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Dixanadu 02-24-2012 06:18 PM

Ze Josif
Happy birthday to the Joe*, who is some redundant age today.

Tanjoubi omedetou Hosefu-sama!

*Wings of Fire

Pilot 02-24-2012 06:31 PM

Oh, we love redundancy.

I got you this wig, I think the chicks are gunna dig it or whatever they do.


enchilado 02-24-2012 06:49 PM

Happy birthday, try to have a good one

Mudokon_Master 02-24-2012 06:50 PM

Have a good one

Dixanadu 02-24-2012 06:59 PM

Drink more than a glass of wine, eh?

No srsly have a good one, brah.

Dynamithix 02-24-2012 09:28 PM

Happy birthday!

Nate 02-24-2012 10:12 PM

Is it just me or does that cake look like a giant marshmallow with some icing on the sides?

I would totally eat a marshmallow that size. I would ram my face right in to it and burrow my head inside.

Crashpunk 02-25-2012 02:35 AM

Birthday! Happy

STM 02-25-2012 02:46 AM

Happy birthday, you're one of the few people who continue to make me look like a burke after four years. And I love it!

OddjobAbe 02-25-2012 03:05 AM

Happy birthday.

DarkHoodness 02-25-2012 03:17 AM

Happy B-day to you as well. :P

MA 02-25-2012 03:42 AM

happy birthday, man!

get fucking drunk. i mean it. don't make me come after you.

MeechMunchie 02-25-2012 05:00 AM


Happy. Birthday!

Wings of Fire 02-25-2012 05:19 AM

Thank you very much everyon =)

I have a load of stats and shit I need to do today for my project so I might not have time to get drunk. I won't be averse to MA coming after me though.

shaman 02-25-2012 12:03 PM

Happy birthday you old queen.

Mr. Bungle 02-25-2012 02:10 PM

Happy birthday.

Bullet Magnet 02-25-2012 02:59 PM

You get born once and suddenly we have to be reminded of it every year? Go to hell. And happy birthday.


moxco 02-25-2012 03:54 PM

Happy Birthday! Here's a picture of Mel Gibson.

Phylum 02-25-2012 05:23 PM


Varrok 02-25-2012 11:10 PM


T-nex 02-25-2012 11:47 PM


You get born once and suddenly we have to be reminded of it every year? Go to hell. And happy birthday.


What are you talking about? I've been born like 3 times already. You guys are lagging behind...

Jooeeeee ^^ *hugs* Im still working on something.

MA 02-26-2012 10:22 AM


Jooeeeee ^^ *hugs* Im still working on something.

oh yeah, hows that Death Star coming along?

Wings of Fire 02-26-2012 10:26 AM


mr.odd 02-26-2012 11:10 AM

Happy birthday.

Ridg3 02-28-2012 04:39 PM

Happy belated Birthday WoF. Hope it was a good un.