Show off your cool stuff Thread
We had a thread ages ago where we posted shit we owned. Let's do it again. Here are two robot model kits I built. They're called Deqoos. |
The hell!? you got to take that home? saddakdas
You can scare friends with that :) when they're in the bathroom facing a mirror, turn the light off and before it's on again put Abe behind them
@Crashpunk - Hah, glad you got it back in one piece. :)
Last time in the other topic, I posted that I had this Half-Life book. Also I've been using this stereo as my PC sound for the past 8 years. It's served me well, but the 5 CD changer and tape recorder became obsolete ages ago. And this head torch is awesome. Yay, mundane stuff. |
I don't think anybody wants to see all my pony merch, so instead, a fraction of my Doctor Who figure collection! I'm most proud of my classic Dalek collection. Earthshock Cyberman! Yay for page-stretchers! |
Now that's more like it.
Nice collection
I also have many DVD's. All organised chronologically because I have major OCD! I also have a portal mug. As for my Oddworld collection: Yes, as much as I despise MO, I do own it. Also, does anyone else have this AO walkthrough? I found it in my attic last year and I swear I don't remember ever buying it, especially as I wasn't even born when AO came out. None of my Oddworld merch beats CP's Abe, though. E: Wow, they are quite big, aren't they? |
You have a walkthrough for AO? laaaaaaaaaaaame
I don't need it, I'm an AO expert :smokin: , but I found it in my loft, and hey, it's Oddworld merch and that's all that matters.
A full stop would be nice, or even a capital letter...
It's a theodolite. Quite a usless thing in a day-to-day life. Though it looks nice on the shelf :D |
I have a plasma ball and one of those 3D pin-pushing things. It currently bears the indentation of my hand doing the peace sign.
Are you sure it's the peace sign?
I have a plasma ball, but I never turn it on because I'm afraid it'll explode or something. |
Well, you could call it the victory sign if you wanted.
My plasma ball makes a really irritating whining noise when it's plugged in, so it's unplugged now. |
Well, when you have the plasma switched up to the full level, it makes hardly any sound, and has beautiful plasma strings! That are attracted to your fingers.
Plasma balls are so weird. |
I have that walkthrough, Nep. I have the one for AE too. My parents would buy walkthroughs for virtually everything. I only ever used them as reference material to draw from the game because they were usually filled with concept art and fully rendered models of the characters. Or at least, I did until the internet cartwheeled into my life.
My electric guitar/amplifier/fxpedal that sadly is no longer working as of recently. Shame. Now I can only play with boring default amp sounds. Oh well. There's also a copy of Munch's Oddysee here. Huh. Never noticed that before. |
I don't really know what qualifies as "cool stuff" and whether I have any, but here are some things: My autograph by Charles Martinet, the voice of Mario (if you're interested, here's a picture of me with him. Yeah, I look stupid) My Fallout 3 Collector's Edition A pretty big book all about Spider-Man. Quite informative, should you happen to be a fan of the webhead. And my binary watch. Bad picture quality. It was 8:29 pm when I took that picture. @Nepsotic: I am SO jealous of your Doctor Who collection... |
Nice binary watch
You've met Charles Martinet?! You lucky Bastard! :D
He also voices Wario and Waluigi! (obviously I care more about the Wario part) |