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-   -   Nate was mean to me! (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=21247)

Wings of Fire 03-03-2013 07:29 PM

Nate was mean to me!
Well actually he's been surprisingly nice to me these last few months, so happy birthday you old old fogey!


Have a certified google images Nate cake.

Varrok 03-03-2013 08:09 PM

I've already wished him a happy birthday in Nath's birthday thread, (your nicks are confusing)
But happy birthday, once again!

Phylum 03-04-2013 12:17 AM

You share a birthday with one of my friends and an oboist.


Wil 03-04-2013 01:30 AM

Are the friend and oboist the same person?

Happy birthday! May you incur merriad jubilicious fundulations!

Phylum 03-04-2013 01:45 AM

They are different people. My friend is above playing oboe as he plays trumpet, which is equally stately and much more brassy.

Nate 03-04-2013 02:30 AM

Yay! Thanks everybody.

Phylum: Are you sure it wasn't me? I did play oboe for a year back in... 1996.

Phylum 03-04-2013 02:37 AM

That's the year I was born, you old bastard.

AlexFili 03-04-2013 02:43 AM

Happy Birthday!

Xavier 03-04-2013 04:46 AM

Happy Birthday Nate!

OANST 03-04-2013 05:04 AM

Happy birthday, you old disgusting queen.

Dynamithix 03-04-2013 05:39 AM

Happy Nateday!

Crashpunk 03-04-2013 06:05 AM

Happy Birthday! :D

T-nex 03-04-2013 06:17 AM

Happy Birthday Nate!! :) Did you find any grey hairs yet?

OddjobAbe 03-04-2013 07:10 AM

Happy birthday.

STM 03-04-2013 07:25 AM

Happy birthday to our benevolent dictator from Oz! Have a good one you old Jew.

MeechMunchie 03-04-2013 09:25 AM

Kosher Birthday, Nate. May your presents be expensive and neatly wrapped.

Our forum's had a fair share of admins in the past
But most of 'em were nudniks and none of 'em would last
But this guy's real kosher, I think he does the trick
I tell ya, he's to die for - he really knows his shtick

He's gotta lotta chutzpah, he's really quite hhhhhip
His parents pay the moyl and he gets to keep the tip
He never acts meshugga and he's hardly a schlemiel
But if you wanna haggle, oy, he'll make you such a deal!

So how's by you? Have you seen this Jew?
Reads the Torah nightly, does his own accounting too
Workin' like a dog at the synagogue
Happy Birthday Nate! Happy Birthday Nate!
People used to scoff, now they say "Mazel tov!"
He's such a darn macher 'cause he worked his tuchis off

So grab your yarmulka
The one you got for Chanukah
Put on your yarmulka
And hey! Hey! Do that Hebrew thing!

And all the goyim say he's pretty fly... for a rabbi.

DarkHoodness 03-04-2013 09:40 AM

Have a good one!

Wil 03-04-2013 11:45 AM


That's the year I was born, you old bastard.

I'm pretty sure that by all counts you should still be unable to speak, walk, or have developed a sense of self. Now put that facial hair in the bin and tidy your room.

OddjobAbe 03-04-2013 11:51 AM


That's the year I was born, you old bastard.

I think the pink oboe became Nate's instrument of choice after that.

MA 03-04-2013 03:15 PM

happy birthday you

i can't think of a jew pun but happy birthday anyway!

Wings of Fire 03-04-2013 03:22 PM

I think all the orthodox puns have been used already.


Nate 03-04-2013 04:29 PM


Happy Birthday Nate!! :) Did you find any grey hairs yet?

Grey hairs? I've had them for years!

Slog Bait 03-05-2013 09:35 AM

I missed it by a day because of ECCC god dammit

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATE I drew you a thing

Varrok 03-05-2013 09:59 AM

and I enhanced it:

Wings of Fire 03-05-2013 12:03 PM

That is a glorious hideous creation.

gishygleb 03-05-2013 12:11 PM


Nate 03-05-2013 09:58 PM

Those images are a crime against humanity and I love them.

Crashpunk 03-06-2013 01:33 AM

Nate FINALLY changed his avatar.

Phylum 03-06-2013 01:36 AM

He changed it really recently, but only the observant people noticed.

Well, until someone barred in and ruined the fun.

Nate 03-06-2013 01:39 AM

The first time I changed my avatar it was to Alcar's when half the forum was impersonating him. I changed it during the pony plague. And then a while later I did the flipping thing. This is the fourth non-standard avatar I've had.


I keep meaning to mention this, but I keep forgetting. When I first saw the title of this thread from the main forum page, I had assumed it was created by OANST in response to him promising on Facebook to write something mean about me on the forums. From this I take one of two things:
  1. OANST is nicer than he looks and WoF is meaner.
  2. WoF has been a multi of OANST all this time.