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filby46 03-06-2015 02:33 PM

New & Tasty
I am in the area where you have to whistle the correct sequence to continue... I believe I am doing it right but...he keeps telling me no. whistle 1, whistle 2, whistle 1, fart. cant get much simple than that but he keeps telling me no..is this a bug, a glitch? Anyone else have this problem?

Shade667 03-06-2015 09:59 PM


I am in the area where you have to whistle the correct sequence to continue... I believe I am doing it right but...he keeps telling me no. whistle 1, whistle 2, whistle 1, fart. cant get much simple than that but he keeps telling me no..is this a bug, a glitch? Anyone else have this problem?

This is either paramonia, scrabania or monsaic lines. My only answer would be that youre doing it too early. If thats not the case I dont know. For the guys in Monsaic lines, u gotta wait a second after the fart to start. For paramonia and scrabania theyre a little more leniant, and u can start right after they fart.

Havoc 03-07-2015 01:35 PM

You do have to wait until the guy is finished and then repeat him. If you interrupt him he'll get pissy.

MeechMunchie 03-08-2015 02:17 PM

That's what she said.