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-   -   Need High Quality Oddworld Abe's Exodus Sprites (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=24580)

Samtastic 12-06-2017 09:44 AM

Need High Quality Oddworld Abe's Exodus Sprites
Does anyone know where I can get high quality sprites for Abe's Exoddus? I would like some high quality 1080p renders I can use for my game I'm working on.

I got some sprite sheets but when I enlarge them they become blurry.

Littleleeroy 12-07-2017 12:44 AM

Tried opening them up in Paint and colouring over them to increase resolution?

Oddio 12-07-2017 07:37 AM


Does anyone know where I can get high quality sprites for Abe's Exoddus? I would like some high quality 1080p renders I can use for my game I'm working on.

I got some sprite sheets but when I enlarge them they become blurry.

wait for AE HD cuz we found the source code dude.


Samtastic 12-07-2017 08:03 AM


wait for AE HD cuz we found the source code dude.


Cool. I'm glad you found the source code!

Xavier 12-07-2017 11:39 AM

Oddio, please stop pretending you work for Oddworld Inhabitants.

Oddio 12-07-2017 11:59 AM



CravenKnight 12-08-2017 03:46 AM

OWI should be lining up to shake your hand. i think it's absolutely disgusting they haven't hired you yet. after all you've done for them.

Oddio 12-08-2017 07:38 AM


OWI should be lining up to shake your hand. i think it's absolutely disgusting they haven't hired you yet. after all you've done for them.

thanks for your support craven. If I do get hired by OWI then i'll pull a few strings to get you in! You can always count on me.

Samtastic 12-08-2017 09:20 AM


OWI should be lining up to shake your hand. i think it's absolutely disgusting they haven't hired you yet. after all you've done for them.

Yeah I've been playing Oddworld ever since I first played it. But now I got my own gaming studio kind of, Samtastic's Games so yeah it'll be amazing on what you'll see.

Oddio 12-09-2017 12:00 AM


Yeah I've been playing Oddworld ever since I first played it. But now I got my own gaming studio kind of, Samtastic's Games so yeah it'll be amazing on what you'll see.

Craven was talking about me buddy

Auriel 12-09-2017 05:28 AM


Samtastic 12-10-2017 12:12 PM

Well, someone will be doing some 3D models for my game so I'll show you some exmaples when I get them.