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-   -   Speculations/ideas of what Hand Of Odd may be and what it may become. (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=21147)

V_O_T 12-13-2012 05:11 AM

Speculations/ideas of what Hand Of Odd may be and what it may become.
The title says it all.

In this thread here we speculate and ponder on what might be, what wont be, what will never be and what certainly will be. That and I'm sure we all have certain knowledge that some don't about Hand Of Odd. For instance, all I know (and I may be wrong), is that HoO will be an RTS game.

Now, I'm not sure if anyone here plays games like Dota 2, Smite, League of Legends, Heroes of Middle earth, but these games are all RTS games. Now I'm probably getting way ahead of myself here and getting excited for the wrong thing, but join me in imagining!

What if there was a game that had the game play mechanics and customization of Dota 2 and the others, but based in the Oddworld universe?

I just see huge potential here because I see a lot of these moba and rts games being really popular this year with global tournaments and what not.

crazed fan idea starts here
But, in terms of how it would be laid out, a set of selective creatures from the Oddworld universe fighting in a 5vs5 battle over land (Natives Vs Industrial). The characters wont be basic like, slig, glukkon, greeter, etc, they would have personality. For example, this guy, he would ride his tank around, have an Irish accent, his own set of 4 skills, back story, etc. There could even be a king Paramite that has its own set of fast melee attacks, voice lines of roars, and a little crown perhaps(possible items). Runes could be substituted for spirit lockers and once opened give bonus damage to that player, etc.

Anyway, as I mentioned before, this is only speculating, theorising, tin foil hatting. Silly opinions, valid ideas, ramblings and the occasional ham are all welcome and related posts.


So, What do you imagine HoO (Hand Of Odd)to be like?

Mr. Bungle 12-13-2012 05:12 AM

Think I read somewhere that it was being turned into a Facebook game. Yeah.

V_O_T 12-13-2012 05:18 AM


Think I read somewhere that it was being turned into a Facebook game. Yeah.


Vyrien 12-13-2012 05:36 AM

Fear not, all that was mentioned was that it would be more casual and accessible as opposed to an intense hardcore gamer RTS.


The article above also links to tweets from JAW that say it is neither Farmville based nor a Facebook game, so hopefully we have nothing to worry about in that respect.

hedjeroo 12-14-2012 07:10 PM

Maybe it'll be comparable to Tiberium Alliances? Maybe on a lesser scale, but...

I dunno, I don't branch into RTS very often, but I've been playing TA: it pretty much seems like a good example of a casual RTS to me. Browser-based, free to play, has some of the freemium-type perks to it but you never actually need to spend money on it. None of that not being able to do crap without spending stuff that you sometimes see in freemium games - like, you know, paying for an entire class that happens to be the most competent and required in an MMORPG, or only being able to PvP competently if you have cash gear.

Honestly, if it ended up like Dota2/LoL, I'm not sure I'd play it. While laning RTS, as I guess I'd refer to it, is still a pretty niche market... kinda doesn't seem right to have it for an Oddworld game. Can see it working, yes, but there's also the problem of these games attract... I guess the polite way of saying it is, a pretty different crowd.

STM 12-15-2012 01:53 AM

Actually, it might be interesting to see it a little like DotA as opposed to DoW

Bullet Magnet 12-15-2012 08:23 AM

I understood that in the original idea there would be large battles managed on a local scale, perhaps through an avatar.

pupbenny 12-15-2012 08:24 AM

It'd probably be like Age Of Empires III but with Oddworld.

OANST 12-15-2012 10:40 AM

It'd be all like thwip thwip PEEEeeeewwwwwww. Ka-Boom! shugga shugga shugga POW!

Crashpunk 12-15-2012 11:07 AM


It'd probably be like Age Of Empires III but with Oddworld.

I hope it's like Age of Empires II: Age of Kings. I love that game and the other AoE games don't compare to it.

Nepsotic 12-15-2012 11:50 AM

I hope it's original and isn't like any of those games, it's something completely new and innovative.

I mean, I know it won't be, but still.

SpAM_CAN 12-15-2012 12:33 PM

Not to toot my own horn, but I think I hit the nail on the head a while back:
"It should be free-to-play like Tribes Ascend, which is a game that happens to be free, not like Tiberium Alliances, which is a game no one in their right mind would pay for."

Personally, I'd like to see a similar game to Populous: The Beginning. The magic system in that is really cool, and I could see that working in an Oddworld setting. Mudokons have Big Face as their shaman with magic powers, and the Industrialists have a Glukkon that calls in various airstrikes and such. Also, the terrain deformation was awesome in that game :3

But yes, go with what you feel like. I'm sure it'll be good.

Oh, and release it on Android and iOS if you can! We need more good RTS games on tablets.

V_O_T 12-15-2012 03:37 PM

Regardless of if it is a AoE style game or a Dota game, I cant wait to see what happens. All in all I hope there are iron sights, level ups with kill streak rewards and UAV's.

Andrelvis 12-15-2012 04:21 PM


Personally, I'd like to see a similar game to Populous: The Beginning. The magic system in that is really cool, and I could see that working in an Oddworld setting. Mudokons have Big Face as their shaman with magic powers, and the Industrialists have a Glukkon that calls in various airstrikes and such. Also, the terrain deformation was awesome in that game :3

Yeah, I think that would work best.

Nepsotic 12-16-2012 06:43 AM


Oh, and release it on Android and iOS if you can! We need more good RTS games on tablets.
If that is the case it will suck as a PC game.

Xavier 12-17-2012 06:12 AM

I think it's interesting to remind you people that OWI and JAW don't even know themselves what HoO will be...

Mr. Bungle 12-17-2012 01:19 PM


It'd be all like thwip thwip PEEEeeeewwwwwww. Ka-Boom! shugga shugga shugga POW!


Nepsotic 12-17-2012 01:32 PM

Nah, dubstep is ten times better than that. It's more like BWHUEER WUBWUBWUB BWHUEER YOI YOI WWWWNNNNNNOOOOW.

Oh yeah, I speak dubstep.

Havoc 12-18-2012 09:07 AM


I think it's interesting to remind you people that OWI and JAW don't even know themselves what HoO will be...

I hate it when developers announce something without knowing what it's going to be yet.

Sekto Springs 12-19-2012 10:29 AM


Oh yeah, I speak dubstep.
Anyone who farts in a bathtub speaks dubstep.

Nepsotic 12-19-2012 10:34 AM

It may not smell nice, but it certainly sounds good.

Varrok 12-19-2012 12:36 PM

If Bach was alive to hear this, I'm sure he'd die again

MeechMunchie 12-19-2012 12:40 PM

You mean he'd go Bach to the grave?

Puns are satisfying, like Moz' arts.

Nate 12-19-2012 06:35 PM

On-topic, please.

Hulaabeo 12-20-2012 03:03 AM

I've always ever thought of HoO as an Oddworld AoE... can't think of it as anything else. :I

Vyrien 12-20-2012 04:26 AM

I really hope it is, AoE and AoM are some of my favourite games. An Oddworld flavoured version of these would be absolute perfection.

Nepsotic 12-20-2012 06:41 AM

And totally not unoriginal...

Takeshi 12-20-2012 11:18 AM

Guess we will have to just wait and see.

Queen Skillya 12-27-2012 11:45 PM


I hope it's original and isn't like any of those games, it's something completely new and innovative.

I mean, I know it won't be, but still.

Ditto. One can only have hope! ;)

I'd really like Hand of Odd to be an epic RTS like the Starcraft series. There is something so satisfying about carefully making vast armies and sending them to mow down the enemy, whether it be AI or a real person on the other end. I've always wanted to do this in Oddworld!

I wouldn't mind a MOBA/RTS/RPG hybrid, honestly. It could be fun!

Heck, I've always wanted to play an Oddworld MMORPG. Think Warcraft but more epic and with way more realistic graphics!

Besides, maybe some day in my lifetime I'll be able to play an Oddworld game that will be so real that I can literally taste the Scrab Cakes, feel the warm sand of Scrabania between my toes, hear the scream of dying gloktigi, and smell the trees of Paramonia.

At the end of the day, I don't care what Hand of Odd is exactly as long as it:

1. Has realistic, modern graphics
2. Has a engaging storyline
3. Able to play as Industrial or Native
4. Has awesome cinematics that make my jaw drop
5. Has excellent sound and music design [like Abe's Oddysee]
6. Is overall a really fine product! :happy:

Abe16 12-30-2012 01:09 AM

I think Hand Of Odd would be neat if it were set in a Civ style. But that's just me, brosephs.