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Glitch 01-26-2012 10:42 PM

Any one have any Pets?
I don't know if such a thread has a precedent in these forums, but I'm missing my ferrets and wanted to talk about them.

Ferrets are great, if not a little smelly if you forget to clean them out. I've never had a pet that was so affectionate, loyal, and just plain happy to be near you. They're like a cross between a kitten and a puppy, for their whole lives!

Nope, it's not worked, missing them more now.

enchilado 01-26-2012 10:44 PM

I've had guinea-pigs and rats in the past.

I really want a rabbit, but they're illegal here.

Mudokon_Master 01-26-2012 10:54 PM

I've got a dog for my 8th birthday. An Alaskan Malamute, in fact. He's pretty old now and I fear of his death.

Varrok 01-26-2012 11:42 PM

I have a dog as well - mixed breed, about 4 years now, but she's still full of energy : )

NyOe!s 01-27-2012 12:21 AM

My sister has a pet rat named Ponyo, my other sister has a blue tung lizard called slinky. Our family pets are a Chihuahua named ratty and then two cat's one named bear or plume and the other looks like a leopard so we called it toad!

Dynamithix 01-27-2012 12:41 AM

I myself haven't really had pets, but my dad has had two gerbils and three chinchillas. Currently he has a nice cat and it's really friendly too. If I'm laying on the sofa or sleeping, it usually comes and lays over my feet and starts snoring really loudly. It's kinda cute.

Nate 01-27-2012 01:05 AM

Why are you missing them, Glitch?

I currently have three aquatic snails. I keep intending to name them, but I can't really tell them apart so it's a bit redundant. One thing I have learnt is that they love carrot peel. You've never seen a snail zoom so fast.

Glitch 01-27-2012 01:42 AM

Had to leave them behind when I moved, looking to get a flat that will let us have them as soon as, but I'm not holding my breath.

Why can't you have pets Dynamithix?

Dynamithix 01-27-2012 01:58 AM

Huh? I could have pets, but I don't have any at the moment.

Glitch 01-27-2012 03:12 AM


Huh? I could have pets, but I don't have any at the moment.

Totally read your first post wrong, sorry about that.

Chubfish 01-27-2012 03:21 AM

I have 3 dogs, of which 2 are whippets, but one of them was quite ill recently so we've been extra careful with her...

scrabface 01-27-2012 04:12 AM

I got a turtle when I was 10. so he's almost 15 now. his name's Charlie, but he doesn't suck balls.

Jordan 01-27-2012 04:17 AM

My family has two dogs, three rabbits, a hamster, a snake, and some fish in a pond.

Littleleeroy 01-27-2012 05:07 AM

I have a Labrador dog who is 7 this year. His name is Bullet :D
My sister has a Shiatsu-Maltese-Chihuahua named Patchie.
I don't think she has other animals at the moment (maybe a fish) but sometimes she has a rabbit or a guinea-pig. :D
I want a ferret now after my dog :fuzzle:

Crashpunk 01-27-2012 06:48 AM

About 20 diffrent types of fish in our rather big pond. Not really pets but I guess they could count.

Ridg3 01-27-2012 07:29 AM

I have two rabbits that I wish someone would come and take off our hands. I have a dog as well. It's bouncy and energetic and extremely fucking annoying, especially whenever we have guests over.

But as I said, ever since the dog came into the house the rabbits have been confined to their cage due to the dog's wish to claim them as her own children. She'd make a rough parent.

STM 01-27-2012 07:31 AM

I have a cat. And a basement dwelling child I keep chained to a table.

Havoc 01-27-2012 07:38 AM

I've got three cats, one is 16 and the two others (brother and sister) are 1,5. Pictures to come later.

MA 01-27-2012 08:55 AM


I currently have three aquatic snails. I keep intending to name them, but I can't really tell them apart so it's a bit redundant. One thing I have learnt is that they love carrot peel. You've never seen a snail zoom so fast.

they sound ace. i love aquatic snails. i love any type of snail, to be honest.


I have a dog as well. It's bouncy and energetic and extremely fucking annoying, especially whenever we have guests over.

fucking ditto. we have two dogs, mother and pup, but the pup isn't a pup anymore. Shylo/Shylow/Shilo/Shilow or however her fucking name is spelt is the mother, and she's very docile and calm. she looks like a black, Welsh Sheepdog if anything, and the most visitors will get is a sniff in their direction.

Midge, on the other hand, is a little shit at times. he looks like a Collie/Labrador cross and acts like one, bouncing all over guests and doing the "wiggley-woo" as we call it which is when he gets overexcited and won't stop wagging his tail (which fucking hurts if you get in the way). he's lovely, but a handful.

we also have three rats. used to have four, but one died at the end of last year. probably post some pictures later.

and as i type this, Midge has just attacked yet another visitor. chaos, i tell you.

Nepsotic 01-27-2012 08:55 AM

a cat, named Pal (Don't ask), i love him to bits, he's about 6 now, a small rescued Westie, Called Olly, he's, i think, about 2 1/2 now, he's very energetic, and many fish, sooty, sweep, Flo (a frog), a pipefish called Willy (guess why), and a shebumbkin fish called Bastard.

Cheifanator 01-27-2012 09:09 AM

I have two dogs their Boxers, Jessie (commonly referred to as Bessie) and Luther.Jessie used to be a little bitch and growl or snap at any except my dad but now shes calm and Luther is a energetic little fella and wont miss a chance to sprint around my house.They can be a bit of a bother when it comes to cleaning out the back or buying food but I love them!

Hulaabeo 01-27-2012 09:13 AM

Oh my where to start? My family loves animals. .w.

We have a dog, a cat, a little more than 20 birds, a hampster, a pair of leopard geckos, an aquarium and a pond's worth of fish.

Bullet Magnet 01-27-2012 09:27 AM

A grey budgerigar is the last of a former menagerie.

NyOe!s 01-27-2012 11:25 AM

I've always wanted a smallish type of furry animal to wear as a hat or a scarf. Maybe I'll steal your ferret Glitch muhahahahaha!!!

JennyGenesis 01-27-2012 12:01 PM

I know a made a blog about my dog, but, it is appropriate to put in here.




And here's a video of her sleeping on me.

MeechMunchie 01-27-2012 12:03 PM

My cat is on Facebook.

NyOe!s 01-27-2012 12:36 PM

That's a very cute dog. I want it!

BoneyHead95 01-27-2012 12:46 PM

We had cats, dogs but there all died. ):

Slog Bait 01-28-2012 01:22 AM

I have and have had a lot of pets. The ones that are still alive include 2 dogs (an Akita and a German Shepard/Rottweiler mix), 2 birds (both cockatiels), and a cornsnake. Unfortunately upon starting college I've been going back and forth between a few different places, I'm not sure which to call home... My dorms don't allow pets of any kind, so I've resorted to keeping plants.

So now I have a pet pumpkin. True story.

Glitch 01-28-2012 08:04 AM


I've always wanted a smallish type of furry animal to wear as a hat or a scarf. Maybe I'll steal your ferret Glitch muhahahahaha!!!

Noooo :(