug has finished , go to my post , download my AE , do the cheat and see if it works.
: Oddworld Help 10-19-2009, 09:34 AM
: 10
: 10,404
Native Well , i haven't got the most modern computers...

Well , i haven't got the most modern computers but my computer is actually great.
Maybe you have to configure the resolution to 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768 , perhaps you have to run it as admin.
: Oddworld Help 10-18-2009, 07:34 AM
: 105
: 23,768
Happy Okay . you are right. I hack this game but i...

Okay . you are right. I hack this game but i cannot hack a computer , or create a virus , etc. (I don't know how to do it)
If the files are so big I can't do nothing because i haven't got a program...
: Oddworld Help 10-17-2009, 11:00 AM
: 19
: 4,696
Happy Well , if you have problems with that you can do...

Well , if you have problems with that you can do the -ddcheat code , but it's different in AO , you have to do this:

-Create a direct access of the game and go to properties of that direct access....


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