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Xorlidyr 02-01-2017 02:02 PM

Live long and fiery.

Lord Vhazen 02-01-2017 02:07 PM


Manco 02-01-2017 02:08 PM

Happy birthday!

FennecFyre 02-01-2017 02:10 PM

Dawww, thank you guys :D

Gunnr 02-01-2017 04:31 PM

I had know idea, happy birthday!

Vexen 02-01-2017 09:44 PM

¡Feliz Cumpleaños!

kjjcarpenter 02-02-2017 12:04 AM

:catslug::catslug::monster::monster::tard::tard:Happy Birthday!!:tard::tard::monster::monster::catslug::catslug:

Phoetux 02-02-2017 12:29 AM

Happy birthday bud

Varrok 02-02-2017 12:45 AM

Happy Birthday!

Alf Shall Rise 02-02-2017 12:57 AM

Happy Birfday!

kapteeni13 02-02-2017 07:49 AM

Happy Birthday!

Mr. Bungle 02-02-2017 12:10 PM

Happy I'm not late day!

Nepsotic 02-02-2017 04:43 PM

Dear Fennec,
I already wished you a happy birthday on Discord, and as Subway will tell you, I'm not a person to travel down the same road more than once.
Therefore, I will not be wishing you a happy birthday in this thread

Or ever again, for that matter (until next year).

Sincerely, Nep

Varrok 02-02-2017 09:15 PM

Subway jokes? How lame.

Nate 02-02-2017 10:22 PM



Happy birthday!

At trivia tonight my friend Nathan showed me a picture that I was able to accurately identify as a fennec fox. He was most impressed. And for that, I thank you Manco.

STM 02-02-2017 11:52 PM

Belated blappy burble durb.