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sy4090 08-18-2014 07:13 AM

Gravity FAlls
Anyone here watch gravity falls https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=...73231344,d.aWw

Littleleeroy 08-18-2014 07:22 AM

Never heard of it before. It's a Disney show so I'm gonna assume it's aimed at kids, although it is at 9 o'clock at night so maybe it's targeted at an older audience. Is it a comedy or mystery or something?

sy4090 08-18-2014 07:28 AM

It is a kids show but it has illuminati and death messages and stuff like that. Its one of the good disney shows. infact the only one.

Job McYossie 08-18-2014 07:39 AM

It's cute. Enjoyable.

MeechMunchie 08-18-2014 08:42 AM

I'm more of a Regular Show kind of guy.

Manco 08-18-2014 12:31 PM


I'm more of a Regular Show kind of guy.

this works on two levels because Gravity Falls has the worst scheduling I’ve ever seen

Good show though. I’m looking forward to season 2.

Mr. Bungle 08-18-2014 01:32 PM

Haven't seen the show myself. Surely it's not on the same level as the almighty Recess, though.

Wings of Fire 08-18-2014 01:34 PM

I'm totally not going to fold this into the 'I have just seen' thread because A, more people need to know about Gravity Falls and B, I'm concerned Nate doesn't care about us anymore and want to test my theory.

abe619 08-18-2014 03:34 PM

Nate hath forsaken us...

Along with (what I'm assuming is) the joy of 'necruming' threads.

Wings of Fire 08-18-2014 05:23 PM

No, no. We can still necrum threads. Don't worry. Order won't completely deteriorate until someone realizes the FH&S forum is completely unmoderated.


Nate 08-18-2014 10:15 PM


I'm totally not going to fold this into the 'I have just seen' thread because A, more people need to know about Gravity Falls and B, I'm concerned Nate doesn't care about us anymore and want to test my theory.

We have always accepted that detailed, ongoing discussion on a single show/movie warrants its own thread. CF: The Doctor Who thread.


No, no. We can still necrum threads. Don't worry. Order won't completely deteriorate until someone realizes the FH&S forum is completely unmoderated.


Except by me. And I have a reliable internet connection now.

Wings of Fire 08-19-2014 02:36 AM

Yay Nate cares about us!

JayDee 08-19-2014 05:03 AM

I'm like Meech I'm more of a Regular Show guy, or Adventure Time. Unfortunately I'm only capable of being so much of a man-child so i don't have room for this show.

Nate 08-19-2014 10:11 PM


Yay Nate cares about us!

Some of you...