Squeek's Oddysee
For around a decade now, there have been little bits of information floating around about the supposed next entry in the Oddworld Quintology, Squeek's Oddysee. But what would you guys actually like to see?
http://oddworldlibrary.net/archives/...AOM0003-me.jpg This is concept art for the Oddworld Movie, not Squeek. Just up here for atmosphere If you were about to press play on the very first gameplay video of Squeek's Oddysee, what would you hope to see? What would his abilities be? Does he die in one hit? Is he walking around a 3D environment or would he be traversing multi-leveled 2D environment like in Abe's Oddysee? I want to hear your opinions! |
I think that it should not be like 2D platformer,because it needs something new,so why not use the munch's oddysee thing, i mean 3d world,but if it was in the future and Abe was not so young,like in Munch's oddysee.I know that is sounds strange but in my opinion this game should be more be in future world,more progressive than Stranger wrath.It should show that Abe have learned some things from his adventures and if it's the last adventure of Abe Quintology it could show what Abe learned during his saving missions.Maybe the idea of old Abe is not good,but he should be much older (like 50 or something) so we could see how he changed through his journey.
P.s. sorry for my English,it's not my native language. |
But one of the major things that I like in the Oddworld universe is how Lorne Lanning described this world,because I can feel how Lorne was working on this world and how he was saying in one of his interview "Oddworld is like dis functional Disney" and I like the idea of dis functional Disney that shows the way that Oddworld is not the world that is full of stupid monsters that's same,it's full of different creatures and I want to see the full power of Lanning that shows,that he can finish this Quintology even better that the ending of The Sopranos or Breaking bad.
When making for Abe game but not Abe game must always say and ask What if and then Why if. Just so. Making vectors and changed the scenery always will tell you yes for risk and no for safety. But imperative is and always are the ways for some. Do never blink. Do yes ahead and see for truth and from lies always there will be us.
See how can be done? |
It's only the third adventure in the Quintology since only the Oddysee games count.
What I hope for is a fully developed storyline. For Squeek to be a compelling protagonist and fun to play as rather than just the guy you have to play as before you can get back to Abe. A greater implementation of stealth gameplay if it's in 3D. Make an encounter with one Scrab a genuinely terrifying experience. Maybe implement some of those ambitous Munch concepts like the changing world of the Native environments? |
I think some people around here are opposed to a 3D world because they didn't like Munch's Oddysee. Although the move to 3D raises a lot of challenges, it doesn't make it impossible to get right.
I agree on the stealth gameplay, Holy. I didn't really like that Abe could potentially beat a Slig to death in one on one unarmed combat. It really detracts from any general sense of vulnerability you might get. Also, things like not being able to see enemies from multiple angles lead to a general increase in health of NPCs and the player characters alike, which in turn lead to some pretty tedious combat. Some design changes at the root of these problems might actually work for a future game. |
I still maintain that all quintology-related games from Munch's Oddysee onwards would best be done in 3D. The main reason that is not the case for the remakes of AO (and presumably AE) is their success in the 2D format during a time when 3D technology was not nearly as advanced.
I always assumed that stealth-based gameplay would be a staple of every quintology related title and only wasn't as prevalent in Munch's Oddysee for the same reason many other things that were supposed to be in the game weren't. |
Yeah, the stealth element was what really drew me in with Abe's Oddysee. A visual stealth/light/detection indicator could be a really good solution for most complications they might bump into with knowing when you're hidden or not. You could even make the visual indicator on the character himself to avoid having a HUD.
I just liked the fact that you could possess other creatures because it was fun and different
I was wondering what ability they were going to give Munch before that came out, and I kind of like the direction they went (although they didn't get to work in the hulk-esque transformation ability)
Maybe if Squeek does have a cybernetic body, he could have a handful of abilities based on his detachable limbs, or maybe modifying existing limbs to make them more useful. |
I'd like it if squeek was just plain weak. Like Abe's pretty weak. He's skinny and malnourished so he can't fight and he doesn't have any weapons to compensate, BUT he's got special powers to help. And Munch, he's not weak but he's usually not in his element and is at a disadvantage to all the other creatures, BUT he's got special sonar powers to help. I'd think it'd be really cool if Squeek was just in a plain disadvantage to the world, with no special power.
Escort Level: the Game.
You should be able to tear off your own spare parts and control them seperately.
That's exactly what I was thinking. The upgraded/modified body part game mechanic could be cool if they made sure you unlocked them at specific points, and made the puzzles increasingly difficult to account for your stronger/more useful abilities. Stealth could still serve a huge role, too.
I feel stealth should always be important in OW. Also
Fuck everything I just said, ripping off controllable limbs would be awesome. Helplessness I'd still love to see, but maybe that can be hero 4 or 5. |
Squeek should be a clakker with a prosthetic leg. That is all.
Plot Twist: Squeek was Munch's Wheelchair the whoooole time. He was with us all along.
Plot twist: Squeek is Molluck!
Bigger Plot Twist: Squeek is the Green Suit Glukkon. :D
Molluck's green suit is really Munch's wheelchair.
What if squeek had stages where it had to sneak through a populated city because if it were seen people'd yell for security.
Or maybe if it's a city, instead of security, their might be a police force type thing. :P
Plot twist: Squeek is Elboze Freely coming back!
Actually I'd assume Squeek would be the only one that fit in just fine in a populated city. Abe and Munch are already known "terrorists" and would have a much harder time getting through the streets unnoticed, and would therefore have to be stealthier while Squeek could probably get by just walking through a crowd. I'd imagine he'd be looked upon as trash or undesirable because of his body though, so it'd be more likely he'd have to deal with classist confrontation and essentially be bullied.
If the law did end up looking for, say, a cyborg with big red arms, he could just swap those out and avoid suspicion.
"But maaaan I loved those arms!"
I think a stealth platformer similar to the first two games would be cool, only with a top-down perspective. Also, I imagine Squeek would be just as, if not more defenseless than Abe, what with the lack of possession. He'd probably get his own power though, maybe the ability to squeeze through cracks and holes or something like that.
And yeah a setting in a highly populated city would be cool. We've never come close to seeing Glukkon cities, have we? |
I thought the cities were being saved for the endgame of the Quintology?