Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: Theola
: Oddworld Discussion 05-08-2006, 05:27 PM
: 112
: 8,481
I picked Vykker. Having extra arms would...

I picked Vykker. Having extra arms would probably make doing things a lot easier, and they're the only race I can think of trying to forward the knowledge of science, even if they're going the wrong...
: Fan Corner 05-07-2006, 10:07 AM
: 172
: 15,247
Well, I did the outline in 30 seconds in paint,...

Well, I did the outline in 30 seconds in paint, and then spent about another 15 picking colors and adding the cigar smoke. Does that count? :P
: Oddworld Discussion 05-07-2006, 09:47 AM
: 19
: 1,912
Ah yes... not sure for those of you not in the...

Ah yes... not sure for those of you not in the USA, but here in the '90s MTV used to run freaky animated stuff late at night. Claymation, anime snippets, and random independent cartoons and stuff. ...
: Oddworld Discussion 05-07-2006, 09:03 AM
: 53
: 3,468
Probably in AO, the Monsaic Lines (I think that's...

Probably in AO, the Monsaic Lines (I think that's the name). All the chanting Mudokons everywhere, the prophetic story stones scattered around... the place just felt so cool and peaceful. Too bad...


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