Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: Oddey
: Oddworld Discussion 04-12-2022, 12:58 AM
: 33
: 22,898
It was meant to be.

It was meant to be.
: Forum Suggestions & Help 04-11-2022, 10:35 PM
: 125
: 44,869
After Nate found a switch to kill most of the...

After Nate found a switch to kill most of the power...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 04-11-2022, 12:28 PM
: 29
: 10,406
Is this the last post?

Is this the last post?
: Off-Topic Discussion 04-04-2022, 08:22 AM
: 11
: 4,835
My sister's very into Warhammer stuff, ever since...

My sister's very into Warhammer stuff, ever since she realized she could paint the miniatures but not have to play with them.

She's quite happy to do that. And 3D print imitations or setpieces to...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-26-2022, 11:19 PM
: 125
: 44,869
Not Quake as such, but I do dream about...

Not Quake as such, but I do dream about bunnyhopping at mach 1 sometimes.
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-26-2022, 06:51 AM
: 125
: 44,869
This is the best season finale we've ever seen....

This is the best season finale we've ever seen. All because I had a dream about OWF.
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-22-2022, 12:35 AM
: 125
: 44,869
I had a dream that I hopped on owforums.net and...

I had a dream that I hopped on owforums.net and everything worked. Then I checked the URL and it was oddworldforums.net, having been redirected. There was a post from Nate explaining that in a...
: Oddworld Discussion 01-28-2022, 08:01 AM
: 33
: 22,898
The funny thing is that you could say that about...

The funny thing is that you could say that about MO too and be just as disappointed!
: Off-Topic Discussion 01-10-2022, 07:05 AM
: 14
: 5,399
Maybe it's because we don't have a sex thread...

Maybe it's because we don't have a sex thread right now that the forums are in such straits. I mean, has anyone tried to make a sex thread recently?
: Off-Topic Discussion 12-15-2021, 07:21 AM
: 14
: 5,399
In short, content. All of the internet revolves...

In short, content. All of the internet revolves around content, curated and selected by some arbitrary process, whether it be upvotes, likes or just a plain old algorithm. Forums don't use that. Oh...
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-30-2021, 05:05 AM
: 2
: 4,410
... a message that is probably three years late,...

... a message that is probably three years late, EVP, but sure, plenty of folks here to join Discord.
: Oddworld Discussion 07-20-2021, 12:58 AM
: 33
: 22,898
You hate SoulStorm, but you have it easy; I hate...

You hate SoulStorm, but you have it easy; I hate Oddworld.
: Forum Suggestions & Help 07-11-2021, 12:46 PM
: 75
: 32,204
I have names. Stranger's Maid Skillyaslig ...

I have names.

Stranger's Maid
Moosh da Outlaw

It's tempting to flippantly reject any and all nostalgia and love for this forum and its members. But it...
: Forum Suggestions & Help 11-18-2020, 10:18 PM
: 5
: 3,752
I've been here quite a long time. Oddworld Forums...

I've been here quite a long time. Oddworld Forums holds a special place in my memory.

Let it go.

Let me explain my reasoning. Forums are, fundamentally, not the hub of internet discourse and...
: Off-Topic Discussion 10-25-2020, 11:49 PM
: 49
: 13,601
The sex rant aside, I have a response. ...

The sex rant aside, I have a response.

That's what most people seem to want. Your shit comments get lost in the woodwork, but your good ones stand out forever and get enough virtual...
: Off-Topic Discussion 10-24-2020, 01:50 PM
: 49
: 13,601
Most new Oddworld fans will go to Reddit. Not...

Most new Oddworld fans will go to Reddit. Not some obscure outdated forum full of entrenched members like us. Sad as it is to admit (or isn't sad, I'm not sure which) the forum is really not a...
: Oddworld Discussion 10-06-2020, 12:45 PM
: 26
: 11,723
"N'ai don' know 'bout a hillbilly chicken but... ...

"N'ai don' know 'bout a hillbilly chicken but...

N'ai like cornbreaad."
: Oddworld Discussion 10-06-2020, 02:06 AM
: 26
: 11,723
You tell that whippersnapper, MA. SW was a good...

You tell that whippersnapper, MA. SW was a good time all around.
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-26-2020, 01:15 AM
: 41
: 12,578
I imagine you've been waiting nearly 20 years for...

I imagine you've been waiting nearly 20 years for this moment.
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-25-2020, 11:14 AM
: 41
: 12,578
I'm not sure that Varrok's point is so much that...

I'm not sure that Varrok's point is so much that smoking, drinking or DUI is comparable to coronavirus, so much as it is an attempt to expand upon Dixandu's point that there are "worse things to die...
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-21-2020, 12:38 AM
: 49
: 13,601
Did we ever really want new members?

Did we ever really want new members?
: Oddworld Discussion 08-08-2020, 12:03 AM
: 10
: 7,762
I heard both.

I heard both.
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-28-2020, 03:30 AM
: 41
: 12,578
First, the reports came out of China that they...

First, the reports came out of China that they were erecting a hospital in just a week to house the sick and infected. I dismissed it as typical media palaver, designed to work people into a frenzy...
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-07-2020, 12:45 AM
: 22
: 5,972
Notice how you only started saying that after...

Notice how you only started saying that after your corneas burned out?

Good god, it's like talking to Mr. Darcy and his 30000 pound estate in Victorian England, wantonly pining for Ms. Bingley...
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-06-2020, 10:54 PM
: 22
: 5,972
Regardless of your reasons, I'll be sure to mark...

Regardless of your reasons, I'll be sure to mark a vote for STM across the board, along with MA. And obviously also log ASR's votes.

It's Oddworld Forums Awards because 90% of the people eligible...
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-04-2020, 11:25 AM
: 49
: 13,601
You know, this might be the last place I still...

You know, this might be the last place I still use my second oldest password ever. Somehow I feel that's significant enough to be worth mentioning. I've been here since 2007, probably around October,...
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-03-2020, 11:33 AM
: 22
: 5,972
The 2020 Oddworld Forums Awards (Now Hosted Primarily on Discord)

So, while I haven't bothered to format it for the forums just yet (and probably won't either, because that's a lot of effort for the four or so people that only use the forums and rarely as hell)...
: Off-Topic Discussion 06-19-2020, 01:35 AM
: 49
: 13,601
I'd prefer using the forums over Discord. I like...

I'd prefer using the forums over Discord. I like the way forums work, compared to Discord's instant replies. It allows for more time to ruminate on an appropriate response. Discord gets better laughs...
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-14-2019, 09:39 PM
: 6
: 4,884
My Silent Hill would be called Nomosa Springs. ...

My Silent Hill would be called Nomosa Springs.

It would be a small city, large enough to get lost in, but not so large that you wouldn’t be able to get out eventually. It would be located in the...
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-13-2019, 04:57 AM
: 6
: 4,884
Your "Silent Hill"

Inspired by an old thread: http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=17292&highlight=silent+hill

The idea is the same as in the old thread. Describe a setting that derives from your desires,...


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