Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: Dead Meat
: Oddworld Discussion 05-13-2019, 06:23 AM
: 34
: 16,009
I'm liking how it looks so far honestly, the...

I'm liking how it looks so far honestly, the crafting looks fairly basic.
: Oddworld Discussion 05-10-2019, 11:54 AM
: 27
: 12,977
Oh boy, the Magog are back at their wacky hijinks.

Oh boy, the Magog are back at their wacky hijinks.
: Oddworld Discussion 09-30-2018, 05:37 PM
: 18
: 5,784
There might be another lead between those 3...

There might be another lead between those 3 points. Might be obvious, but there's my input.
: Oddworld Discussion 08-26-2018, 04:36 PM
: 21
: 5,089
Zombokons? http://zombo.com/? Mombies? Nah, don't...

Zombokons? http://zombo.com/? Mombies? Nah, don't call them any of that, please.
: Oddworld Discussion 08-26-2018, 04:33 PM
: 20
: 4,711
I really want to agree, but Watch_Dogs was okay...

I really want to agree, but Watch_Dogs was okay at best.
: Oddworld Discussion 07-10-2018, 03:38 AM
: 12
: 3,387
A "Planet Earth" style informative documentary...

A "Planet Earth" style informative documentary series would be cool. Have a narrator go into detail about Oddworld and it's features over 12-ish episodes.
: Oddworld Discussion 06-30-2018, 11:30 PM
: 29
: 4,843
Last I checked it was 300 votes for no and 230...

Last I checked it was 300 votes for no and 230 votes for yes. Seems a lot of people on the forums are thinking "fuckit".

It is now 315 no to 270 yes. Looks like this one was a big L, boys.
: Oddworld Discussion 06-30-2018, 02:11 PM
: 29
: 4,843
Damn, I've always wanted Oddworld action figures....

Damn, I've always wanted Oddworld action figures. I guess statues would satisfy, though.
: Oddworld Discussion 06-12-2018, 12:40 PM
: 29
: 4,828
Can anyone enlighten me as to what exactly...

Can anyone enlighten me as to what exactly happened? This was before my time.
: Oddworld Discussion 04-12-2018, 04:21 PM
: 3
: 2,390
I got 2.

I got 2.
: Oddworld Discussion 09-27-2017, 10:07 AM
: 309
: 52,838
https://i.imgur.com/9w7FKjz.png Just...


Just confirmation that the lady Glukkon is a guy. I don't think this has been posted yet
: Oddworld Discussion 09-26-2017, 07:27 AM
: 309
: 52,838
Let's remember it was 2001, when 3D roaming was...

Let's remember it was 2001, when 3D roaming was relatively innovative for puzzle platformers ect.
: Oddworld Discussion 09-23-2017, 02:56 AM
: 309
: 52,838
Holy- If the Vykkers are in this they're...


If the Vykkers are in this they're gonna look HORRIFYING.
: Oddworld Discussion 09-22-2017, 03:40 PM
: 309
: 52,838
Pretty sure it's a female, Yeah.

Pretty sure it's a female, Yeah.
: Oddworld Discussion 09-22-2017, 02:31 PM
: 309
: 52,838
https://imgur.com/9UnWATG I don't think...


I don't think anyone else has actually posted this image yet, but here's Abe!
: Oddworld Discussion 08-16-2017, 09:32 AM
: 68
: 15,648
It looks like an edited version of it, a la the...

It looks like an edited version of it, a la the first 2 images.
: Oddworld Discussion 08-08-2017, 04:21 PM
: 88
: 18,491
Sounds good to me.

Sounds good to me.
: Oddworld Discussion 08-08-2017, 10:49 AM
: 88
: 18,491
Is there an option for there's no way I can...

Is there an option for there's no way I can afford or get there? :P
: Oddworld Discussion 07-30-2017, 02:24 PM
: 59
: 9,078
It's a shithole. So is the rest of the West...

It's a shithole. So is the rest of the West Midlands to be fair though.
: Oddworld Discussion 07-29-2017, 02:29 PM
: 59
: 9,078
I live next to Birmingham, it really is THAT bad.

I live next to Birmingham, it really is THAT bad.
: Oddworld Discussion 07-05-2017, 01:32 PM
: 134
: 28,851
If you're referring to what I said, that's not...

If you're referring to what I said, that's not what I said.
: Oddworld Discussion 07-04-2017, 09:19 AM
: 134
: 28,851
He hasn't flipped his shit yet, so I would assume...

He hasn't flipped his shit yet, so I would assume so :p
: Oddworld Discussion 03-02-2017, 09:07 AM
: 583
: 104,521
A lot of eye-related symbolism in the 3 images so...

A lot of eye-related symbolism in the 3 images so far, I get the feeling this story is gonna focus more on visual and psychological horror, I can only hope teeth and mirrors aren't involved.
: Oddworld Discussion 01-22-2017, 12:43 PM
: 842
: 130,497
It looks clearer to me.

It looks clearer to me.
: Oddworld Discussion 01-22-2017, 05:15 AM
: 842
: 130,497
The Mudokon queen, who produces the labor eggs...

The Mudokon queen, who produces the labor eggs against her will.
: Oddworld Discussion 01-21-2017, 04:03 PM
: 842
: 130,497
I see it, looks like a dent more than a Glukkon...

I see it, looks like a dent more than a Glukkon face but either is viable right now.
: Oddworld Discussion 01-21-2017, 10:07 AM
: 842
: 130,497
That's what I mean by "The Muds you didn't rescue...

That's what I mean by "The Muds you didn't rescue are getting firing squad-ed"
: Oddworld Discussion 01-21-2017, 07:49 AM
: 842
: 130,497
Wired I'm very bad at ARGs too, but I am very good at...

I'm very bad at ARGs too, but I am very good at having crazy ideas and getting excited.

Have fun!
: Oddworld Discussion 01-21-2017, 07:39 AM
: 842
: 130,497
Agreed, I'll even happily buy a PS4 if it's...

Agreed, I'll even happily buy a PS4 if it's exclusive.
: Oddworld Discussion 01-21-2017, 07:30 AM
: 842
: 130,497
I'll be honest, it could well be that too. I...

I'll be honest, it could well be that too. I haven't beaten Exoddus more than once, so I don't remember everything. Oddysee and N'n'T, though, I beat those 5 times between the two.


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