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-   -   Farewell (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=6112)

Danny 08-18-2002 10:15 PM

When I first heard about the "incident" among the Administrators, I was outraged, as you can see from the way I overreacted in Rachel's "A sad day today" topic. Once I'd calmed down, and got it all into perspective, I saw that it wasn't as bad as I had thought. Sydney had been reinstated, and Justin claimed that everything would go on as before. I was annoyed that neither Kristen, Justin, or Pete would give a good reason for what they did, but I saw it as all being in the past.

However, it doesn't appear to be that way. Sydney has once again been removed from his position, and was even banned to begin with. Pete's statement ("I'd just like to say, there are many changes ahead.") flatly contradicts Justin's insistance that everything would go on as it had before. I do not believe that Kristen is the driving force behind these changes, as she has always seemed a decent sort, which worries me even more, because she is now the only official Administrator. The forums are not, and will never be, what they were before. When you removed Sydney's Administrator status, you took away more than that. You took away the trust we had for the Admins, and I don't think that can ever be won (or bought) back.

The Oddworld Forums have been Sydney's project for two years now. He founded them himself. Whether this was because of rivalry with the Exoddus Club or simply out of a love for Oddworld is immaterial. Even if he founded the forums out of purest spite, he was clearly doing the right thing for the wrong reasons, and I have never been any more than slightly dissatisfied with his decisions. In fact, before this weekend, the only beefs I have ever had with him have been his banning of Chris (Jacob) and his removal of the "Delete Post" function for ordinary members. The first of those problems is in the past now, and the second is hardly a major problem. What he did this weekend to Dave and Morgan may have been harsh, but I was not there, so I do not know the full nature of the situation there. I think it is likely that he only intended it to be a temporary ban, to serve as a warning. I suppose we'll never know now.

Rambling aside, it has been Sydney that has nurtured the forums from the beginning. It was he who asked Kristen to co-Administrate with him, and he was as involved in the decision to make Justin a Super Mod as she was. Fine way of showing your gratitude. Without him there wouldn't even be a forum here for us to have this discussion on.

Justin has been giving us vague hints of shady things that Sydney has done behind the scenes, but that misses the point entirely, as does the question of why the forums were founded. Sydney's decisions have always benefited the members, and surely you must agree that the Membership is what matters here. Questions as to his motives in founding the forums and squabbles between the Administration mean nothing. Sydney has always been good to us, and now you have taken away his Forums. Without Sydney in charge, the spirit of these forums is not the same.

But, life goes on. Sydney may be upset, but the forums hardly consumed his life, as they did to so many people here. In fact, he has moved on already. The spirit of these forums is now in a different place. The Glass Asylum, to be precise. Yes, Sydney has created a new board for those who wish the forums to continue as they were. It is not Oddworld-centred, but is a friendly (friendlier) place without the mistrust and recrimination that characterise the Oddworld Forums at the moment. It is to here that I and several others have retreated. We feel safer there.

To those who stay here, I respect your decision. There are many of you who are still fans of Oddworld, and have little interest in discussing other things. That is your decision. There are some who support the removal of Sydney. If you have looked at what has been said, and decided that their argument is more credible, then I respect your decisions as well.

But I would hope that there would be many here who didn't simply come here to discuss Oddworld, but came here as a brief escape from reality, to discuss whatever they liked in a non-threatening environment. Even if you remain at these forums as well, the Glass Asylum is for you. For all of you. Enjoy it.

I hope you will at least give it a chance.


(p.s. Sorry about the melodrama. I was just on a roll... ;))

DarkHoodness 08-18-2002 10:22 PM

I'm handing in my notice, too. Goodbye, OWF.
- Dark Hood posted 'ere for the last time ever ~ 8/19/02 01.22am GMT

Pilot 08-18-2002 10:30 PM

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Danny, thank you for that. That helps prove to me that anyone that anyone is capable of a little compassion and understanding. Indeed, if anyone here feels uncomfortalbe or disagrees with the new Administrative staff, please feel free to give Sydney's new forum, The Glass Asylum, a visit. Many thanks for your dignified exit, rather than the Flame and Leave approach. Nobody leaving this or any other day shall leave our memory.

Alcar 08-18-2002 10:35 PM

Re: Farewell

Originally posted by Danny
Pete's statement ("I'd just like to say, there are many changes ahead.") flatly contradicts Justin's insistance that everything would go on as it had before.
That was only intended as the changing of the images, and probably new moderators seeing as your leaving. (Rachael and Anna)


Majic 08-18-2002 10:35 PM

I can easily say I'll be joining that, yet still retain my parts here. I have friends and don't feel like giving up these yet, no radical changes.

EDIT: Rachel and Anna are leaving? I'm sad to here that. I'm forgiving the staff here still, as I know any distrust would keep any changes for ever being of the better. I'm suprised though, goodbye to those who are leaving.

Sl'askia 08-18-2002 10:37 PM

Though the shock and anger I had felt before has passed...when I come here...it no longer feels the way it did before. It's like an important part of the forums has changed in a bad way...and forever, for it will never be the same again. Quite frankly...I can't stand being here anymore. I am sorry for those that were in the RPG...you will have to find a new moderator to fulfil that role.
To the rest of you...I respect your decision to stay or not to stay...that is entirely your choice. I have made my choice...and I wish you well, but I am never coming back here.


~*Sl'askia Mistwing: Tiger Dragoness...now...and forever*~

Black Dragon 08-18-2002 10:39 PM

I had enjoyed my times on these forums from the moment that I posted my first message. I will admit that I had no intentions of staying for as long as I did, and was rather surprised by the warm, inviting welcome that I received. At the time I was going through a serious depression, but through the amount of caring and supportive friendships that sprouted from my joining, I made a quick recovery. Without these forums, I would not have been reunited with my soul sister nor remember what I really am... nor would I be as happy as I am now (Though some of you may not think of me as a 'happy' person ;)).
However, in light of what has recently happened, I must say that I will leave permanently as well. Though I had attempted leaving in the past, the forums still lingered in the back of my mind and therefore my attempt failed miserably. But now, the spirit and life of the forums has seemed to dissipate. Lately, even before this incident, I felt as if something had made it less welcoming and friendly. What has happened to Sydney has become for me the 'last straw'. Though I had been away at the time, I returned to my home today and was overwhelmed by the topic that Rachel posted. I read through most of it and am thoroughly shocked by what has happened... and very disheartened.
So now I shall cut to the chase: I am leaving and this time I do not intend to return. Fare thee well.

-The Black Dragon

Oddsville 08-18-2002 11:00 PM

*Sigh* farwell my friends. I hope you have many good times at the Glass asylum like you have here. I find this situation very sad although I blame knowone. This community has held together well for a very long time and it was bound to hit rough bumbs like this along the way... although Im sure we wen't expecting a bumb this big. I will miss everyone that leaves and I hope that I will here from you guys again one day...:fuzsad:

Joe the Intern 08-18-2002 11:10 PM

It's a same to see so many people leave, but it's exactly what I expected to happen. I'll be staying here, because I feel like this is my home, and I feel more comfortable with the new staff. I hope you all have fun at The Glass Asylum. Goodbye!

Kaimana 08-18-2002 11:21 PM

Iwish you all a happy time at the new forum Syd has made:fuzsad: Dont forget me when you go there, but i will remain here, that doesnt mean i wont check it out because i will, but my true home is here....I wish you guys the best of luck ill miss you:fuzsad:

atusiya@ 08-18-2002 11:24 PM

Never don't say "good-bye".
All members! Please gather again under the flag of OWF.


Disgruntled Intern 08-19-2002 12:34 AM

mmmm the second message board created out of spite.

How cute.

atusiya@ 08-19-2002 01:30 AM

It is not also whose responsibility.

Originally posted by Disgruntled Intern
mmmm the second message board created out of spite.

out of spite?

Majic 08-19-2002 01:42 AM

The rumor was that Sydney created these forums for revenge "spite". His new forum is a slight (maybe mroe) form of revengeful "spite". You know, like "I'll show you..."

Alcar 08-19-2002 01:44 AM

Im sad to see you all leave, im going to make this short and sweet.

I understand that you have to go, afterall you are with Sydney on this so therefore you'll stand by him. Just like i'm standing by Kristen and Justin.

I might see you on MSN from time to time, unless you've blocked me. And for the Moderators (Anna and Rachael) i'm guessing you've left forever, mostly because I've seen what you've posted on The Glass Asylum. So there probably will be new Moderators needed.

Farewell all, I might pop by to The Glass Asylum from time to time, and see how things are going, oh and Danny, you finally got Of-Topic.



Pilot 08-19-2002 01:53 AM

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Everybody knows in one form or another that Humans do not like change. When change occurs, an uprising, in most cases, follows. Protests, terror.... just look at the world around you and you will see many many examples of what I speak about. Can we be better than this?

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp I feel that Atusi is very accurate here. We should all take his advice and "gather again under the flag of OWF."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Once again I bring up the analogy of people and ducks:
"People are a lot like ducks, you can give them all the food you have, yet when you try to reach out to them, they swim away."

It's bound to happen. I have accepted that, and I know that it is inevitable. The best we can do is band together and show everyone else our collective kindheartedness and compassion!

PinkHaired Mudokon CWR 08-19-2002 01:57 AM


Originally posted by Pilot

"People are a lot like ducks, you can give them all the food you have, yet when you try to reach out to them, they swim away."


I think I'm too sleepy to get it. :sleepy:

Majic 08-19-2002 01:59 AM

We were given the forums, yet when they tried to help us we backed off and ran away to TGA. I think. So, whos making the flag with the forums banner anyways?

Pilot 08-19-2002 02:04 AM

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Thank you, Majic. That is what I mean.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Pinky, imagine sitting next to a pond full of ducks with crackers and bread in your hands. Sit down next to the pond and start feeding the ducks, pretty soon, all the food you brought is gone. Now try reaching out to the ducks in the pond. What do they do? Swim away.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp With that analogy, I am trying to colorfully illustrate how some people simply do not recognize or show gratitude for what has been done for them. Some are blind to the fact that there are people trying to give 'em a hand. I know that from much experience.

atusiya@ 08-19-2002 02:15 AM

The flag...

Originally posted by Majic_Abe
We were given the forums, yet when they tried to help us we backed off and ran away to TGA. I think. So, whos making the flag with the forums banner anyways?
In fact, I have not seen the flag, either.
Probably I think that the flag has fluttered in our heart.
atusiya@'s father..:fuzblink:

Pilot 08-19-2002 02:18 AM

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Sir, that is very touching... I couldn't agree more, and it warms my heart to hear that. :)

Jacob 08-19-2002 02:28 AM

Im indifferent. As many of you know i am the sadistic one who loves stuff like this. Unfortunatly it has ended. And as that left a whole lot of sentimental crap followed.

"This was my home, but its become..."

Blah blah blaahaahh...Ugh. Im sure people dont give one. Its really quite dis-heartening when you see people actually making out as if this meant the whole world to them. At least Danny had a point to make. The others merely followed and wanted to state they were leaving so that they could have people talk etc...So degrading. Anyways...im gonna quote and mock now. lol. I need it, i haven't spoken to my bitch-friend and i need to release...


mmmm the second message board created out of spite.

How cute.

Indeed. I think it should be coloured black and red...


Dark Hood posted 'ere for the last time ever
And people care...why!?


I would not have been reunited with my soul sister
*Shakes head in distaste*


Never don't say "good-bye".
All members! Please gather again under the flag of OWF.

Did you have to do it so big, lol. And i believe the flag was burned as soon as i returned (Thats a joke)


unless you've blocked me.
If they have then they're pathetic. Me and Dan just kept our differences on the Forum seperated to our discussion on MSN. I dont see why people cant do the same for you...


"People are a lot like ducks, you can give them all the food you have, yet when you try to reach out to them, they swim away."
Yeh, i know. It wasn't as if i was going to use the double barrel Shot-gun!!


Probably I think that the flag has fluttered in our heart.
Thank God i got the Vaccine in time!! Heh

ODDBODD 08-19-2002 02:34 AM

i lost my connection with oddworld, i was sick of making myself noticed and i dont even know why i came back here, well bye y'all

Pilot 08-19-2002 02:40 AM

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Heh, thank goodness we have one person who can show sarcasm in an inoffensive way! I personally appreciate that. I do ask that it is kept tasteful simply by not doing it in every thread; I don't believe that is beyond you.

Cloverfield 08-19-2002 03:01 AM

I would just like to bid Danny and others a friendly farewell. I can understand why you left, and do not hold any bad feelings against you. It's always a shame to see members leave, but we also have many members who are staying. I enjoyed talking with many of you, and wish you all the best. It's nice to see parting messages from you that are not nasty or spiteful.

And to Sydney's new forum... I hope it goes well. You have a nice community forum there, which is taking it's own direction.

Abe Babe...

Disgruntled Intern 08-19-2002 03:12 AM


Indeed. I think it should be coloured black and red...
I don't know...black and red are such angry colors....I think soft pinks and yellows would compliment the whole thing rather well....and maybe a ' Jesus is Lord' banner or two. Yes, that would do nicely.

I'm still waiting for anti OWF propaganda to surface ....I would quickly set it as my desktop wall paper for the sheer amusement of it all.

I can see it now....altered pics of justin, shooting lasers out of his eyes, and kristen, possibly destroying a small city...

Edited to say: I'm sure Dark Hood could make the anti OWF propaganda pics...I mean, he did such a lovely job on that flaming OWF pic....:rolleyes:

Squinge 08-19-2002 03:30 AM

It appears that I arrived at a rather turbulent time. That said, it still seems that it will be a nice place to visit, once the smoke blows away.

Surfacing 08-19-2002 03:35 AM


Originally posted by Dark Hood
I'm handing in my notice, too. Goodbye, OWF.


Kaimana 08-19-2002 03:35 AM

Dont worry Squinge, all will be well bud:fuzsmile: soon enough:D

Xavier 08-19-2002 03:41 AM

this Is my last message before go to vacation (don't worry i'm back the 24th)

I stay here cause I like Oddworld, and for members who are my friends. I don't go away for members who aren't my friends.

I come here to have fun, not troubles