Oddworld Merchandise Ideas
The Oddworld Facebook page has suggested merchandise ideas and I want to get input from you lot.
Just to get a more refined list of things you would like to see and to see if others would want this merch too :) Personally, I think an Oddworld Pendant would be cool as well as figures of iconic Oddworld characters/creatures. 3A style quality. Other things that would be neat would be: -Posters -Mousepads -Mugs -Stickers/Pins/Medals -Stress ball piece of meat -The throwable rock. What would you all want? :) |
Throwable rocks? Sure. I'll just pick up some stones from outside, stick an OWI label on and ship them over to you, k?
That stress ball piece of meat is sounding pretty fabulous
But hey, its a practical gift. Maybe have it in a glass case that says "In case of emergency, smash glass with bare hands to obtain rock." Then I can finally use it to break open fire extinguisher cases in the countless fires I get into. |
I really want to see some T-shirts with the logos from different companies and products from the Abe games. Rupture Farms, SoulStorm Brew, Scrab Cakes for example. Also not forgetting the different Mudokon Faces from Abe's Exoddus.
Also I want to see some Abe Plushies :3 |
Sticker of the logos for the various levels and mudokon faces better be a thing. I remember looking in the booklet that came with AE as a kid and wanting those stickers more than anything.
Definitely t-shirts and hoodies!
I would throw money at you for decent quality models of Oddworld creatures. A scrab on my desk would look fantastic.
- Plushies of SW's Live ammo, especially Fuzzles!
- Artbooks |
And Live Ammo figurines or plushies. |
I want a real pet fleech.
Also, yes to a big scrab figure on my desk. That or a Shrykull. I'd dish out the cash for that if it were a good quality model. And a yes to the live ammo from SW. A Stunk with a gas mask would be so boss. |
- a Mug in the shape of a RF barrel
- Tupperware style boxes with RF product names on it. You know you want to pretend the leftovers from the previous meal are "Stuff we found and killed". There are enough fun names in there to have fun with. "Don't ask" line: le petit tumor Stuff bars Bountiful delights with retina squirt Fuzzy Questionables "Momma Flabby" line: Hork bucket- Chuncky Shankers Glom! Slick Olgies Moron powder Rot Roll Classics: Elum Chubs Paramite Pie Scrab cakes Meech Munchies |
Now I'm going to want a loan to buy all this stuff!
Get your parents to buy it for you.
How presumptuous. He cullen possibly do that.
This is unrealistic at this time but I was thinking you could design a limited edition range of Oddworld statues, much like the Valve related ones over at Gaming Heads.
It would be amazing to see detailed and great quality models of the Oddworld characters. |
Statues would be great, like the unofficial one of Abe with the barrels that was halted due to infringement. If there were figures, (which I would love by the way), it would be nice if there were affordable versions as well as collectors items, as often collector figures/statues are insanely expensive.
Hot Toys are incredible, simply the best sculpted models I've ever seen. If they took a shot at Abe and Stranger, then I'd need to start saving. They're around £200! |
A Shrykull statue/bust.
/thread |
A barrel tankard!
Fuzzle pillow....erm, some sort of desk model like Phylum suggested. A BOOM machine candy dispenser, edible elum chubs. |
RuptureFarms barrel biscuit tin.
Plushie flying mine. Chant supressor table lamp. Wind-up walking Slig, since they make that whining noise anyway. |
I think just remaking all of the old AE merchandise is fine. ._.
What about...
Chant supressor LED desk light- red light of course, on a wire so it appears to be floating. The UXB alarm clock that was mentioned in the previous merchandise thread :D A mini replica lever, with light, to pull for no real reason. |
UXB alarm clock would be amazing.
Maybe removable, non-permanent stick-on tattoos of Abe's scars in a limited run. I'll bet there'll be a few fans who'd love to have them.
Working crossbow.
DIY stitchlips kit.
Edible opples.
A Molluck-shaped dildo
A body pillow featuring a graphic of Abe with plush breasts MudFlub flavored massage oil Striped Intern speedos Calvin & Hobbes-style car sticker with Stranger pissing on the EA logo |
Shrykull fane.