I noticed something weird.When i clicked on Alacars evil don't click here sign,after i i tried to go to the homepage.The fourms looked different.Instead of Abe,There was a slig.
Do you mean the forum looks different? There is two view to the forum, industrial and native.
Re: Hmmmmm
(That is just the Native style changing to the Industrial because you are logged out) Alcar... |
Re: Re: Hmmmmm
...*glares nervously around the room* I didn't blow up anything, did I? It wasn't me! It what the german guy sitting next to me! Hi Josef! O_o |
Re: Re: Re: Hmmmmm
The only reason someone would put "Do not click this" next to a link is for someone to come and click it. Kind of like rules.
It plays on the Human nature of Inquisitivness.
(Damn you Alcar I clicked on it when you first put it up. I'll have to get joshy to throw a rock at you.) |
i'm resisting temptaion! aw what the hell...