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-   -   New Abe's Oddysee any% PC World Record (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=24735)

Samtastic 04-30-2020 10:49 AM

New Abe's Oddysee any% PC World Record
Since Legna beaten me at Oddysee any% a while ago, I have beaten him back at any% and now we got a new in-game timer value for Oddysee which basically pauses the timer to get accurate in-game time.
The new RTA record is 10:45 whilst the in-game record is 8:57 which LengaX will try to beat!

Phoetux 04-30-2020 01:34 PM

That's impressive, great job!

Samtastic 05-02-2020 12:09 AM


That's impressive, great job!

Thanks! I will now be practising and trying Abe's Exoddus any% NoSS which uses similar glitches to Oddysee any%. Sadly there's no DDG in Abe's Exoddus but there is a quicksave/quickload glitch instead which opens up portals faster.