Nemin |
09-30-2018 09:52 AM |
ARG seems to continue. Crashpunk receives a canister!
It seems like it's about time the ARG starts again. This time Crashpunk got one of these elusive green canisters and we finally get to know their contents:
(If the picture doesn't show up for you, press right click and view image.)
/=.&.=/\x50\x6f\x73\x69\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\x20\x6d\x61\x74\x74\x65\x72\x73\x2e/=.&.=/NYSE:KO_ATL.GA/=.&.=/@SO1029_36:5=4:4_17:5_12:3_26:3_35:7/=.&.=/ #wewillrise
I began working on the code and thus find the following:
1. /=.&.=/ is a separator. There are actually three things to solve.
1. /=.&.=/ is not just a separator. OWI_Pete confirmed that's it's part of the message.
2. The first sequence of characters is actually a hexadecimally encoded string. Decoding it yields: "Position matters."
3. The second one was a bit trickier:
"NYSE" is the New York Stock Exchange.
"KO" is the codeword for Coca Cola stocks.
"ATL.GA" refers to Atlanta, Georgia, the location of the HQ of Coca Cola. (Atlanta, GA 30313)
The third code's meaning has not been found yet, but more users commented that they look similar to coordinates.