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: Posts Made By: dawlthy
: Oddworld Discussion 02-10-2017, 11:15 AM
: 46
: 11,888
Unless I'm missing something this isn't totally...

Unless I'm missing something this isn't totally solved.

Ok we have the key, subjectivism, but that was used on the string of characters in this tweet

to get...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-09-2017, 12:02 PM
: 46
: 11,888
Ha I can't believe I came up with this mess...

Ha I can't believe I came up with this mess below, but missed that one. There were some ideas I tried with my idea, that I'll now try with yours

Well done Dizma, you got what we missed for so...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-08-2017, 03:02 PM
: 665
: 98,574
Do I take it by this that we can still find the...

Do I take it by this that we can still find the clear version of image 3? And its the plural there, images? more than one more to find?
: Oddworld Discussion 02-08-2017, 06:19 AM
: 665
: 98,574
I notice the number 8291 is appearing again, both...

I notice the number 8291 is appearing again, both in the filenames of one of the files, and also in the source code for the grid page where you can see the grid image is set to be 82.91% of the page...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-07-2017, 01:43 PM
: 665
: 98,574
Not really, theyre all saved here ...

Not really, theyre all saved here

below the non-clean (unclean?) images
: Oddworld Discussion 02-07-2017, 01:25 PM
: 665
: 98,574
From what I can tell (I only started on the...

From what I can tell (I only started on the gamedetectives discord just before it all kicked off) not really, we didn't find anything that we wouldn't have found with lots of people looking at the...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-07-2017, 01:20 PM
: 665
: 98,574
I think so, they must have been deliberately...

I think so, they must have been deliberately placed into the image list, just maybe not supposed to be found that quickly
: Oddworld Discussion 02-07-2017, 11:51 AM
: 665
: 98,574
I think this is run entirely server side, as a...

I think this is run entirely server side, as a php file or similar. This way we can never see the list, it just inserts the path of a random image into the HTML when you request the page. That file...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-07-2017, 06:56 AM
: 665
: 98,574
GlitterPanther did that a few posts back, didn't...

GlitterPanther did that a few posts back, didn't find anything unfortunately
: Oddworld Discussion 02-06-2017, 04:59 PM
: 665
: 98,574
Yeah, Vince had been trying exactly that with...

Yeah, Vince had been trying exactly that with other combination of the letters/number lines a long time ago but didn't get the right combination. I think it might have been partly my fault that he...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-06-2017, 04:04 PM
: 665
: 98,574
There's a few things I'm unsure of still. I only...

There's a few things I'm unsure of still. I only used the first part of each set of coordinates, whats the number after the colon for? What do we do with this word we found anyway? Are the other...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-06-2017, 03:55 PM
: 665
: 98,574
OK, I think I may actually have something here,...

OK, I think I may actually have something here, although it seems a bit strange to me.

Taking the hint about just looking at the start I thought maybe just ignore all the lines that start with a \...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-06-2017, 03:01 PM
: 665
: 98,574
Just looking at this again that I posted way back...

Just looking at this again that I posted way back on page 5, what daniel992 just posted reminded me of it. I noticed something that i hadn't before, the second number in each row runs in numerical...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-06-2017, 09:42 AM
: 665
: 98,574
I don't know if I'm completely oversimplifying...

I don't know if I'm completely oversimplifying here, but we only have one string of numbers that starts with a forward slash...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-06-2017, 06:34 AM
: 665
: 98,574
Do you mean the long series of numbers with the :...

Do you mean the long series of numbers with the : and , in them? No they're not at the moment
: Oddworld Discussion 02-06-2017, 05:17 AM
: 665
: 98,574
My idea about the OWI hint is that it means we...

My idea about the OWI hint is that it means we need to use some more of the clues from the original image with the braille, barcodes, arrows etc.

I can't really see how they apply though, we're...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-06-2017, 03:09 AM
: 665
: 98,574
Yes, same here. not sure how much of this is even...

Yes, same here. not sure how much of this is even relevant, if we need the solution to this puzzle or if it's just a hint on how to use the slashes. Maybe as GlitterPanther said we should be ignoring...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-06-2017, 02:47 AM
: 665
: 98,574
I'll give it a go, but my explanations are...

I'll give it a go, but my explanations are usually hard to follow.

The mastermind code is slightly different to what we've been asked to do now in that it doesn't tell you what to keep or discard....
: Oddworld Discussion 02-05-2017, 11:13 PM
: 665
: 98,574
I've been looking into the bifid cipher that...

I've been looking into the bifid cipher that Manco mentioned earlier, and it seems that it can be done with two, three or even four grids of letters. Seems possible, but really you need each letter...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-04-2017, 11:01 AM
: 665
: 98,574
yes i thought it might be t9 too, but the...

yes i thought it might be t9 too, but the distribution of numbers seems a bit odd. we have the number 2 appearing 19 times, 3 is there 13 times, 4 is there 10 times, there are no 5's at all, 6 is...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-04-2017, 05:39 AM
: 665
: 98,574
I'm sure the slashes are connected to the...

I'm sure the slashes are connected to the 'mastermind' cipher. They're telling us that some things are in the right place,and some other things are the right number/letter but in the wrong place.
: Oddworld Discussion 02-04-2017, 05:20 AM
: 665
: 98,574
I don't know why I didn't think of doing that...

I don't know why I didn't think of doing that myself. Glad I didn't now though:D Also I want to point out that those might not really be coordinates at all, that just my interpretation. I don't want...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-04-2017, 02:26 AM
: 665
: 98,574
I've just been putting numbers in the grid again,...

I've just been putting numbers in the grid again, using the numbers before the : as the coordinates and then writing the number after the : into the square.

After doing just the first set of...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-03-2017, 11:20 PM
: 665
: 98,574
I think I've solved the ouehra bit. Well partly...

I think I've solved the ouehra bit. Well partly at least.

It's the second letters of the days of the week, like this

: Oddworld Discussion 02-03-2017, 07:13 AM
: 665
: 98,574
Sorry GlitterPanther, didn't mean to sound like I...

Sorry GlitterPanther, didn't mean to sound like I was ignoring all you'd done either, I just don't think we've got the step before done yet, and then what you've found will be very helpful. And...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-03-2017, 06:54 AM
: 665
: 98,574
Actually that second solution you found is ruled...

Actually that second solution you found is ruled out. Y the line
D2558 //\
If your solution was correct it would have to be
D2558 ///
As there would be three cars there in the right place
: Oddworld Discussion 02-03-2017, 06:16 AM
: 665
: 98,574
Except for the mastermind type puzzle, although I...

Except for the mastermind type puzzle, although I don't see were it fits in. It's probably just a step to find the correct method for solving the other puzzles. I know it's not much but it might have...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-03-2017, 02:18 AM
: 665
: 98,574
You're probable right about that, but I suspect...

You're probable right about that, but I suspect the cut-outs on the grille are determined by the coordinates I used to make the image above. This is how I formatted them to read easier.

: Oddworld Discussion 02-03-2017, 01:07 AM
: 665
: 98,574
Looks like my image in the previous post is...

Looks like my image in the previous post is sometimes not showing, or is that just me?

Anyway couldn't get further with that so looking at a completely different part now.

I think this...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-02-2017, 11:46 PM
: 665
: 98,574
Thought adding the numbers to the grid according...

Thought adding the numbers to the grid according to their coordinates would help.

It didn't help me much, was thinking it might be a Sudoku style grid, but obviously not.

The numbers in red are...


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