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: Posts Made By: OddjobAbe
: Oddworld Discussion 09-17-2020, 12:21 AM
: 26
: 11,704
The brief screen at the end says it's on PS4 and...

The brief screen at the end says it's on PS4 and PS5, is console exclusive for a limited time, and also available on PC
: Oddworld Discussion 09-16-2020, 03:29 PM
: 26
: 11,704
It's actually been a few years since I've...

It's actually been a few years since I've anticipated a game's release, but I'm looking forward to seeing what they've come up with for this. Looks good
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-25-2020, 01:51 PM
: 41
: 12,554
It was a bit of a shitstorm over here, because...

It was a bit of a shitstorm over here, because the chief scientific advisor outlined that one of the desired outcomes of the Government's strategy of doing piss-all...
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-25-2020, 09:31 AM
: 41
: 12,554
As MA has pointed out, there's no equivalence...

As MA has pointed out, there's no equivalence between those issues and covid-19. You also can't argue that concern for covid-19 is supplanting concern for those issues, because there are existing ...
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-25-2020, 01:23 AM
: 41
: 12,554
But the examples you gave largely involve a...

But the examples you gave largely involve a significant degree of personal choice and have a much longer history than covid-19.

Not really comparable, though - people who go to pubs are...
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-24-2020, 12:27 PM
: 41
: 12,554
We do - that's why there are drinking guidelines,...

We do - that's why there are drinking guidelines, health warnings on cigarette packets and a highway code (and DUI laws). But this has nothing to do with covid-19.

Cynical though I often am, in...
: Oddworld Discussion 08-23-2020, 01:34 PM
: 14
: 9,802
I played MO a lot. The gameplay wasn't as...

I played MO a lot. The gameplay wasn't as polished as the Abe games or Stranger by any stretch, but I enjoyed most of it. I also think they struck quite a good tone in terms of the balance between...
: Off-Topic Discussion 06-16-2020, 02:29 AM
: 19
: 7,766
Sounds novel - a bit different to my usual bitter...

Sounds novel - a bit different to my usual bitter acquaintance, but I enjoy a latte (very middle-class of me, I know), so I might appreciate the sweetness. Let's hope it hits.

Sounds like my...
: Off-Topic Discussion 06-15-2020, 03:13 PM
: 19
: 7,766
Azera's fairly good, but it's still just dirty...

Azera's fairly good, but it's still just dirty instant. A pot of Taylor's Lava Java is what you want for a much more aesthetically pleasing heart-attack.
: Welcomes & Birthdays 06-14-2020, 06:01 AM
: 4
: 5,041
AlexFili - Birthday Notification

Dear Mr. Fili,

I am writing to notify you that your birthday has been observed and is currently under review by the forums. We will further notify you once consenus has been reached on which...
: Oddworld Discussion 06-11-2020, 04:41 PM
: 32
: 16,113
This looks worth the wait.

This looks worth the wait.
: Off-Topic Discussion 06-11-2020, 04:37 PM
: 10
: 4,556
I've not seen AlexFili for ages

I've not seen AlexFili for ages
: Welcomes & Birthdays 04-13-2020, 02:27 PM
: 46
: 17,944
Hobo. Who else?

Hobo. Who else?
: Welcomes & Birthdays 04-04-2020, 10:47 AM
: 46
: 17,944
I thought the Native/Industrial theme argument...

I thought the Native/Industrial theme argument would be here right up until the end of the world as well, but it will also be banished to irrelevance.
: Off-Topic Discussion 03-26-2020, 04:01 PM
: 19
: 7,766
Dirty, abyss-black coffee is my preference - not...

Dirty, abyss-black coffee is my preference - not a massive fan of instant, but works when I can't be bothered cleaning my cafetiere. Not too big on tea, but I do like chamomile quite a lot - a bit...
: Welcomes & Birthdays 03-24-2020, 05:06 PM
: 46
: 17,944
Rest in pieces.

Rest in pieces.
: Welcomes & Birthdays 03-21-2020, 06:12 PM
: 11
: 4,299
Happy brithday.

Happy brithday.
: Off-Topic Discussion 10-26-2019, 05:49 AM
: 22
: 10,117
Found the same thing with rabbits - because of...

Found the same thing with rabbits - because of their sensitive digestive system, they're regarded as exotic pets, and contrary to Warner Bros' insistence, carrots aren't the best thing for them.

: Off-Topic Discussion 10-24-2019, 03:21 AM
: 22
: 10,117
Never owned one, but I like them - a friend once...

Never owned one, but I like them - a friend once almost bought one on a whim, but I advised against spontaneously buying an exotic pet without first knowing how to look after it...

On a totally...
: Necrum Burial Grounds 08-29-2019, 04:47 AM
: 13
: 28,811
It's only lucky if it's not constant. Which, on...

It's only lucky if it's not constant. Which, on reflection, it hasn't been.
: Oddworld Discussion 08-28-2019, 04:02 PM
: 34
: 17,323
I take your point on that - the sense I get from...

I take your point on that - the sense I get from those sorts of puzzles tends to be one of relief rather than satisfaction. It can be quite fun to finally nail it down, but the repetition does quite...
: Oddworld Discussion 08-28-2019, 03:13 AM
: 34
: 17,323
To be fair, in AE, some of the puzzles leave...

To be fair, in AE, some of the puzzles leave essentially zero room for the slightest error - I'm thinking of the secret where you have to trap the scrab behind a barrier, lead the mudokons onto the...
: Oddworld Discussion 08-27-2019, 11:55 AM
: 34
: 17,323
Yeah, it was good that it offered the player a...

Yeah, it was good that it offered the player a choice. I knew a few people who played AO on PS1 and they never got past Rupture Farms (in fact, one of them gave me the game for that reason...), so...
: Oddworld Discussion 08-27-2019, 07:32 AM
: 34
: 17,323
The hardest one - I didn't like the idea of...

The hardest one - I didn't like the idea of having "health", it seemed a bit too forgiving for a game that I felt was about precision. I struggled to come to terms with the lack of a grid for the...
: Oddworld Discussion 08-26-2019, 04:14 AM
: 34
: 17,323
Lovely to see Nep mellowing in his old age! ...

Lovely to see Nep mellowing in his old age!

I was ok with the save system in NnT, although if the saws and UXBs weren't difficult to deal with, I'd have preferred a checkpoint system like AO's...
: Necrum Burial Grounds 08-11-2019, 06:12 PM
: 13
: 28,811
Unfortunately, I don't have a garden, but it has...

Unfortunately, I don't have a garden, but it has been an interesting mixture of relentless sun and Biblical downpour. Needless to say, the sky-piss coincides absolutely fucking perfectly with the...
: Necrum Burial Grounds 08-10-2019, 02:38 AM
: 13
: 28,811
Nice weather we've been having.

Nice weather we've been having.
: Welcomes & Birthdays 08-10-2019, 02:37 AM
: 4
: 3,908
Welcome back, Mr. King.

Welcome back, Mr. King.
: Welcomes & Birthdays 03-06-2019, 10:53 AM
: 17
: 5,787
Happy belated one.

Happy belated one.
: Oddworld Discussion 12-20-2018, 05:03 AM
: 33
: 10,690
I liked the Playstation controls - at first it...

I liked the Playstation controls - at first it takes a while to get the Gamespeak commands in muscle memory, but since all of the buttons are sitting under all of my fingers at all times, it feels...


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