Moderators: Do you create your own banner?
Look, its a question thats been irratating me
Do you create your own moderator banner Or do the forums team make one for you? |
You don't have to be a moderator to have a banner.
I suck with image manipulation, so I had mine made for me. Alcar did a great job. |
You create your own, if your lucky enough, ask someone to make one for you.
ok, d-intern, alcar made yours? good, would he make one for me?
He stopped making banners.... too busy...
I'm proud of my new banner. It took all of 3 minutes to make in Paint.
Actually, now that I have some spare time (Okay, SO what if I have exams :p) I'd love to now do banners/avatars again :)
I've opened a new banner/avatar requests, as the old one was seven pages long, and it too to long to load on a 56k. Alcar's Banner & Avatar Requests Alcar... |