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Posts Made By: Tathiel
: Oddworld Discussion
08-20-2004, 11:27 PM
: 54
: 4,211
Someone made a good point about there being...
Someone made a good point about there being paramite nests. I think theres only two reasons why there could be nests. The most obvious reason for having a nest is of course to keep your babies safe...
: Oddworld Discussion
08-18-2004, 01:40 AM
: 54
: 4,211
I can imagine them being breeding animals that...
I can imagine them being breeding animals that actually give birth to their young. I dunno why they just always seemed to be like that. Or maybe they do have queens. We just dont know which is why i...
: Oddworld Discussion
08-08-2004, 02:39 AM
: 54
: 4,211
Sounds like a good theory for the Scrabs. I do...
Sounds like a good theory for the Scrabs. I do wonder if Paramites if maybe they are social creatures aswell or if they just occasionally form small coalitions. They don't fight so they could very...
: Oddworld Discussion
08-04-2004, 11:37 AM
: 15
: 1,603
Glukkon Theory
Over the two weeks that the forums have been down i've been thinking of a theory that i have developed about Glukkons. We know/think (not sure if its been 100% true whatever) that there are no female...
: Necrum Burial Grounds
07-17-2004, 05:12 AM
: 797
: 48,971
: Oddworld Discussion
07-17-2004, 05:11 AM
: 54
: 4,211
: Off-Topic Discussion
07-17-2004, 12:18 AM
: 21
: 1,201
Woke up, rang friend, took my puppy to the vet...
Woke up, rang friend, took my puppy to the vet because he ate one of my socks whole, came home, lazed around, had tea, friends came over, dad sorted out gamecube for me and played on Resident Evil 0...
: Oddworld Discussion
07-17-2004, 12:13 AM
: 54
: 4,211
: Oddworld Discussion
07-16-2004, 07:22 AM
: 54
: 4,211
From what i've read they sound very similar to...
From what i've read they sound very similar to the social lives of lions (as ive also heard they are meant to like to aswell or something like that).
In a pride, there is always a large number of...
: Oddworld Discussion
07-15-2004, 11:02 PM
: 54
: 4,211
Scrabs and Paramites
I was thinking yesterday when i was playing AO (im new btw so hello everyone!) and i was thinking about the scrabs and paramites. Does anyone know how they breed like are there males and females or...
: Oddworld Discussion
07-15-2004, 10:56 PM
: 616
: 50,245