Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: Zoolag
: Oddworld Discussion 09-03-2001, 11:10 PM
: 31
: 3,725
Nope, ther's no place on the net. Get ur...

Nope, ther's no place on the net. Get ur Playstation fixed...if it still has the same problem...u may want to introduce it to a certain Mr Sledgehammer while using the magic words:

"Work you piece...
: Oddworld Discussion 09-03-2001, 09:57 PM
: 31
: 3,725
Yeh, u mite have 2 get a different copy or jus'...

Yeh, u mite have 2 get a different copy or jus' borrow 1. The CD mite be scratched in that part...
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-03-2001, 09:48 PM
: 40
: 3,073
I'm not saying u shud do that by the way...!!

I'm not saying u shud do that by the way...!!
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-03-2001, 09:46 PM
: 40
: 3,073
Personally i think u wud have more joy going...

Personally i think u wud have more joy going there and saying "Santa Claus is fake, ask your parents" then saying "Pokémon is shit"
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-03-2001, 09:39 PM
: 42
: 1,986
Yup, indeed u r v.lucky. So, i was drinking some...

Yup, indeed u r v.lucky. So, i was drinking some alkohol wiv some of my m8's and i get a idea. How about peeps classify otherz in the forum...now, this may sound stupid but personally i would find it...
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-03-2001, 09:25 PM
: 42
: 1,986

: Off-Topic Discussion 09-02-2001, 01:33 PM
: 117
: 4,892
Not really, its jus' the reason. Jus' cos i do...

Not really, its jus' the reason. Jus' cos i do sumat that will educate little children (Guaranteed...in a pritty harsh way) and sumat thats 4 the older peeps like teens, means i am breaking the...
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-02-2001, 01:17 PM
: 117
: 4,892
U have no Dignity do u...u actually went thr0 a...

U have no Dignity do u...u actually went thr0 a Dictionary to TRY and prove me wrong...O-M-D-L...i sooooo dont believe u did that...i dont understand wen peeps do that trying 2 blow otherz out cos...
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-02-2001, 01:10 PM
: 256
: 19,772
Peeps will really h8 me 4 saying...

Peeps will really h8 me 4 saying this...but...WHERE R THE POSES...blue scrab...ur cute...wot the hell r u doing in this place, u look like sum 1 i kn0...dont worry, she's gorg :D. I'm sorry, but the...
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-02-2001, 12:59 PM
: 117
: 4,892
Oh...i'm sorry, i must of mis-interpreted the...

Oh...i'm sorry, i must of mis-interpreted the part were u laughed...quite like this >>HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA<<

Thinking u was being rude...but obviously u wasn't, u were being polite...and under...
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-02-2001, 12:52 PM
: 8
: 1,112
Technically it does, but lets not get into...

Technically it does, but lets not get into that...
R u sure he doesn't say "And that bitch gave me AID's...if u r sure it was ADD then it is obvious that MnM is a rather large peanut in a rather...
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-02-2001, 12:48 PM
: 7
: 821
Jus' cos he sayz that dunt mean he cant take a...

Jus' cos he sayz that dunt mean he cant take a joke...4 instance i am the most sarcastic, bitchy male i kn0...in face n e 1 kn0'z and yet i can still take a joke. For instance once sum 1 sed:
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-02-2001, 12:40 PM
: 42
: 1,986
Telepathy...PAH...PAH...I ALREDY KN0 IT!!

Telepathy...PAH...PAH...I ALREDY KN0 IT!!
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-02-2001, 12:24 PM
: 33
: 2,326
Alector were do u find those smileys...i needed...

Alector were do u find those smileys...i needed to find some for my sinister email but i cunt find n e :(...so insted i used Evil Klownz...BWAHAHAHAHAHA etc etc
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-02-2001, 12:21 PM
: 5
: 939
Dakken...i think he would rather be a wussie then...

Dakken...i think he would rather be a wussie then some Cyber Nerd gaming freak like u...3 dayz...it jus' screams sad...
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-02-2001, 12:17 PM
: 24
: 1,699
Mine was to XXX-rated to tell...but HELL it was...

Mine was to XXX-rated to tell...but HELL it was damn good :D
The last part th0 had Michael Jackson holding onto a windmill and swinging around while singing 'Smooth Criminals'
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-02-2001, 12:08 PM
: 117
: 4,892
The God-Given-Law...tsk, tsk, tsk. Personally...

The God-Given-Law...tsk, tsk, tsk.
Personally i dont see why we should discriminate the minors cos of their age. If you were to do a little poll that was for the under 12'z only and asked the what...
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-02-2001, 11:50 AM
: 40
: 3,073
*Sniggers and points* He apologised...

*Sniggers and points*
He apologised "Shitonmyheadomon" get him

*Throws Poké Ball*

Gooooo "Shitonmyheadomon"

Quickly...do shit attack!!
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-02-2001, 11:43 AM
: 28
: 2,313
I believe that makes u a girl then...ur parents...

I believe that makes u a girl then...ur parents must b really, really confused..!!
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-01-2001, 10:48 PM
: 40
: 3,073
*Holds up a REAL LIVE Pikachu* This is a...

*Holds up a REAL LIVE Pikachu*
This is a Pikachu everybody. He is a electric mouse Pokémon.

*Holds up a mouse*
This is "Imsoscrewed" he is a normal mouse...now lets see what happens when we let...
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-01-2001, 10:39 PM
: 117
: 4,892
*Blows dust off* Yes...its bak...the topic...

*Blows dust off*

Yes...its bak...the topic that made me the...most spoke about peeps in the Employees thingy. N e way...this topic cut through the lude, crude and down right rude to get to where...
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-01-2001, 10:28 PM
: 28
: 2,313
One of my frends sed that one quite a while...

One of my frends sed that one quite a while ago...it amused me so i put it up..
HURRAH 4 N@!!!
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-01-2001, 08:23 PM
: 28
: 2,313
I made most of these up myself: "I'm not...

I made most of these up myself:

"I'm not gay, but i'll learn"

"I'm not gay, jus' imaginative"

"I'm not gay, jus' adventurous"

"I'm not gay...jus' different"
: Oddworld RPG 08-30-2001, 11:19 PM
: 0
: 932
Realms of Dreams...

Injin growled. A long battle field stretched out before him...it was like the last one, but this time nobody was there. No bodies littered the ground, no blood soaked the soil, no creatures were...
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-30-2001, 04:41 PM
: 14
: 958
Well i wud like to be a Gamez Reviewer or...

Well i wud like to be a Gamez Reviewer or character designer. If not them then a Riot cop and if not that a international drug dealer...the words 'Ka-Ching' spring to mind...
: Oddworld RPG 08-29-2001, 11:28 PM
: 65
: 3,589
I wunt come 2 it if i dint have 2 but evry time i...

I wunt come 2 it if i dint have 2 but evry time i am on the forum choosing thingy its there...been annoying...and nothing is going on in it...it jus' has the creators saying "Plz sign...
: Oddworld Discussion 08-29-2001, 09:21 PM
: 68
: 2,855
Again...the word "Stalker Fans" hammers away at...

Again...the word "Stalker Fans" hammers away at my cranium...
: Oddworld RPG 08-29-2001, 08:18 PM
: 0
: 847

Injin crawled into the window were he smelt Olm. He clambered through and then leapt to the ceiling, looking down on the floor and sniffing the air to try and see were abouts Olm actually was. As he...
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-29-2001, 05:56 PM
: 42
: 1,986
We have Townies aswell...they aint so popular....

We have Townies aswell...they aint so popular. Peeps dislike them big time. I personally study all of the groups. They amuse me, if i see a fight going on with a Nog and another kid you can see the...
: Oddworld RPG 08-29-2001, 05:40 PM
: 65
: 3,589
Sorry Joe that has what to do with what i...

Sorry Joe that has what to do with what i stated...u may be able to use characters in the RPG to fight but THIS TOPIC...AS IN THIS ONE RIGHT HERE...SHOULD BE MOVED BECAUSE IT IS SHIT...NOPE...ITS...


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