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: Posts Made By: theoryseventeen
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-23-2006, 10:26 AM
: 39
: 4,124
Because they were English school girls? I wonder...

Because they were English school girls? I wonder if Japanese school girls would kick English school girl butt in a googlefight... *ponders*
: Oddworld Discussion 05-23-2006, 06:43 AM
: 112
: 8,481
Slig. Purely because I want to be able to sleep...

Slig. Purely because I want to be able to sleep on the job, run like im on those japanese jumpy boots and if i ever fell to my death, it was would be hilarious the way I fall!
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-23-2006, 06:30 AM
: 39
: 4,124
I was pretty suprised that Lordi won actually,...

I was pretty suprised that Lordi won actually, not because they're not totally amazing but because normally some rubbish pop act wins. All good for Lordi! However, the UK act made me want to vomit...
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-23-2006, 06:21 AM
: 43
: 3,914
I'm not one of those that would pay money to see...

I'm not one of those that would pay money to see Madonna in concert i'm afraid! Frankly, that "Hung Up" video with *those* tights, it scared me half to death ;)
: Welcomes & Birthdays 05-23-2006, 06:17 AM
: 3
: 661
Happy Heyarr.

Hello, I'm Emma. Yesyes. I was sent in this general direction by Godlesswanderer. I play guitar and stuffs. Soulstorm brew doesn't seem very appealing to me when I really think about it. I better get...


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