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-   -   (World's First?) 1-handed speedrun of Abe's Exoddus (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=24522)

AvengingGibbons 08-07-2017 02:05 PM

(World's First?) 1-handed speedrun of Abe's Exoddus
Incase anyone's interested, I've just done a 1-handed speedrun of Abe's Exoddus in 2hrs 26mins using only the left side of a PS4 controller and my left hand's digits to interact with the buttons. I mapped the controller so I got sufficient functionality from it to play the game. It worked a lot better than I expected :O


Vlam 08-07-2017 02:26 PM

Did you say "speedrun"? You died many times, thus losing precious minutes.

Nepsotic 08-07-2017 04:47 PM

Apparently if you die in a speedrun it's no longer a speedrun.

AvengingGibbons 08-07-2017 06:47 PM


Did you say "speedrun"? You died many times, thus losing precious minutes.

No, I typed 'speedrun'. Yeah, good observation. Gold star for vlam :')

Varrok 08-07-2017 09:32 PM


Did you say "speedrun"? You died many times, thus losing precious minutes.

He's giving you the leeway to beat his score

Vlam 08-07-2017 11:59 PM


He's giving you the leeway to beat his score

It's a piece of cake. I did it using only my big toe.

CravenKnight 09-25-2017 07:38 PM

Oh, Vlam. Vlam. What can I say, man? Other than that was comedy. genius. You're a magician, Vlam. A fucking magician. You have such a funny way with words. I still can't stop laughing. I am literally pissing my trousers right now and I don't even care. You need to be on stage, my friend. So we can throw eggs at you. And when we run out of eggs, we can throw bricks, and human shit, then start ripping the chairs out of the stand and throwing those fuckers too. We'll never run out of things to throw, man. Including verbal abuse.

Please do that Vlam. Please. For me.

Phoetux 09-26-2017 05:04 AM


Oh, Vlam. Vlam. What can I say, man? Other than that was comedy. genius. You're a magician, Vlam. A fucking magician. You have such a funny way with words. I still can't stop laughing. I am literally pissing my trousers right now and I don't even care. You need to be on stage, my friend. So we can throw eggs at you. And when we run out of eggs, we can throw bricks, and human shit, then start ripping the chairs out of the stand and throwing those fuckers too. We'll never run out of things to throw, man. Including verbal abuse.

Please do that Vlam. Please. For me.

Wow, you're being more toxic than Nep, impressive.
Also necroposting.

Varrok 09-26-2017 05:26 AM


Oh, Vlam. Vlam. What can I say, man? Other than that was comedy. genius. You're a magician, Vlam. A fucking magician. You have such a funny way with words. I still can't stop laughing. I am literally pissing my trousers right now and I don't even care. You need to be on stage, my friend. So we can throw eggs at you. And when we run out of eggs, we can throw bricks, and human shit, then start ripping the chairs out of the stand and throwing those fuckers too. We'll never run out of things to throw, man. Including verbal abuse.

Please do that Vlam. Please. For me.


CravenKnight 09-26-2017 06:03 AM

I'm not your mother, dude.

Talk about Freudian slip.

Xavier 10-02-2017 02:44 AM

I had to delete a bunch of posts because it seems some of you can't behave and communicate as normal human beings.

If this happens again I'll have to infract.

Shade667 10-05-2017 12:01 AM

Was It me?

Cuz my post was deleted.