If You Had a Superpower
I'd like time manipulation. Not time travel, because I'd worry about screwing up the past. Just the ability to speed up and slow down time on demand. I could sleep in every day in the hours between 7:18 and 7:20.
Either that or changing material states. Melt buildings, solidify water, elasticise pavements into trampolines etc. If we're going for pure cool, teleportation is about as slick as it gets. It's something with so many practical applications I can imagine becoming blasé about using it. If it has to be something mundane, the ability to fall asleep and wake up on demand. Seriously. Lunch break? Clap your hands and take a nap, wake up exactly forty minutes later and get back to what you were doing, refreshed. A friend of mine said he'd like "antikinesis", the ability to rob moving objects of momentum. As well as Neo-esque bullet catch shennanigans, he likes the idea of halting a villain in space and watching them slam into the face of the Earth at 107,000 km/h. No game-breaking omnipotence please. Summoning objects on command would be cool, but one Ptah is enough. |
I just want bio-manipulation or shape shifting of some kind. Bio-manipulation covers a lot of the bases, like I can give myself super strength or burst into flames or turn to solid stone at any given moment, though I guess the time lapse depends on the canon. In some universes it would be instantaneous and the power can get pretty OP, but I know I've read one instance where it took a really long time to change even slightly, making it the biggest piece of shit power.
With shape shifting I could swim a lot better and gain the ability to fly. I can also become a master of disguise, which is always fun. Also, time related powers are always great, so if neither of those were readily available I'd so be okay with having some kind of time manipulation powers. |
Duplication. So much potential.
I don't want any superpower, ever.
Your superpower is immunity to anything that could give you superpowers.
Nope, I'd probably get them, If I was exposed to radiation
You know how Alex Mercer runs around the city in Prototype? I'd like to be able to do that. Also biotics.
Alternatively, the power to teleport a few ounces of liquid to any nearby location. I could make a fortune from high-class drug users who don't want any track marks, and if necessary I could easily assassinate people with overdoses. This is obviously the power I'd get for my dark side play-through of life. |
You could also go for a piss without needing to move.
Someone else would have to, though.
You could just teleport the piss straight in to the toilet, though.
My choices would be teleportation or the ability to absorb any type of energy then emit it as a different type of energy. Because that latter one essentially gives me the powers of 2/3 of the X-Men in one go. :p |
*un-lurks* My time spent playing games makes me wish I had an unlimited save and load state function for the real world, including a comprehensive backlog of weekly/monthly autosaves that don't expire.
Just imagine the possibilities - You could save your present state, go "back" in time and try to do a part of your life differently to see where it leads, then load your back present state if it doesn't work out - Or simply re-live an old part of your life if you ever feel nostalgic. Also, risks you'd take wouldn't have dire or permanently fatal consequences. It'd be awesome. :
Immortality. I'd like to see how humanity does in the future.
Mechanical shapeshifting. Turn my hands into hammers and wrenches and stuff, fingers into cables when I need them. The 'immortal invulnerable machine man' option is in there somewhere but I actually like this superpower for its utility. Also, it would mean limited immortality.
Either teleportation or the manipulation and creation of ice/electricity.
Teleportation because it would make it a million times easier to see friends and visit my home town, and would also allow me to visit new places. Manipulation of energies like ice/electricity just because it'd be fucking awesome. |
I'd consider either going for something relatively discrete or something ridiculously powerful so I could get away with using it.
I would like to be able to do a bunch of very small powers, but I'd like the ability to control people's perception of sound. Not visuals, just sound. I'd be able to make one sound seem louder, another quieter, cancel it out altogether, change the pitch or make it seem like it's coming from a different direction. Not just to other people, but also myself. Noisy people are noisy to you no more. Your voice seems louder and deeper than usual, you can deafen somebody you don't like, use it to sneak up on people, or just be stealthy in general. It would be kind of fun to extend this entirely to people's perception of reality, but I imagine I could get much more inventive and have a lot more fun with this ability. I'd also sort of like to have the same regenerative powers that Wolverine has, though it's somewhat unoriginal. Having time control would also be interesting. But I'd rather be able to jump timelines, so I could check how I might have turned out if I had taken other choices. |
The ability to wish for whatever I wanted. OP, bitches.
Nah, I think the ability to bestow or remove immortality would be a cool one. Also, it'd be awesome to shoot fire out of my hands. |
Multi-dimensional travel. Because ponies.
Kill every "SWAG" person x)
But if you wanted to, could you make the end of your finger into a toothbrush?
That's kind of a gray area actually. I mean, toothbrushes are usually plastic with some kind of fibrous material, but not really mechanical. So what I could do is turn my finger into one of those stainless steel polishing brushes with the bronze fibres and just make my teeth aluminum. Now electric toothbrushes maybe, but buying replacement heads for the tips of my fingers would become rather expensive after a time.
I think if it's all the same to you guys I might just choose to spit acid. Shapeshifting is simply more trouble than it's worth. |
All the glitters is not gold, eh Mac?
No, sometimes it's iron pyrite.
Shapeshifting would be a big one for me because it would be great to be in complete control of how I look on a daily basis. No need to feel self-conscious over how you look, ever.
The whole "be an animal and do all kinds of neat shit humans can't" is a bonus. Also seconding immortality. I wonder if shapeshifting would allow you to constantly shift to a younger form and double up as immortality, though ... |
Duplication, guys. Think about it.
Need some quick cash? Dupe some twentys. Running low on beer? Dupe 'em. Want more of your favourite salty snack but are running low? Well, sir, you can dupe that. You could even end world hunter. Think of the possibilities! |