Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: EVP_Glukkon
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-25-2022, 09:37 PM
: 125
: 44,820
I came here to get into the most audacious and...

I came here to get into the most audacious and absurd arguments possible, and challenge myself to formulate arguments to counter/debate others.

I enjoy the attention, I enjoy the absurdity....
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-25-2022, 08:48 PM
: 125
: 44,820
Look worse to whom? Your circle? Doesn't...

Look worse to whom?
Your circle?

Doesn't sound right to me, why would EVP care how good/bad he looked to you and your circle? Doesn't match the behavior.
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-25-2022, 08:26 PM
: 125
: 44,820
:fuzsmile: I try! But it depends how busy I...


I try! But it depends how busy I am.
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-25-2022, 08:19 PM
: 125
: 44,820
You really want to go there? it's all logged on...

You really want to go there? it's all logged on discord.
You and Enchi were running wild, remember? Some kid tried to join and you all got into an argument over roleplay.. lmao
I was made mod.. you...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-25-2022, 08:12 PM
: 125
: 44,820
Justify? No I just wanted to state a record...


No I just wanted to state a record of what actually happened. Believe what you want, and despite my actual stance, I already made admission I was stirring the pot/causing trouble when I...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-25-2022, 07:57 PM
: 125
: 44,820
What? Timeline - - I piss the...

Timeline -

- I piss the trans-atlantic community off (lol), quit OWF Discord
- You get booted from OWF discord sometime later (nothing to do with me)
- I receive multiple notifications...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-25-2022, 07:36 PM
: 125
: 44,820
Go jump down a black hole MA.

Go jump down a black hole MA.
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-25-2022, 07:31 PM
: 125
: 44,820
Ah so you have the nerve to insult me here but...

Ah so you have the nerve to insult me here but not in Discord?

LOL what a coward. I see you for what you are Auriel, not impressed.

Yeah and if that's all it was I would laugh too, but...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-25-2022, 07:27 PM
: 125
: 44,820
Ah, I think you are confusing your drug induced...

Ah, I think you are confusing your drug induced schizophrenia with what's been actually occurring on Discord.

Maybe apologize to Varrok, try to stop being an asshole to people at every given...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-25-2022, 07:02 PM
: 125
: 44,820
Still haven't figured it out have you? Your...

Still haven't figured it out have you?

Your head is so far up you actually look at my comments and think I'm discrediting myself. That's how woke you are.

"Oh the hetro is saying hetro things,...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-25-2022, 06:35 PM
: 125
: 44,820
Won't let me retire in peace? "trans...

Won't let me retire in peace?

"trans people, gay people and non-white people deserve rights" - Okay so what about white hetro people? Don't they deserve rights? because according to you and your...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-25-2022, 04:04 PM
: 125
: 44,820
Sure let's discuss on the Discord. Oh, wait.. you...

Sure let's discuss on the Discord. Oh, wait.. you got yourself booted from it for being a cunt during my absence! Who would have thought?

I'm surprised you don't try to be more tactful and send me...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-25-2022, 06:56 AM
: 125
: 44,820
Right, okay. I was made a mod to keep an eye on...

Right, okay.
I was made a mod to keep an eye on you during the morning hours (my timezone) when the mods were asleep, as your behavior was getting out of hand.

I alluded to this but I don't think...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-24-2022, 09:07 PM
: 125
: 44,820
MA, we go way back. Remember the rep you gave me,...

MA, we go way back. Remember the rep you gave me, how we both saw eye to eye on how GAY things were around here...

I would have expected some kind of mutual hetro respect.

But I do appreciate...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-23-2022, 05:05 PM
: 125
: 44,820
Who the hell dreams of OWF. What a...

Who the hell dreams of OWF.
What a looosseerrrrrrrr get a lyf foo.
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-29-2021, 11:05 PM
: 2
: 4,409

Attention all remaining users.

This is a public service advertis- eh announcement.


Hey you! You old time user, the one who persistently frequents the...
: Off-Topic Discussion 10-29-2020, 05:56 AM
: 49
: 13,591
Ah, well look on the bright side, they can't kill...

Ah, well look on the bright side, they can't kill OWF if we're already dead. :)
: Off-Topic Discussion 10-25-2020, 01:24 AM
: 49
: 13,591
Some will, I guarantee that. You wouldn't want...

Some will, I guarantee that. You wouldn't want the numbers steams and other stuff bring in, there isn't substance there, viewers move on from one thing to another.

No, the people looking for a...
: Oddworld Discussion 10-22-2020, 09:41 PM
: 26
: 11,714
Watching Lorne try to keep a straight face about...

Watching Lorne try to keep a straight face about this being made possible thanks to the PS5 is the best bit.

Ah the irony wasn't lost on you with that one was it Lorne?
As for the game..

: Off-Topic Discussion 10-22-2020, 09:08 PM
: 49
: 13,591
We're dying, but we're not dead, not yet. ...

We're dying, but we're not dead, not yet.

It's my belief that SoulStorm will be the last entry in the series, and Nate willing, we'll have an influx of new members, and the occasional ones that...
: Oddworld Discussion 09-05-2018, 09:05 AM
: 16
: 5,043
MA you're back?! And with a profile picture...

MA you're back?!
And with a profile picture befitting of your stature. Well acceptance is always the first step on the road to recovery, and you my friend appear to be well on your way.

: Off-Topic Discussion 10-22-2017, 05:49 AM
: 40
: 10,124
:D Well after much deliberation I have...


Well after much deliberation I have decided to stick with BBC.
: Off-Topic Discussion 10-20-2017, 08:42 AM
: 28
: 5,511
I have never felt that a colour gives such a...

I have never felt that a colour gives such a feeling, how do other colours make you feel?

I like the hot pink with gloss, or a nice red. Hot Pink has the youthful kind of vibe while the red is...
: Off-Topic Discussion 10-20-2017, 08:32 AM
: 40
: 10,124
How would I be able to differentiate between...

How would I be able to differentiate between which sources are credible or not if you will not provide me with any examples?

Come on mate, THINK, instead of worryng about what I read, try to read...
: Oddworld Discussion 10-03-2017, 03:00 AM
: 20
: 5,650
Ah yeah, like Tom Clancy's Endwar. Unit One,...

Ah yeah, like Tom Clancy's Endwar.


"Affirmative, en route (unit advancing to zulu)"


"Roger" (unit still advancing to zulu)
: Off-Topic Discussion 10-03-2017, 02:53 AM
: 40
: 10,124
Such as?

Such as?
: Off-Topic Discussion 10-03-2017, 02:40 AM
: 35
: 8,104
I don't know what alternate reality that is in,...

I don't know what alternate reality that is in, and I anit screwin any Gluk Queens either!
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-28-2017, 04:35 AM
: 35
: 8,104


: Oddworld Discussion 09-26-2017, 07:34 AM
: 309
: 52,781
I think you are trying to say that because 2D...

I think you are trying to say that because 2D side-scrolling adventure games have made a comeback of sorts, the concept of switching from 2D to 3D isn't necessary?

Depends if the limitations...
: Oddworld Discussion 09-26-2017, 06:22 AM
: 309
: 52,781
It was the next logical step for a 2D...

It was the next logical step for a 2D side-scrolling adventure game to jump to a 3D roaming one, so yeah it was the right direction but unfortunately it didn't pan out, but only a complete tool would...


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