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: Posts Made By: Syrum
: Oddworld Discussion 01-23-2017, 03:37 AM
: 842
: 130,721
Connell and Xavier are on the ball but for those...

Connell and Xavier are on the ball but for those who haven't seen OWI's new tweet yet:

: Oddworld Discussion 01-22-2017, 09:21 PM
: 842
: 130,721
Last night I had the thought that the numbers in...

Last night I had the thought that the numbers in each file name might have been Unicode, as Unicode characters are usually referenced by 4 digit numbers and - more importantly - Unicode is...
: Oddworld Discussion 01-21-2017, 05:52 AM
: 842
: 130,721
I considered the stitches but based on the body...

I considered the stitches but based on the body angle I wasn't too sure. Has to be something we're missing considering OWI is essentially telling us to look closer.
: Oddworld Discussion 01-21-2017, 05:39 AM
: 842
: 130,721
As per OWI's tweet I tried to take a closer look...

As per OWI's tweet I tried to take a closer look at the photo. All I could manage to find is highlighted here. Thought initially the X etchings were paper creasings but they're too perfect to be...
: Oddworld Discussion 01-20-2017, 05:15 PM
: 842
: 130,721
Ran each letter through an anagram decoder and it...

Ran each letter through an anagram decoder and it returns the word <b>Alphanumerically</b>. Obviously a word, but what is its purpose?

EDIT: Perhaps we're to use the digits in the name of each...
: Oddworld Discussion 01-20-2017, 05:03 PM
: 842
: 130,721
Looking at the suffixes of each individual...

Looking at the suffixes of each individual photo..

A <b>N, E R,</b> I <b>C,</b> L Y, A L, A L, H A, PH, <b>U M</b>

Aside from being able to spell out Necrum with some of the letters, think...
: Oddworld Discussion 01-20-2017, 06:46 AM
: 842
: 130,721
Well it's one of two things yet to be explained,...

Well it's one of two things yet to be explained, the other being the arrows.. Something has to give! :confused::confused:

I've tried to decode both the original and reversed morse code, and even...
: Oddworld Discussion 01-20-2017, 06:28 AM
: 842
: 130,721
I'm convinced we'll need to do more to decrypt...

I'm convinced we'll need to do more to decrypt this.. any ideas what use the "20" and "12" might have? or was that simply a nod to the Exodus verse and nothing more.. :banghead:
: Oddworld Discussion 01-20-2017, 05:48 AM
: 842
: 130,721
Just finished some isolation on the reversed...

Just finished some isolation on the reversed version of the morse code section. Tones are audible enough! Here if anyone finds a use for it:
: Oddworld Discussion 01-20-2017, 05:12 AM
: 842
: 130,721
After reversing the morse code I felt each...

After reversing the morse code I felt each individual tone sounded somewhat more complete than the original version.. I think it might be worth a shot :)


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