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AlienMagi 02-04-2012 04:22 AM

Complete account removal
I have been wondering if I could get this "AlienMagi" account completely removed from these forums (EDIT: including all the posts). The reason why is personal and I wouldn't like to go into details, I'd just like to get a confirmation if this is doable or not.

I apologize if I posted on the wrong forum


Havoc 02-04-2012 04:30 AM

I know that Alcar doesn't like doing because it leaves holes in the topics and as far as I can remember, such requests have never been granted.

STM 02-04-2012 09:03 AM

If it's any consolation no one remembers you.

Wings of Fire 02-04-2012 09:29 AM

My left eye sort of twitched when I read his username.

T-nex 02-04-2012 10:53 AM

Im with STM on this one.

Anyway I dont think you can have your request granted unfortunately.. not unless unless you have like a super duper good reason for it. You can just ask for a ban I guess... or just not come here anymore.

Nate 02-04-2012 02:51 PM

We can ban you if you like, but we won't delete any posts.

moxco 02-04-2012 07:20 PM

Couldn't he do a bobtheguy and edit all his 829 posts into nothingness?

enchilado 02-04-2012 07:37 PM

But you can't edit posts more than two weeks old, can you?

Daxter King 02-04-2012 07:46 PM

I remember some guy a while ago getting all butthurt when he wanted to remove all his drawings and shit he posted, but couldn't.

Don't get all butthurt.

DarkHoodness 02-04-2012 10:31 PM

I'm with STM on this too - You're not remembered and you haven't done anything that stands out much as far as I can see. Nobody is going to bother actively seeking your posts. I wouldn't worry about it.

enchilado 02-05-2012 12:11 AM

but... he is remembered... I remember him...

Jordan 02-05-2012 03:26 AM

But he was super annoying, I remember him very clearly.

T-nex 02-05-2012 05:04 AM

The only thing I remember is that people always say that he's annoying when he comes back.

But like with mosquitos, the best thing you can do is ignore them.

STM 02-05-2012 05:40 AM

Or squash them.

MeechMunchie 02-05-2012 05:49 AM

He's clearly learned his lesson. While trying to erase his past mistakes isn't a particularly mature way of dealing with things, we may as well respect his wishes and act like he never existed.

Wil 02-05-2012 06:38 AM

I agree with MeechMunchie. I'm going to act like this thread never existed.

(We don't delete accounts.)