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: Posts Made By: Shade_Meadows
: Non-Oddworld Art & Literature 02-23-2018, 09:04 PM
: 5
: 10,568
Wired Thank ya Gunnr!! :D Appreciate it~

Thank ya Gunnr!! :D
Appreciate it~
: Non-Oddworld Art & Literature 02-23-2018, 02:34 AM
: 5
: 10,568
Wired Hey! ;D Thanks Vanilla~ :p

Hey! ;D Thanks Vanilla~
: Non-Oddworld Art & Literature 02-23-2018, 02:33 AM
: 5
: 10,568
Two more Creatures! <img...

Two more Creatures!

<img src=https://i.imgur.com/gX3C4XV.png width=70%>

<img src=https://i.imgur.com/c6lBmeC.png width=70%>
: Non-Oddworld Art & Literature 02-23-2018, 02:20 AM
: 5
: 10,568
Wired Creatures and Machines!

By popular demand!... as in, "a people" asked for it!
I'll post my sketches here sometimes! :D
So... Let's us go!

Heres a "Varaam":
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/WcDyrVQ.jpg width=70%>
: Oddworld Discussion 05-03-2017, 02:37 PM
: 211
: 37,285
Now we not Only Analyze the new Picture, we Wait.

Now we not Only Analyze the new Picture, we Wait.
: Oddworld Discussion 04-28-2017, 01:53 PM
: 211
: 37,285
I don't think the game will release this year,...

I don't think the game will release this year, but maybe the ARG end will lead us to the release date! (or at least a trailer)
But i can be wrong, for all we know, this ARG is leading to the game...
: Oddworld Discussion 04-28-2017, 10:16 AM
: 211
: 37,285
Woah... this was the quickest decipher i have...

Woah... this was the quickest decipher i have ever seen in this ARG!
Can't wait!
: Oddworld Discussion 04-27-2017, 06:42 PM
: 211
: 37,285

PC Broke!
Also that "Mask" side-hole, can be used to connect to a gas hose of some kind...
this is reminding me of nazi experiments... and looking back...
: Oddworld Discussion 04-21-2017, 07:20 AM
: 583
: 104,492
Well! Back to play Detective!

Well! Back to play Detective!
: Fan Corner 04-18-2017, 11:37 PM
: 14
: 2,510
Happy Hehehe! I had a cigar! (you can see in one of...

I had a cigar! (you can see in one of the videos)
But the full Glukk must be impossible :fuzwink: i need a Octopus head first, and then jump from place to place! :D
if i had a purple suit...
: Fan Corner 04-18-2017, 03:54 AM
: 14
: 2,510
THANK YOU! i knew the community would like it...

i knew the community would like it XD even tough almost no one knew about it!
also the nail polish was sister's idea XD because we can see black nails on the naked Molluck :) just a...
: Fan Corner 04-16-2017, 09:53 PM
: 14
: 2,510
Native SORRY! I barely post here (or in any other...

I barely post here (or in any other forum) so i'm REALLY bad at it!
but will keep in mind!
: Fan Corner 04-16-2017, 06:15 PM
: 14
: 2,510
THANKS! Never Posted a big image here so i was...

Never Posted a big image here so i was lost at that department, thanks! =)

;D Thanks!
: Fan Corner 04-16-2017, 05:00 PM
: 14
: 2,510
Nah, i think i nailed the Octopus Look there XD ...

Nah, i think i nailed the Octopus Look there XD

Many, and no one knew! well, my friends and family did, and that is what mattered to me!
: Fan Corner 04-16-2017, 12:50 PM
: 14
: 2,510
Drunk xD i WAS smoking a cigar too... but i dumbly...

xD i WAS smoking a cigar too... but i dumbly didn't show it on the picture! ;)
: Fan Corner 04-16-2017, 12:05 PM
: 14
: 2,510
Happy Did a ODD Cosplay at Comic Con!

Went to Comic Con Brazil (04/15/2017)
And i went as a Human representative of the Magog Cartel!


: Oddworld Discussion 04-14-2017, 06:36 PM
: 583
: 104,492
Comic Con in my country tomorow! Going as a...

Comic Con in my country tomorow!
Going as a Humanized Glukkon... Wish me luck!
hoping to see something after my 3 days without net!
: Oddworld Discussion 04-09-2017, 09:38 AM
: 583
: 104,492
Now we wait, i'm sure something in this month...

Now we wait, i'm sure something in this month will pop out!
but that's the thing, i think they are trying to space time out between ARG things to make the time of release close to the end of the...
: Oddworld Discussion 04-02-2017, 02:36 PM
: 23
: 3,650
I missed XD

I missed XD
: Oddworld Discussion 03-28-2017, 05:12 PM
: 583
: 104,492
Maybe we solved it too fast? i think they want to...

Maybe we solved it too fast? i think they want to have a distance with each photo, maybe by the end of the ARG, we will get a trailer or a release date! or both, that's why they have to take long to...
: Oddworld Discussion 03-24-2017, 05:33 PM
: 583
: 104,492
;D always a smile in my face when i see new posts

;D always a smile in my face when i see new posts
: Oddworld Discussion 03-23-2017, 11:39 PM
: 583
: 104,492
Wow, people are getting kinda of lame =D Hype...

Wow, people are getting kinda of lame
=D Hype up people!
: Oddworld Discussion 03-19-2017, 12:48 PM
: 583
: 104,492
Well, i have a feeling that if these clues are...

Well, i have a feeling that if these clues are not complete, we will have another clue very soon!
: Oddworld Discussion 03-17-2017, 07:32 AM
: 583
: 104,492
Some people used... "hacks?" to enter the pages...

Some people used... "hacks?" to enter the pages and get codes, or something like that, not the real hard way, so we... killed an poor mud
: Oddworld Discussion 03-16-2017, 01:56 AM
: 583
: 104,492
Heyo peeps! i have to admit, even tough i'm not...

Heyo peeps!
i have to admit, even tough i'm not that good with codes and such... this one seems the hardest yet
: Oddworld Discussion 03-15-2017, 01:43 PM
: 583
: 104,492
Don't want to jinx it or anything like that... ...

Don't want to jinx it or anything like that...
but i guess the codes can't get harder than this, right?
i tried some codes but... yeah, you guys are WAY better than me
: Oddworld Discussion 03-15-2017, 10:36 AM
: 583
: 104,492
I don't think they would do this... it seems...

I don't think they would do this... it seems weird for them, have they done this before? don't match their MO
: Oddworld Discussion 03-15-2017, 10:36 AM
: 583
: 104,492
Wow, more codes than i thought! ;D and i analyzed...

Wow, more codes than i thought! ;D and i analyzed it so cautiously! happy to see more codes!
: Oddworld Discussion 03-15-2017, 09:00 AM
: 583
: 104,492
Wait... so it's a cipher that translate to a...

Wait... so it's a cipher that translate to a cipher?
: Oddworld Discussion 03-15-2017, 08:59 AM
: 583
: 104,492
Well... OddWorld is getting sneakier

Well... OddWorld is getting sneakier


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