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: Posts Made By: Chronicler
: Oddworld RPG 07-12-2010, 05:19 PM
: 165
: 43,180
As soon as she caught her breath, Hydra snickered...

As soon as she caught her breath, Hydra snickered at Koimo's little, perhaps expected question. "Kamikaze spell. Ya blow up ta bits, but reform at another location. Essentially, a wierd teleport. I...
: Oddworld RPG 07-06-2010, 03:14 PM
: 165
: 43,180
Hydra chuckled a little at Koimo. "Heheh. Sounds...

Hydra chuckled a little at Koimo. "Heheh. Sounds like something we all should've done! Would've been a nice laugh. Heh." The grubb was about to answer back to a yelling Athena's request, but a few...
: Oddworld RPG 07-04-2010, 04:48 AM
: 165
: 43,180
OOC: Waiting for Mr. Odd to post so that Hoss and...

OOC: Waiting for Mr. Odd to post so that Hoss and Mafisto have something to do buuuuut ....

IC: Hydra facepalmed herself in annoyance as the outlaw took a few steps back. This won't be good! Sure...
: Oddworld RPG 06-04-2010, 10:01 PM
: 165
: 43,180
Hoss's eyes went big. Not big in amazement, and...

Hoss's eyes went big. Not big in amazement, and not big over the explosives Carbide so easily tossed in, but at the band of Outlaws heading towards them ..... The brutish reptiles were circling he,...
: Oddworld RPG 05-29-2010, 08:32 AM
: 165
: 43,180
OOC: Of course u can join! I'll edit this post...

OOC: Of course u can join! I'll edit this post with my characters by tomorrow. A little busy right now.
: Oddworld RPG 05-21-2010, 03:05 PM
: 165
: 43,180
OOC: Sorry for EXTREME lateness. Some replies...

OOC: Sorry for EXTREME lateness. Some replies will seem either too short or too long.

Hoss's stubby legs began shaking under pressure. A slig holding a gun to his face! There was little he knew...
: Oddworld RPG 05-07-2010, 10:26 PM
: 165
: 43,180
The Wolvark listened half-patiently with what...

The Wolvark listened half-patiently with what this slig, Carbide had to say. Explosives? That sort of thing can be useful, but definitley isn't needed that often. Boss Hoss was suspiscious of most...
: Oddworld RPG 04-30-2010, 09:29 PM
: 165
: 43,180
Hoss greedily smacked his lips as he looked on....

Hoss greedily smacked his lips as he looked on. Pure. Rich. Heavenly .... But then Larz's voice tore through into Hoss's ears. The Wolvark was about to answer, but suddenly, this new slig creature...
: Oddworld RPG 04-24-2010, 12:15 PM
: 165
: 43,180
Hoss's dull eyes were penetrated by a small...

Hoss's dull eyes were penetrated by a small tingle. A tingle similair to the scattered diamond bits and peices that have been rubbled by the blast. He examined the shiny rocks from glance, but then...
: Oddworld RPG 04-19-2010, 03:37 PM
: 165
: 43,180
Boss Hoss's eyes widened and his pupils shot...

Boss Hoss's eyes widened and his pupils shot straight at the diamond in Larz's grubby green fingers. ".... R-real diamonds? R-r-reeeeal real diamonds?" Immediatley, the wolvark snatched away the...
: Oddworld RPG 04-17-2010, 09:03 AM
: 165
: 43,180
OOC: This is a hydraulic mining operation, yes,...

OOC: This is a hydraulic mining operation, yes, but it isn't unheard of to blast some rocks from a safe distance from the operation to get what you think might be within, so this is good.

IC: Hoss...
: Oddworld RPG 04-15-2010, 06:25 PM
: 165
: 43,180
OOC: For the NPCs, we can't have too many of them...

OOC: For the NPCs, we can't have too many of them at once if you're suggesting an Outlaw invasion. The most I'd allow for something like that (unless someone can persuade me otherwise) is 3 other NPC...
: Oddworld RPG 04-14-2010, 06:01 PM
: 165
: 43,180
OOC: With the current number of miners, it's...

OOC: With the current number of miners, it's probably a good idea if we acknowledge NPCs, but just leave them nameless and unimportant.

Hoss, after traversing through a walk down the forest and a...
: Oddworld RPG 04-11-2010, 09:27 AM
: 165
: 43,180
OOC: As Mafisto or Hoss? Anyhow, I think it's...

OOC: As Mafisto or Hoss? Anyhow, I think it's best if we start the mining already.

IC: Hoss didn't like the looks of that big fem slig. As a general rule, people he started rough with who were...
: Oddworld RPG 04-07-2010, 09:33 AM
: 165
: 43,180
OOC: I'm buzy at the moment, so I'll be skipping...

OOC: I'm buzy at the moment, so I'll be skipping Hoss's turn. And, for the record, the grubb's name isn't Aqua, it's Hydra.

IC: Hydra felt a bit less freaked out when she found out this "big sis"...
: Oddworld RPG 04-05-2010, 03:28 PM
: 165
: 43,180
Hoss, still low to the general store's wooden...

Hoss, still low to the general store's wooden floor, looked around in fright. No other gunshots. No killers after his rear end. He stood up, dusting himself off. His strange act seemed to have caught...
: Oddworld RPG 04-04-2010, 08:45 AM
: 165
: 43,180
IC: "Oh ... Yes ... Larz of course ..." Hoss...

IC: "Oh ... Yes ... Larz of course ..." Hoss muttered out the miners' name without much real care. "Eeeeh ... nah. I'll jus' git the stuff maself. Thanks anyway." With the authority of a big boss,...
: Oddworld RPG 04-03-2010, 12:19 PM
: 165
: 43,180
OOC: I should have mentioned this earlier, but...

OOC: I should have mentioned this earlier, but this Outlaw gang is leaderless. Decisions are made simply through who's stronger or more likable.

IC: The front door swung open. From his wooden...
: Oddworld RPG 04-02-2010, 11:33 PM
: 165
: 43,180
OOC: I pretty much agree with Enchilado on this...

OOC: I pretty much agree with Enchilado on this one. Athena doesn't seem like such a bad character for a site that isn't rpg-focused, but posessing several submachine guns, grenades, and mines seems...
: Oddworld RPG 04-02-2010, 09:07 PM
: 165
: 43,180
OOC: Looks good so far. Now we may start! Prepare...

OOC: Looks good so far. Now we may start! Prepare for long intro.

6:00 AM The sun is just finally out

The day was starting out with some slight winds with a few chills. Dust and...
: Oddworld RPG 04-01-2010, 03:46 PM
: 165
: 43,180
Well, this still is actually mining. That's what...

Well, this still is actually mining. That's what hydraulics are. Now, putting things in simpler words, it's aiming high-powered jets of water from hoses at the sides of a cliff or some other...
: Oddworld RPG 03-31-2010, 02:44 PM
: 165
: 43,180
Mine over Matter

Story: Up on a tall, looming mountain covered in forests exists a small, hidden underworld society of many cretins. Outlaws, murderers, thieves, and con artists have attacked many nearby towns,...
: Oddworld RPG 10-09-2009, 09:55 PM
: 852
: 88,192
OOC: Yeah, I'm very late. But, that's the past. ...

OOC: Yeah, I'm very late. But, that's the past.

IC: Skullik stood in a still stance like a hulking gargoyle. The behemoth looked dowward at Anni and Jim. He didn't know much about these two muds,...
: Oddworld RPG 09-15-2009, 03:22 PM
: 852
: 88,192
OOC: I will force myself to get Uggs in soon. ...

OOC: I will force myself to get Uggs in soon.

IC: Skullik felt a little stupid. Such a simple detail like Anni's eye roll felt like a major slap in his outlaw face .... He soon forgot though, as...
: Oddworld RPG 09-11-2009, 08:21 PM
: 852
: 88,192
IC: Skullik went dull and started to scratch...

IC: Skullik went dull and started to scratch behind his large horns. He was trying to think over the whole basement thing. Seems that Abe guy's actions were big. But, not as perfected as the crimes...
: Oddworld RPG 08-29-2009, 06:49 AM
: 852
: 88,192
IC: Skullik took a small, mental note of this...

IC: Skullik took a small, mental note of this "Somi" and specially the basement here. So, wild animals were kept in the basement? Or were they city-slicker pets? Were they stored there by this...
: Oddworld RPG 08-26-2009, 08:22 AM
: 148
: 17,538
OOC: As I was waiting to see if we were still in...

OOC: As I was waiting to see if we were still in on this thing. :D

IC: Azkiz woke from his sleep. His eyes drowzilly began to bulge again. The musklum slowly got up, still pressing his back...
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-23-2009, 02:30 PM
: 118
: 7,602
I'm suprised the "maybe" option doesn't have the...

I'm suprised the "maybe" option doesn't have the most votes so far ...
: Oddworld RPG 08-22-2009, 09:00 AM
: 148
: 17,538
OOC: Well, it would make much more sense if she...

OOC: Well, it would make much more sense if she was talking to Lubbent, since he's talking to both Ly and Noah right now. So, she's not talking to Frank.
: Oddworld RPG 08-22-2009, 03:17 AM
: 148
: 17,538
"Huuuuh?" Azkiz lazily woke himself up and looked...

"Huuuuh?" Azkiz lazily woke himself up and looked around the hallway ... Yup. It was still a hallway ... "Ooooooh ..." The musklum floated back into his dream....


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