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MeechCrunchies 07-02-2014 09:34 AM

New 'n' Tasty Ingredients #1: Difficulty Levels

I guess from today until the release on the 22nd, we'll be getting information on the inner tweakings of what makes New 'N Tasty well..new.

Jordan 07-02-2014 10:12 AM

Proper love the title screen!

Havoc 07-02-2014 10:31 AM

I'm sure they've tested this, but I can't help but wonder if you can't simply run past every slig puzzle in the game without having to be careful if you only take so little damage.

Also I'm hoping the Easy and Medium achievements are linked to the Hard one, because I will not be playing this game on anything but hard.

Holy Sock 07-02-2014 10:41 AM

I'm sure they will if Stranger's Wrath HD is any indication.

STM 07-02-2014 11:03 AM


I'm sure they've tested this, but I can't help but wonder if you can't simply run past every slig puzzle in the game without having to be careful if you only take so little damage.

Also I'm hoping the Easy and Medium achievements are linked to the Hard one, because I will not be playing this game on anything but hard.

I'd have thought they have achievements for completing it on each difficulty.

Dynamithix 07-02-2014 11:44 AM


I'd have thought they have achievements for completing it on each difficulty.

But it'd be really shitty if you'd have to complete the game on each difficulty to get all the trophies/achievements. I really hope they do stack.

STM 07-02-2014 12:04 PM

Oh yeh don't get me wrong I don't want to have to complete a game on each and every difficulty just for trophies. But that being said I never bother to unlock trophies any way. :P

I think my average completion rate on Steam is like 25%.

Oziah 07-02-2014 03:42 PM

Read something recently by OWI that said difficulty trophies stack. Can't remember where it was but they said something like 'if you're good enough to do hard mode we realise you can probably do the easier difficulties' - that's some major paraphrasing right there though :p

SoulStorm64 07-02-2014 03:43 PM

That wasn't good read, but it just justifies things I already knew. I can't believe the game is coming soon! I feel like it was yesterday that we voted for what new oddworld game we wanted.

JennyGenesis 07-02-2014 04:23 PM

I'll probably play it on normal at first, I want to see just how the game feels with the new health system in place.

Connell 07-02-2014 04:41 PM

Trophies in games are a gimmick in my opinion, and I couldn't really care less about them. However, I do intend to get every single one in N'n'T because Oddworld. But I also won't be playing the game on any mode other than hard, so it'd be a shame if I had to go through it on the less challenging modes to get all the trophies.

EDIT: I would also like to say I approve of the inclusion of difficulty levels, and whilst I won't personally be using them, I think it's a very wise choice for inclusion. I remember speaking to people twice my age who genuinely couldn't even get out of Rupture Farms, and this will probably do them the world of good.

Manco 07-02-2014 10:40 PM

Hell, I've seen grown-ass people try and fail to play AO.

This will probably be one of the only games I'll play on hard mode.

OWI_Alex 07-02-2014 11:49 PM


Also I'm hoping the Easy and Medium achievements are linked to the Hard one,

Hi. Trophies stack, yes. Get the "Odd Messiah" trophy and "Saviour of Odd" & "Prophet of Odd" should also unlock.


because I will not be playing this game on anything but hard.

Which is why we've built in the different difficulty levels! :D

Xavier 07-03-2014 12:00 AM

Yep, very good move from JAW/OWI to have different difficulty levels. :)
Even better move to have a hard mode which is basically the same as the difficulty level in AO.

Now I'm just wondering if one of those Hidden Trophies is actually rescuing all the Mudokons, on Hard with QuickSave switched off.

Oh and that screen just looks amazingly good :D

Havoc 07-03-2014 04:27 AM


I remember speaking to people twice my age who genuinely couldn't even get out of Rupture Farms, and this will probably do them the world of good.

I'm having a hard time imagining anyone having a hard time getting out of RF. There's not even hard parts in the first Zulag unless you count the secrets. Where could you possibly get stuck :fuzconf:

AO is hard, but not THAT hard.

V_O_T 07-03-2014 04:35 AM

Are you kidding? I couldnt figure out how to say follow me till I played Exoddus.

but boy oh boy did I greet the shit out of a lot of working muds.

MeechMunchie 07-03-2014 05:03 AM

I got stuck at the Stockyards, though it wasn't really my fault.

Connell 07-03-2014 05:08 AM


I'm having a hard time imagining anyone having a hard time getting out of RF. There's not even hard parts in the first Zulag unless you count the secrets. Where could you possibly get stuck :fuzconf:

AO is hard, but not THAT hard.

I have a very vivid memory of being about 7 or 8 and going to Butlins, the chain of English shitty holiday parks. There was a day where activities for kids were organised, and my sister and I were the only ones that turned up. I was obsessed with Abe and I asked my dad to ask the guy organising it if he had ever played Abe, because I was a strange child. He actually had and said he couldn't even get past the factory at the start.

I tried aimlessly to give him random pieces of help, such as that you can possess the guard, to which he nodded politely. Me and my dad had a good laugh at his lack of skill later on that day, which gives you some real insight into how wild my childhood was. As a result of that memory, I think AO was genuinely a nightmare for some people.

JennyGenesis 07-03-2014 05:58 AM

It took me a long time just to finish the demo of AO!

Havoc 07-03-2014 06:10 AM


It took me a long time just to finish the demo of AO!

I remember spending the longest time in the world figuring out how to get past those mines in the stockyard :lol:

STM 07-03-2014 07:22 AM

The Stockyard return for me was a horrible fucking thing to try and complete, as a kid I didn't have the coordination to get through the floating mines on that one screen...so I used to cheat my way into Zulag 1, my uncle gave me two cheat books with my PS1. >.>

Crashpunk 07-03-2014 08:53 AM

Stockyards return took me sooo long to beat first time. I made zero progress for ages.

Varrok 07-03-2014 11:08 AM

I've never cheated in any Abe game. I hardly knew if there were any cheats for it

OANST 07-03-2014 11:26 AM


Also I'm hoping the Easy and Medium achievements are linked to the Hard one, because I will not be playing this game on anything but hard.

I got both the Easy and Hard achievements at the same time when I went on that date with your mom.

I'm bored.

Varrok 07-03-2014 11:30 AM

You're missing Medium then.

EDIT: Oh wait you don't.

Also, are you Havoc's father?

Phylum 07-03-2014 01:52 PM

Plot twist: OANST is a gigantic man-slut and we are all his estranged children.

Jordan 07-03-2014 03:04 PM

I could never beat AE without the invincibility cheat. How shameful, what with quiksave and everything. AO didn't even have the cheat :(

Michael 07-04-2014 03:31 AM

I don't think I ever passed both Scrabania and Paramonia as a kid. I remember a guy where my dad worked had completed it, and he lent me his game save so I could see the ending. It began at the start of the Boardroom.

Wasn't until (2008, was it?) when I got AO again on PSN that I finally saw the later levels and finished the game! Yes, it took me a decade to finish AO :p

Nath 07-04-2014 05:23 AM

It took me a couple of months to complete it, I was 14/15 at the time. I got the bad ending at first and was gutted, but my friend in school got the good ending and made me more determined to get the good ending, as he wasn't that bothered about the franchise and sold the game on afterwards.

Strnadik 07-07-2014 11:57 PM

From what I saw, I am really afraid of the lower difficulty levels, Abe took tons of bullets, it took almost 4 seconds to kill him, that's enough to run over many sneaky parts (+saving mudokons heals you so you can do it often). But I am definitely going with the hardest difficulty possible, I couldn't play without 1 hit kill.