Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: Jango
: Forum Suggestions & Help 09-04-2021, 02:19 AM
: 75
: 32,184
Happy Thank you Varrok! I have joined now. ...

Thank you Varrok! I have joined now.

Thanks for explaining Nate. Makes sense. I was just 14 when I joined OWF, and it's funny looking back now aged 26 :happy: I'm just glad it's still around...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 08-27-2021, 12:46 AM
: 75
: 32,184
Native Hey guys, Is OWF really going to end? It...

Hey guys,

Is OWF really going to end? It makes me really sad to think that it would stop sometime soon. As a teenager I used to logon to here every day to see all the new updates, Paul's editor,...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 08-27-2021, 12:46 AM
: 75
: 32,184
(Please delete this post, accidentally posted...

(Please delete this post, accidentally posted twice)
: Oddworld Discussion 03-10-2014, 05:48 AM
: 62
: 9,726
I agree with the OP - I reckon Oddysee has a much...

I agree with the OP - I reckon Oddysee has a much better atmosphere to it. The music and the levels feel more darker and downbeat than in Exodus, and I think that it works really well. Both games are...
: Oddworld Discussion 05-09-2013, 09:16 AM
: 29
: 3,449
Happy Nice thread btw :) I was only four years old...

Nice thread btw :)

I was only four years old when I first came across Oddysee, back in 1999. Me and my brother used to watch our mum play the demo version (just like on the video above), and used...
: Oddworld Discussion 11-12-2012, 01:24 PM
: 454
: 63,915
I must say, this thing does look really awesome....

I must say, this thing does look really awesome. Can't wait to see it for Christmas 2013! :)
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 11-12-2012, 12:52 PM
: 2,387
: 358,723
Happy Nice to visit back here :)

Hey guys,

I'm sorry I haven't posted here in a long while, but I'm genuinely really pleased to see that this thread is still going strong. :)

Having a look through I can see some really good...
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 11-09-2011, 07:14 AM
: 2,387
: 358,723
Yeah, I look forward to the playable level of...

Yeah, I look forward to the playable level of that. :) Simple, but interesting stuff.
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 11-06-2011, 03:52 AM
: 2,387
: 358,723
That looks really awesome. Keep at it! :)

That looks really awesome. Keep at it! :)
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 11-04-2011, 09:51 AM
: 2
: 2,859
Don't bother making new threads when posting...

Don't bother making new threads when posting stuff about Level Editing, or the page will get clogged up - post all your stuff about it on THIS THREAD:
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 10-28-2011, 05:06 AM
: 15
: 10,436
UPDATE #4 By: 'BoneStorm' Game:...


By: 'BoneStorm'

Game: Exoddus.
Level: Slig Barracks.
Difficulty: Medium.
Download: http://filesmelt.com/dl/BA.zip
Information: "some sligs are glitchy".
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 10-28-2011, 03:27 AM
: 2,387
: 358,723
Your r1.lvl doesn't seem as hard as your other...

Your r1.lvl doesn't seem as hard as your other ones! But still, a brilliant level to play. :)

: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 10-28-2011, 03:23 AM
: 10
: 3,561
They didn't have Hypercam in 1997, did they? o.O

They didn't have Hypercam in 1997, did they? o.O
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 10-28-2011, 03:20 AM
: 78
: 37,653
Now I know how you felt two years ago Paul. :P

Now I know how you felt two years ago Paul. :P
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 10-27-2011, 03:52 AM
: 78
: 37,653
Happy Okay, BlackVenom - I 100% take back everything I...

Okay, BlackVenom - I 100% take back everything I said before about "doing a new AO would be better than doing a new AE"... because that video shows FANTASTIC work, and I'm really pleased with what...
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 09-05-2011, 07:44 AM
: 15
: 10,436
UPDATE #3: By: 'skychase2rebirth' ...


By: 'skychase2rebirth'

Level: Stockyard Escape.
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?0x3s2qupqblpeu8

Level: RuptureFarms II - Zulags 1 (partially), 2 and 3 (complete)....
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 08-09-2011, 05:45 AM
: 2,387
: 358,723
Ok guys, I'm really sorry for the long wait...

Ok guys, I'm really sorry for the long wait without posting anything here for a while...I'm afraid that I have to disappiont you, regarding the level that I said that I would make... :/ My computer...
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 06-20-2011, 08:09 AM
: 2,387
: 358,723
Don't worry, there will be. :)

Don't worry, there will be. :)
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 06-20-2011, 05:41 AM
: 2,387
: 358,723
You prefer it to be harder? In that case... :) ...

You prefer it to be harder? In that case... :)

- The first 10-15 screens will be MEDIUM - so about as difficult as RuptureFarms II was normally. This area is more of an introduction to the level...
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 06-18-2011, 02:34 PM
: 277
: 62,659
Happy Hi Paul, do you think you could possibly release...

Hi Paul, do you think you could possibly release a new editor version, with just the Collision Items grid-lock feature, within the next week please?

Because I'm planning to make a level over the...
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 06-18-2011, 02:26 PM
: 2,387
: 358,723
Happy Hahahaha, that's funny. I really underestimated...

Hahahaha, that's funny. I really underestimated the difficulty of that first level when I made it! :)

But don't worry, this time I'll make the level easier. It'll be EASY/MEDIUM difficulty in the...
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 06-17-2011, 03:39 AM
: 2,387
: 358,723
Happy Maybe the atmosphere in Oddworld wouldn't allow...

Maybe the atmosphere in Oddworld wouldn't allow the radioactive cloud travel such a distance?...I don't know. We could say that this is the Mudokon's last resort before the Glukkons destroy all of...
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 06-17-2011, 01:47 AM
: 2,387
: 358,723
Thanks, and yeah, I'll try making my own simple...

Thanks, and yeah, I'll try making my own simple .CAMs. I'm busy at the moment (my exams finish in a week), but I should have the time to do it over my 10-week summer holiday! :)

This Nuclear...
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 06-16-2011, 07:17 AM
: 2,387
: 358,723
Once Paul has finished his new editor version, I...

Once Paul has finished his new editor version, I will try to make my own level (as collision items would be easier to edit).

I have an idea, and the theme would be (because it is the 25th...
: Oddworld Discussion 06-16-2011, 07:08 AM
: 62
: 9,995
Happy I agree with both of yours. There are loads more...

I agree with both of yours. There are loads more I can think of! :)

Mudokon => Human,
Fleech => Leech,
Slurg => Slug,
Elum => Camel,
Zulag => Gulag,
Paramite => Pestimite?,
Bat => Bat...
: Welcomes & Birthdays 06-10-2011, 01:35 PM
: 26
: 2,910
Hi there, and welcome back. You left just as I...

Hi there, and welcome back. You left just as I joined! :)

He hasn't missed anything? I don't mean to be rude or anything but...

What about the huge breakthrough in Oddworld Level Editing? I...
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 06-10-2011, 08:11 AM
: 54
: 22,087
It would be awesome if you could do that, amongst...

It would be awesome if you could do that, amongst the other things you are planning. Thanks Paul. :)
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 06-10-2011, 07:18 AM
: 2,387
: 358,723
I think both Tadimo and gishygleb's levels are...

I think both Tadimo and gishygleb's levels are truly fantastic! These are how variations should be. :)

@Tadimo: I love the full and proper level, and it has that great 'first-time playing'...
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 06-10-2011, 06:05 AM
: 15
: 10,436
UPDATE #2: By: 'gishygleb' Level:...


By: 'gishygleb'

Level: Stockyard Escape.
Difficulty: Medium-Hard.
Download: http://filesmelt.com/dl/Stockyards_Edited_Cams.rar
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIH4k-6M5ro...
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 06-03-2011, 12:22 PM
: 277
: 62,659
Happy Sounds great Paul! As usual. :)

Sounds great Paul! As usual. :)


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