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STM 04-01-2013 03:39 PM

What Makes You Tick?
So, this thread sort of came to light due to my most recent Facebook update. Basically I'm a terrible germaphobe and I just dropped a tablet I need to take under my bed. I had a minor panic attack because it's really fucking dirty under there. Grabbed it, dusted it off and it fell back under again. I had to grab it for the second time, narrowly missing an enormous dust bunny, I shit you not I went to the bathroom and washed the tablet with soap and water. My mouth tastes of silk and magnolia right now because I would rather ingest soap than dust.

It makes me laugh, some of the weird shit I do, so what really gets under your skin? I'm intrigued, stuff like this always makes me laugh.

Vyrien 04-01-2013 04:11 PM

I squat on the toilet seat when I take a shit.

I have this terrible habit of accidentally poking myself really hard in the hipbone when I don't have anything to do with my hands, it hurts like a bitch.

Also I cringe when people bite their cutlery whilst they are eating.

STM 04-01-2013 04:15 PM

Oh man I hover if I'm in public, comes into the whole germs thing. According to Mac that's healthy though so I don't feel so dumb.

Biting cutlery is terrible as well, so is biting your teeth by mistake. Also the feel of scratching plaster.

Bullet Magnet 04-01-2013 04:44 PM

Biting your teeth? Is that when your bottom jaw comes too far forward and your lower teeth come up in front of your upper teeth, then you realign them and your teeth clip each other and it's really awful?

Steamer_KING 04-01-2013 04:51 PM

I...can't have the idea that there's a spider close to me in a closed room. Spiders and me, we don't have a nice relationship. BUT I like to study them and being fascinated by their nature, but the moment my brain plants the idea that there might be a spider somewhere close, my whole body reacts. I do remember as a kid, playing with spiders with no problem, so I might had some kind of traumatizing experience that I don't remember. As an older kid, I killed the spiders, but now I just take something close to me, catch them and put them somewhere else that's safe. One day, I might even get a spider, but that day sure is far away.

Bullet Magnet 04-01-2013 05:06 PM

I don't like killing spiders. Except at work. And then, only if they fit inside the jaws of the fly trap.

Mr. Bungle 04-01-2013 05:15 PM

For a while I thought there was a botfly burrowed under the skin on the back of my neck.

I'm not completely sure of the point of this thread but yeah, botflys freak me the fuck out.

MeechMunchie 04-01-2013 05:24 PM

that clock I ate

Mac Sirloin 04-01-2013 06:06 PM

Just about everything, to be honest.

Jordan 04-02-2013 12:57 AM

When people clip fingernails/toenails near me. No, you can't do that. The noise it makes absolutely kills me and makes me feel ill.

Also when polystyrene is scraped against something/more polystyrene. It gives me this cold feeling.

Oddey 04-02-2013 01:19 AM


Also when polystyrene is scraped against something/more polystyrene. It gives me this cold feeling.


Reading the news often makes me very angry as well. It's mostly because of this hard to describe tone that I feel almost all journalists use. I can't put it into words, but I hate it. I remember this one time, I was at school, talking with a friend of mine, while she was reading the news on her laptop. She seemed very absorbed in it, so I took a look. Every headline I read, I said something disdainful about it, or pointed out something I didn't like in it. After a while, I was pretty much shouting and seething. Around that time, she was going out of her way to look for newspapers and articles that would ideally make me happy. At that point though, I was well past the point of reason and reacted negatively to every headline, before she eventually said "You're rather cheerful today aren't you?"

I had been cheerful, until I had read so much anger inducing news. Indeed, just writing this is actually making me a little irate. I really don't like the way newspapers seem to be written.

I don't hate news, I just hate the way journalists present it.

Crashpunk 04-02-2013 01:36 AM

I'm an all round tidy person and if something isn't in it's place, I want to tidy it up. Also Discs that are left out of their cases and are just laying around annoys the fuck out of me. I don't know what it is, maybe it's just because I don't want them damaging.


Also when polystyrene is scraped against something/more polystyrene. It gives me this cold feeling.
Totally with you on that. Anything that's really high pitched runs shivered down my spine.

Phylum 04-02-2013 03:00 AM


Also Discs that are left out of their cases and are just laying around annoys the fuck out of me.

I'm more bothered by people who leave disks in the wrong cases personally.

STM 04-02-2013 03:02 AM

That's weird, I like the noise of polystyrene rubbing against shit. Sounds good to me. OR maybe that's an overreaction but I don't mind it.

Daddylonglegs and craneflies though, if someone ever wanted to get me out of a room all they'd have to do is yell 'cranefly' and I'll be out of there quicker than Ussain Bolt. Actually, once I spotted one in the living room just as the postman was in the hall getting my mum to sign for a package. I saw it and picked my brother up to physically use him as a human shield in case it flew towards me. Obviously you can only use a small child as a shield for so long before said child gets pissed off so at that I bowled out of the living room and into the hallway, in my dressing gown. Postman and my mum just stared at me to which all I could do was point and say, 'daddylonglegs in there' real meekly.

Fucking long legged cunts.

scrabface 04-02-2013 03:39 AM


When people clip fingernails/toenails near me. No, you can't do that. The noise it makes absolutely kills me and makes me feel ill.

oh god yes. when people shove one of their fingernails under another. I cringe so much at this. the sound hurts me and sometimes echoes for hours inside my head.
when under way, I try not to step on lines/cracks on the concrete.

I wouldn't call myself a germaphobe, but I need to wash my hands, everytime I come from the streets or several times during work, because people are disgusting. and this winter I haven't been sick yet.

Crashpunk 04-02-2013 03:57 AM


I'm more bothered by people who leave disks in the wrong cases personally.

That too. My sister is the worse at doing that. I go though like 3 or 4 different cases to try and find the right game, some cases even have more than one game in them! :fuzmad:

Wings of Fire 04-02-2013 04:03 AM

People who misuse phrases. 'What makes you tick' is the thing that motivates you and keeps you going, like a clock. Exactly like a clock, in fact.

Varrok 04-02-2013 04:14 AM

Each one of you makes me tick, no matter what that means

Phylum 04-02-2013 04:35 AM


People who misuse phrases. 'What makes you tick' is the thing that motivates you and keeps you going, like a clock. Exactly like a clock, in fact.

I was waiting for someone to point that out and ruin this thread. I think it's all going to be downhill from here.

MeechMunchie 04-02-2013 05:20 AM


People who misuse phrases. 'What makes you tick' is the thing that motivates you and keeps you going, like a clock. Exactly like a clock, in fact.

I dispute this. It's not referring to a clock that makes you tick, it's referring to the mechanism that makes the clock tick.

"If cogs and gears make a clock tick and keep it going, what makes you tick and keeps you going?"

Varrok 04-02-2013 05:26 AM

He didn't say that a clock makes you tick, but if you tick, you go like a clock.

Also, you're currently Online at OWF. I thought you just stay hidden

Bullet Magnet 04-02-2013 05:26 AM

My childhood home has a metal shovel by the coal bunker used to retrieve fuel. When it scrapes along the paving slabs my organs shiver and my bones try to leave my body.


That's weird, I like the noise of polystyrene rubbing against shit. Sounds good to me. OR maybe that's an overreaction but I don't mind it.

Daddylonglegs and craneflies though, if someone ever wanted to get me out of a room all they'd have to do is yell 'cranefly' and I'll be out of there quicker than Ussain Bolt. Actually, once I spotted one in the living room just as the postman was in the hall getting my mum to sign for a package. I saw it and picked my brother up to physically use him as a human shield in case it flew towards me. Obviously you can only use a small child as a shield for so long before said child gets pissed off so at that I bowled out of the living room and into the hallway, in my dressing gown. Postman and my mum just stared at me to which all I could do was point and say, 'daddylonglegs in there' real meekly.

Fucking long legged cunts.


Steamer_KING 04-02-2013 06:09 AM


Daddylonglegs and craneflies though, if someone ever wanted to get me out of a room all they'd have to do is yell 'cranefly' and I'll be out of there quicker than Ussain Bolt.

Fucking long legged cunts.

I feel your ticks...

Vyrien 04-02-2013 06:25 AM

I hate ticks, my cat had one and we had to burn it off with a heated screwdriver then drown it in vodka. The little fucker died happy I'm sure.

For months after I would check every item of clothing I had before putting it on and change my bedclothes every other day just in case.


Steamer_KING 04-02-2013 06:28 AM

No one dies happy with vodka. No one...

Git'Im 04-02-2013 07:44 AM

Tock makes me tick

OANST 04-02-2013 08:15 AM


Manco 04-02-2013 10:45 AM


I dispute this. It's not referring to a clock that makes you tick, it's referring to the mechanism that makes the clock tick.

"If cogs and gears make a clock tick and keep it going, what makes you tick and keeps you going?"

I’m pretty sure it’s actually a perversion of the term “tic”.

Wings of Fire 04-02-2013 10:47 AM


I’m pretty sure it’s actually a perversion of the term “tic”.

It is how STM is using it, but the saying is obviously a metaphor for a clock.

STM 04-02-2013 10:50 AM

