So, Who likes tea?
I like tea, mostly herbal tea, it makes me sleepy but so chill.
Tea makes me ridiculously sleepy but different kinds have many health benefits. Personally I'm more of a coffee drinker though there's not as many benefits to my knowledge
I drink tea most of the time in winter, perfect if you want to warm your body. For the rest, I don't mind coffee either :D
I love tea, drink it all the time. In winter I have upwards of 5 cups a day. Have a whole selection of herbal teas and different varieties. Also got into those fruit tea bags you put in a cold glass of water. Tastes delicious but has no sugar!
I'll have to try cold fruit tea. Isn't that considered juice? Well with less sugar and pulp I guess
This and Earl Grey are just about the only things that keep me from hibernating during the winter months. |
I never was really fond of tea or coffee... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tea makes my stomach upset but I just bought a deLonghi bean to cup coffee maker and my life will never be the same again
Dirty, abyss-black coffee is my preference - not a massive fan of instant, but works when I can't be bothered cleaning my cafetiere. Not too big on tea, but I do like chamomile quite a lot - a bit floral but not excessively potent (but also not just like drinking mucky water).
words to big
Coffee is just tea made with beans. Someone had to say it.
In all seriousness though, I used to dislike any tea that wasn't pumped with sugar or honey. Then I tried one of them crazy Maple syrup/Cayenne pepper lemonade cleanses, and the only other thing you could have was straight tea, nothing added. I've enjoyed straight tea and black coffee ever since. 0 calories bay-beeee |
coffee makes me anxious but i just keep drinking it
Caffé Azera is the best instant coffee and if you disagree you're a fucken pleb.
Azera's fairly good, but it's still just dirty instant. A pot of Taylor's Lava Java is what you want for a much more aesthetically pleasing heart-attack.
I used to go for Colombian coffee in a caffetiere with a splash of milk and some sugar, but for my birthday this year my girlfriend got me an aerobie airpress and I haven't looked back. You can make a shot of espresso in about 30 seconds with that thing. |
Sounds novel - a bit different to my usual bitter acquaintance, but I enjoy a latte (very middle-class of me, I know), so I might appreciate the sweetness. Let's hope it hits.
tea is based
Epic and based and teapilled