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Stitchlips25 12-06-2019 06:38 AM

So, Who likes tea?
I like tea, mostly herbal tea, it makes me sleepy but so chill.

Gunnr 12-07-2019 05:12 PM

Tea makes me ridiculously sleepy but different kinds have many health benefits. Personally I'm more of a coffee drinker though there's not as many benefits to my knowledge

Phoetux 12-08-2019 05:27 AM

I drink tea most of the time in winter, perfect if you want to warm your body. For the rest, I don't mind coffee either :D

Littleleeroy 12-08-2019 08:07 PM

I love tea, drink it all the time. In winter I have upwards of 5 cups a day. Have a whole selection of herbal teas and different varieties. Also got into those fruit tea bags you put in a cold glass of water. Tastes delicious but has no sugar!

Gunnr 12-09-2019 04:34 AM

I'll have to try cold fruit tea. Isn't that considered juice? Well with less sugar and pulp I guess

Auriel 12-12-2019 12:22 AM


herbal tea

This and Earl Grey are just about the only things that keep me from hibernating during the winter months.

Syzoth 12-30-2019 06:30 AM

I never was really fond of tea or coffee... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hobo 03-14-2020 12:26 PM

Tea makes my stomach upset but I just bought a deLonghi bean to cup coffee maker and my life will never be the same again

OddjobAbe 03-26-2020 04:01 PM

Dirty, abyss-black coffee is my preference - not a massive fan of instant, but works when I can't be bothered cleaning my cafetiere. Not too big on tea, but I do like chamomile quite a lot - a bit floral but not excessively potent (but also not just like drinking mucky water).

Nepsotic 03-27-2020 09:29 AM

words to big

Connell 03-28-2020 03:47 PM


Dirty, abyss-black coffee is my preference.

Yes Sir. Gets me through the day.

Abeguy 05-22-2020 10:21 AM

Coffee is just tea made with beans. Someone had to say it.

In all seriousness though, I used to dislike any tea that wasn't pumped with sugar or honey. Then I tried one of them crazy Maple syrup/Cayenne pepper lemonade cleanses, and the only other thing you could have was straight tea, nothing added.

I've enjoyed straight tea and black coffee ever since. 0 calories bay-beeee

Alf Shall Rise 06-15-2020 12:25 PM

coffee makes me anxious but i just keep drinking it

STM 06-15-2020 01:20 PM

Caffé Azera is the best instant coffee and if you disagree you're a fucken pleb.

OddjobAbe 06-15-2020 03:13 PM

Azera's fairly good, but it's still just dirty instant. A pot of Taylor's Lava Java is what you want for a much more aesthetically pleasing heart-attack.

STM 06-16-2020 01:37 AM


Azera's fairly good, but it's still just dirty instant. A pot of Taylor's Lava Java is what you want for a much more aesthetically pleasing heart-attack.

I'm really hoping that the US trend of 'white coffee' hits the UK. The beans are cooked on such a low heat that they barely lose their green tinge, let alone crack. Apparently it's such a sweet coffee that you don't even need to add any sugar.

I used to go for Colombian coffee in a caffetiere with a splash of milk and some sugar, but for my birthday this year my girlfriend got me an aerobie airpress and I haven't looked back. You can make a shot of espresso in about 30 seconds with that thing.

OddjobAbe 06-16-2020 02:29 AM

Sounds novel - a bit different to my usual bitter acquaintance, but I enjoy a latte (very middle-class of me, I know), so I might appreciate the sweetness. Let's hope it hits.


I used to go for Colombian coffee in a caffetiere with a splash of milk and some sugar, but for my birthday this year my girlfriend got me an aerobie airpress and I haven't looked back. You can make a shot of espresso in about 30 seconds with that thing.

Sounds like my next investment, then.

Daxter King 06-23-2020 05:37 AM

tea is based

Auriel 06-23-2020 06:31 AM


tea is based


RoryF 06-23-2020 10:48 AM

Epic and based and teapilled