What Console will you buy New N Tasty for?
The thread title says it all!
Personally I'm going to buy the Wii U edition, just for the fact that using Gamespeak will be a screen press away :p |
I'm planning on buying it day one, so I'll probably get it for the PS3, as I don't own a vita or PS4, and the WiiU release and the computer releases won't be until later. I would rather play it on PC, and I'll probably end up buying it for PC as well.
Depending on whether or not I have the money for a PS4 before New ‘n’ Tasty is released, it’ll either be PS4 or the PC/Mac version.
PC, maybe two copies so I can get it for the girlfriend too ... and then play it on her better laptop. ;)
Definitely on PC. There's no way I'll be getting a PS4 anytime soon. If I ever want to play it on a big screen, I fortunately have an HDMI cable too.
I'll be buying the PS4 version day one, then the PC version once it's released.
Wii U for me.
PS3 here, although I'll definitely be getting it on Vita and PC at some point too.
I'll be waiting for the PC release.
I don't think so, no.
PS3 and then replay it on Xbox One if it's ever released on there.
Either PS3 or PC. Most likely PC.
PC and Wii U (Once I actually have a Wii U). If I ever get a PS4, I'll get it on that as well.
I'm buying them on launch so I may get a Wii U the same day :) |
Wii u so I can expand my game library,
and I'll pick up the pc version at some point too. |
Out of curiosity (E: not that it's a bad thing), how come people want it for more than one platform? Surely the experience won't be vary much between platforms, apart from which controller peripheral you'll be using?
The more copies you buy, the more you support OWI!
Nah I'm kidding, it's just I play all my games on Xbox so that's why I want it on Xbox One. I'll also get it on PS3 because my girlfriend has a PS3 and I want to play the game asap. |
If I recall, they stated that they aren't going to release it on xbox one/360 because of their indie licence or something. (I may be wrong, this is from memory but I do at least know it's not coming to either xboxes)
I already said why I'm getting it on wii u but I'm getting it on pc just for convenience. (and modding if it actually happens). |
I'll get it for the PS3 myself. I already have all the other Oddworlds on there. :) |
PC, unfortunately.
PC, fortunately.
Consoles are a thing of the past. Steam and its boxes are da future! :D
Maybe it's a weak PC
Or he's used to playing it on a console. I'd play it on a PS3 if I had one but alas, I do not so PC will suffice.
I have no idea what I'm getting it on I just hope if it's PC I get a PC that can actually run the damn game around the same time because this one sure a fuck couldn't run it