Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: STM
: Oddworld Discussion 04-13-2022, 12:09 PM
: 14
: 26,596
Varrok if you thought NnT was shit why on god's...

Varrok if you thought NnT was shit why on god's sweet earth did you play it three times? I thought it was OK and I haven't even completed it twice.
: Oddworld RPG 04-13-2022, 12:01 AM
: 2
: 17,547
i am roleplaying as someone who likes oddworld

stranger wrath is my favourite game in the series its just like rdr2 i hope the in the next oddworld game Lorne decides to make it with a big open world like rdr.

i love the clakkerz they are so...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 04-12-2022, 03:57 AM
: 29
: 10,373
Onwards into the dusk that harkens a new...

Onwards into the dusk that harkens a new tomorrow, tovarisches.
: Oddworld Discussion 04-12-2022, 12:17 AM
: 33
: 22,872
Exactly as it should have been.

Exactly as it should have been.
: Forum Suggestions & Help 04-11-2022, 12:24 PM
: 125
: 44,734
I have come to forgive my younger self. Someone...

I have come to forgive my younger self. Someone had to.
: Forum Suggestions & Help 04-11-2022, 12:33 AM
: 29
: 10,373
Well if anyone wants to stay in touch, my Discord...

Well if anyone wants to stay in touch, my Discord is Goýa#6747. I'm not on there much but there you go. I also have Twitter but you'll have to DM for that one.

e: oh so I guess vBulletin doesn't...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 04-10-2022, 07:36 AM
: 29
: 10,373
I don't get it, if it's not getting deleted or...

I don't get it, if it's not getting deleted or shut down what's the point in turning off posting? Does it prevent further decay?
: Off-Topic Discussion 04-06-2022, 05:47 AM
: 11
: 4,817
To be fair that's true. I do love that they've...

To be fair that's true. I do love that they've been able to bring some characterisation and, I suppose, explore the tragedy of their fall in more detail. I think what I disliked most about the...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 04-06-2022, 05:41 AM
: 125
: 44,734
No exclusions. We love nice, kind Nepsotic.

No exclusions. We love nice, kind Nepsotic.
: Off-Topic Discussion 04-06-2022, 12:07 AM
: 11
: 4,817
It says "I am STM." Then next line, "I like...

It says "I am STM." Then next line, "I like Warhammer."

Apparently Google shits the bed when you transliterate anything in Farsi, lol.

I collect necrons and death guard, although I haven't...
: Off-Topic Discussion 04-04-2022, 05:18 AM
: 11
: 4,817
Hey I've been getting into 40K again a little...

Hey I've been getting into 40K again a little more recently too. I'm also learning farsi and working on a photography project.
.من ستم م

.من دوست ورمسر درام

@MA trust you to get into the...
: Welcomes & Birthdays 04-02-2022, 02:48 AM
: 7
: 3,909
Hey Mike! Long time no speak, hit me up on IG...

Hey Mike! Long time no speak, hit me up on IG sometime for a catch up!

Cheers broski <3
: Welcomes & Birthdays 03-30-2022, 12:23 AM
: 7
: 3,909
thanks guys, love you all dearly <3

thanks guys, love you all dearly <3
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-27-2022, 01:16 PM
: 13
: 4,008
Gimme de bussy

Gimme de bussy
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-27-2022, 06:27 AM
: 13
: 4,008
Wait so can I get the bussy pics anyway or what?

Wait so can I get the bussy pics anyway or what?
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-26-2022, 05:33 PM
: 13
: 4,008

: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-26-2022, 03:41 AM
: 125
: 44,734
Mate we've all debated people that are more...

Mate we've all debated people that are more insufferable for much less on this site.

Sigma attitude.
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-25-2022, 01:30 PM
: 125
: 44,734
I fucking love that there's beef right at the end...

I fucking love that there's beef right at the end of the forum's life. This is what it's all about: a bunch of moody degenerate cunts. This is what made OWF what it was. This is how men were forged....
: Welcomes & Birthdays 03-23-2022, 01:21 AM
: 3
: 3,145
Happy Birthday Crashpunk!

You'll be forever cherished in my heart as the bloke who brought us the joy of CRAZY Oddworld.

Sleep well, sweet prince.
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-20-2022, 11:33 AM
: 125
: 44,734
Nate doesn't even care about the rules any more....

Nate doesn't even care about the rules any more. This place has gone to shit.
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-18-2022, 01:45 AM
: 125
: 44,734
Ello Job!

Ello Job!
: Off-Topic Discussion 03-17-2022, 05:22 AM
: 14
: 5,389
I miss internet forums, man. There aren't many...

I miss internet forums, man. There aren't many active ones left. Even the juggernauts of the noughties/10s like NMA are on the way out.
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-17-2022, 05:19 AM
: 20
: 5,566
Another 3 years and I could have made it to 10K...

Another 3 years and I could have made it to 10K posts. :(
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-16-2022, 02:02 PM
: 125
: 44,734
MA, I will finish my necrum theme if you do a...

MA, I will finish my necrum theme if you do a commemorative edition of SLIGS WEIRD.
: Oddworld Discussion 03-15-2022, 02:12 AM
: 33
: 22,872
What if we made our own Soulstorm, with drugs...

What if we made our own Soulstorm, with drugs (Soulstorm brew) and hookers (BBW super queen Sam/Skillya VR action)?
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-14-2022, 04:28 AM
: 20
: 5,566
Nate, I'll do the theme if you want to spend the...

Nate, I'll do the theme if you want to spend the time implementing it. The masses have spoken. What do you mean it's a waste of time, you've got nothing else to do!

I wonder if I still have...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-12-2022, 01:39 AM
: 20
: 5,566
Switching to Honeybee permanently while there's...

Switching to Honeybee permanently while there's still time.

Do you think it's too late to finish my necrum theme?
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-11-2022, 02:36 PM
: 20
: 5,566
I didn't even think about changing from native....

I didn't even think about changing from native. I've been using it since 2008 and...actually forgot there are other themes.
: Welcomes & Birthdays 03-06-2022, 05:35 AM
: 9
: 3,470
welcompe birthdapy

welcompe birthdapy
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-06-2022, 05:34 AM
: 125
: 44,734
Before the forums close I'd like to say, well,...

Before the forums close I'd like to say, well, it's been a pleasure. To those of you left, here at the end of the world, you'll always be in my memories. <3


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