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Wil 03-25-2004 09:10 AM

GDC Follow-Up
IGN have posted a small article about Oddworld Inhabitants' presence at this year's Game Developer's Conference. We're told a pre-rendered demo was running at their booth, and that trading cards of the game's bosses were handed out.

Oh boy, are there a lot of them. No pictures... but names.

Lots of names.

Sekto Springs 03-25-2004 09:13 AM

"The other characters include D. Caste Raider, pack Rat Palooka, Blistrz Booty, Filthy Hands Floyd, Meagly McGraw, Flint "Explosive" McGee, Mortimer Bang, and The Looten Duke."

Finally some official hunter names! :D

Anyway, they said the Microsoft ain't publishing this one! I wonder who they're planning on using.

Esus 03-25-2004 09:15 AM

Looks like those unoriginal style names did get used then! :p

"Apprently, neither Atari nor Microsoft is publishing this title."
How interesting

Sekto Springs 03-25-2004 09:24 AM


Looks like those unoriginal style names did get used then! :p

I think those names are unimaginative, but are probly fitting to the characters. Besides, I'm sure their species names will be a little better.

I wonder why they aren't having Microsoft publish it. Damnit! Why didn't they give us more info?

Miss Odd 03-25-2004 10:01 AM

Strange names.... well at least I have heaps of updates to post about on OWO... ^^

~Miss Odd

Xavier 03-25-2004 10:42 AM

I like those names very much...

Do you guys believe OWI can afford to publish the game themself?

oddguy 03-25-2004 01:14 PM


Do you guys believe OWI can afford to publish the game themself?


Ooooh, I'd like to get my hands on some of those trading cards.

*looks on ebay*


Oddsville 03-25-2004 01:21 PM

I don't think the names are all that bad, they sure do give you a southern feeling (trust me I live in Florida and go to a highschool surrounded by hicks..although not as much as you'd think.O_o). Anyways, Im sure we'll all grow accustomed to these name's it'll just take alittle bit and don't forget we still have to see all these characters as well as hear them. Our minds could easily change.

Nate 03-25-2004 03:37 PM

We shouldn't put OWI on a pedestal and say that every single idea they have has to be the most original thing since Copernicus said that the Earth went round the sun.

I am sure they have good reasons for those names. As Oddsville said, they do have a southern feel.

And let's list the names of a few of Oddworld's other characters: Abe, Alf, Sam, Maggie, Buddy etc etc. My point is that people have this stupid expectation that original means foreign/weird sounding.

If OWI insisted on entirely original (by your definition) names for all their characters, Abe would be called "Heratsdp" and Alf would be "Cecil B. de Quincy Cogo".

Mac the Janitor 03-25-2004 05:17 PM

That's exactly what I was going to point out, Nate.

You guys are forgetting that the most worshipped OW character is simply named Abe...

oddguy 03-25-2004 06:48 PM

As long as the game is fun, I don't care if one of the names is Dixie Normas!:p


Xavier 03-26-2004 06:38 AM

lol Nate... you are righ...
I just can't wait to see who hides behind those names

Alcar 03-27-2004 11:53 AM

I'm sure we'll be seeing some pictures of those cards soon ;)

Anyway, as I have just posted on Oddworld Universe, an article detailing some information about Oddworld Inhabitants' new publisher seek, has come across: http://www.1up.com/article2/0,2053,1555482,00.asp

(Hehe, I was first for once in a loooooooong time)


Wil 03-27-2004 12:49 PM

*whispers something about a crescent moon*

Good find, nonetheless. I wish they hadn't emphasised the name 'Steef's Oddysee' all the time. They went so far as to note that OWI's new year's resolution was to finish the game, yet they couldn't spot the continual mentions that that would not be the title, nor that it would not be part of the Quintology. I hate reading misinformed media.

I'm also taking the projected release with a nip of sodium carbonate.

EDIT: So the Grub Hunter, we now know, is called Blisterz Booty. Bad luck, SS. ;) Let the new info roll.

Sekto Springs 03-27-2004 01:47 PM

I guess I heard wrong. ;)

But I won't rule anything out, there's still alot we don't know about this game and one of the other species could also be a "Grub Hunter".

Anyway, Blisterz Booty sounds great and now I can call him by his name.

oddguy 03-27-2004 06:03 PM

Hmmmm, I wonder why OWI doesn't want Microsoft to publish their game? Maybe 'cus Microsoft took a piece of the profit pie that was unfair to OWI. Oh well, I hope OWI finds somebody and gets this game out.


Sekto Springs 03-27-2004 06:31 PM

Well, if they want to release it by the end of the year they better find another publisher and fast!

Xavier 03-28-2004 03:42 AM


Hmmmm, I wonder why OWI doesn't want Microsoft to publish their game? Maybe 'cus Microsoft took a piece of the profit pie that was unfair to OWI. Oh well, I hope OWI finds somebody and gets this game out.


I heard that OWI wasn't happy at all about the way Microsoft promoted MO.
Maybe it has a relation

Oddsville 03-28-2004 04:12 AM

Still its nice to be reciving more and more news about the new game again. Reminds me of the good ol days when MO was first starting to reveal itself. Anyhoo it is interesting as to why OWI is not using Microsoft to publish their new game, Ed Fries(sp?) just left so it might have something to do with the guy that has takken his place? Or it could just be all thoughs other things we've heard.

Sekto Springs 03-28-2004 04:13 AM

Alot of changes have been occuring at Microsoft, what with Ed Fries leaving and that large pitfall in profits. Maybe these drastic changes have something to do with OWI's decision.

Khanzumer 03-28-2004 11:30 AM

Darn! This means I'll have to pay full price for OW4 instead of being able to have my Dad buy it for twenty bucks at the Microsoft Company Store. I'm sure it will be worth the cash... but still...

Mac the Janitor 03-28-2004 11:36 AM

Companies must make huge profits off video games...I mean, 50 bucks for a single game (more than a movie DVD), that's gotta rake in a lot overall...

the brew master 03-28-2004 11:53 AM

*sigh*so if microsoft doesnt publish OW4 do we have any idea who will??

Nate 03-28-2004 12:00 PM


Companies must make huge profits off video games...I mean, 50 bucks for a single game (more than a movie DVD), that's gotta rake in a lot overall...

Yeah but it costs them a few million to make the game so they need to sell a couple of hundred thousand units until they break even.

The thing I don't get is that if they will be releasing steef with another publisher that means that Microsoft has released them from their contract. Which means that whatever is going on between OWI and Microsoft can't just be dissatisfaction on OWI's part.

Sekto Springs 03-28-2004 12:52 PM


The thing I don't get is that if they will be releasing steef with another publisher that means that Microsoft has released them from their contract. Which means that whatever is going on between OWI and Microsoft can't just be dissatisfaction on OWI's part.

Obligations such as those can also effect the contract. I suppose Microsoft wasn't too keen on working with OWI either.

Nate 03-28-2004 06:54 PM

With any luck OWI will tell us all about it on the next oddworld.com update. Along with everything else we want to know (yeah, I'm delusional I know but I try to be optimistic)

Alcar 03-28-2004 08:33 PM


Anyhoo it is interesting as to why OWI is not using Microsoft to publish their new game, Ed Fries(sp?) just left so it might have something to do with the guy that has takken his place?

What a coincidence. I was only suggesting that to Max the other night :fuzgrin: I think it was Abe Babe that mentioned somewhere, that Ed Fries had an real interest in Oddworld Inhabitants, so my idea was that this new guy isn't as keen.


Wil 03-29-2004 01:24 AM

Three new articles on the subject of OWI's search for a new publisher. Slashdot links the story to the allegedly-lucrative Xbox-exclusivity deal and the disappointment of Munch's Oddysee, as well as linking to Depths of Oddworld (congratulations, Hayley!) and Penny-Arcade (I'm sure not all of you have seen the two Oddworld strips they've made). Gamesindustry does much the same, except it also explains the now popular term 'money hat', coined by Penny-Arcade to describe the deal.

The final article, at Total Videogames, is frought with errors, but has also stolen Hayley's recent Stranger wallpaper.

Sources: Google, OddBlog

oddguy 03-29-2004 05:10 AM

The first thing I did when I got up this morning was check Google, then I was like, "Whoa! Three new stories! Gotta report this on OWF!" Good to know I've got a partner in crime now with the news gathering and all. ;)


Xavier 03-29-2004 05:59 AM

lol... using google is soooo simple... ;)