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depthsofodd 09-29-2002 08:52 AM

Map Of Oddworld
Is there or will there ever be a Map of Oddworld? I think it would be very interesting to see how the environments are laid out over the planet of oddworld.... would anyone like to attempt to make one? :fuzsmile:

Wil 09-29-2002 01:00 PM

There is already an Oddworld Map. If you're a member of the Oddworld Fan Sign-Me-Up Thingy, then you can see Version 2 at Alf's Commoddities and Tea.

I won't post it here cos it's way too big.

Be warned: the map has many inaccuracies in it, so don't take it as definite. I've got in touch with Alf and he allowed me to spotlight the inaccuracies in the map. Here's hoping for a revised version!

atusiya@ 09-29-2002 01:17 PM

Re: Map Of Oddworld

Originally posted by depthsofodd
Is there or will there ever be a Map of Oddworld? I think it would be very interesting to see how the environments are laid out over the planet of oddworld.... would anyone like to attempt to make one? :fuzsmile:
read this!:D :D

Xavier 09-29-2002 01:52 PM


Originally posted by Max the Mug
Be warned: the map has many inaccuracies in it, so don't take it as definite. I've got in youch with Alf and he allowed me to spotlight the inaccuracies in the map. Here's hoping for a revised version!
Well done Max, hopefully we will see something realy correct the next time

depthsofodd 09-29-2002 09:14 PM

I am a member, but never received an email....it may be because i have a hotmail account...i dono?...the link to the map on one of the old forums doesnt work anymore it was:

would it be possible to get a new link?
I really want to see this map...pretty please...

Alcar 09-29-2002 09:31 PM

The think Xavier posted was a link to a now 'dead' MSN community that I wish would pick back up again, oh well.

But I think that MSN must have deleted it after a while because of it's size.


atusiya@ 09-29-2002 11:18 PM

The map which is behind Abe. However, the map is not clear. However, it is better rather than there is nothing.


Siftland 09-30-2002 03:08 AM

hey....that map is cool....

Thanks for the link.

hehe It's funny. Leave it to hardcore fans to be able to spot faults in the world when even the creators can't!

depthsofodd 09-30-2002 10:25 AM

that one with abe is a great pic...but someone must have the original map...i will keep searching, thanks to everyone who replied!

Siftland 09-30-2002 11:10 AM

The link to the map in the other thread worked for me...

Xavier 09-30-2002 01:57 PM

my link is good! just wait a bit! :fuzblink:

depthsofodd 10-01-2002 01:46 AM

I think the picture is too big to be downloaded over a 56k connection, that may be why it fails for me...i dono...i had a friend open the page for me over a faster internet connection and i have saved the image to a smaller file size. If anyone else is having trouble...you can find it here:



atusiya@ 10-01-2002 02:07 AM

he said"map!map!maaaaap!!
I also think that the lowspeed of download is the cause.
Xavier should already have linked the map on MSN.:)

Xavier 10-01-2002 02:53 PM

sorry, it's probably a slow connexion problem, cause by me there is no problem :(

dripik 10-01-2002 04:23 PM

That's strange!
I spotted something on the map. The map says Rupture Farms is very far from Monsaic Lines, doesn't it? And Stockyards is a part of Rupture Farms, isn't it? And when Abe falls down the cliff near Stockyards, and Bigface resurrects him, Monsaic Lines's gate is very close to him. That's not right, I think, but I may be wrong. :fuzconf:

Wil 10-01-2002 04:50 PM

I wouldn't bother trying to judge distance on the map.

You see, the distance between Monsaic Lines and Necrum is one day's travel, about 12 miles (according to Anna). Transfer that distance to the small Map of Oddworld in the corner, and you can see that Oddworld is less than half the size of the Earth instead of ten times the size, which it actually is.

I've informed Alf of that mishap, so we'll just have to see what's coming (hoping for a new Com-odd-ity and Tea soon).

Xavier 10-01-2002 06:00 PM

Max can you put your mistake list here so we can see if we find some other problems to solve (even if you found all of them)

Wil 10-02-2002 05:58 PM

Sure thing.

In fact, why don't I just point you all over to this friendly chamber. It's what Alf and Co. should have read, so if you spot anything else, go right ahead in letting me know.

Xavier 10-02-2002 06:00 PM

sorry but... broken link... :fuzzle: