The Oddworld Vector Gallery
Hi! :)
You may have seen one of my threads called "Tim's Oddworld Fan Game Resources" containing Oddworld Logos remade in high quality to be used in fan projects. The problem is that it became a bit unorganized because of a forum setting preventing users from editing posts older than 90 days, which forced me to put all new images further down the page. I made a new gallery called "The Oddworld Vector Gallery" which contains all these images. The files are available in two formats: 1. A vector based (unlimited scaling) .svg file. 2. A 1024 x 1024 .png file. Please have a look, see if you can find anything useful for your fan project and maybe give some feedback about the website (and if it's working correctly in your browser). I will use this thread to notify you guys of new images that I've put online. The Oddworld Vector Gallery can be found at: Enjoy! Dear Moderator of the Oddworld Forums (Fan Corner?): If you are reading this, could you please update the link in the "Useful Fan Corner Links" thread ( that referred to my Tim's Oddworld Fan Game Resources" thread. Edit (12-01-2012): Added two new vectors, this time it's SoulStorm Kennels and FeeCoDepoT. I think these turned out as the best ones yet. :) Edit (23-01-2012): One new vector. SoulStorm Brew. (Request from Fred the Fuzzle.) Edit (24-01-2012): Two new vectors. Mudokon Head. (Request from sheridanm962.) and SoulStorm Mining Co. :) Remember: All these images and more are downloadable in fancy vector format at: |
Nice work, I'd even submit these to J.A.W.; they might come in handy.
[Edit] Could you possibly do the SoulStorm brew logo? As in: If you could I'd owe you a million. Thanks, Fred the Fuzzle. |
I've attached one I found that I like allot.
Thanks guys. :) I will work on the requests a bit tonight and tomorrow. :)
I love Oddworld vector graphics, Logos are awesome and I can't wait to see more.
Also why don't you post your old ones in this thread just incase someone misses the link :) |
I agree with Crashpunk !
Great work Tim ! I'm working on a WIP about Feeco Depot (on this forum) so I recreated some of these logos too, including yours fred the fuzzle So, here is a gift It's not a resizable vector, so not a very high quality work, but I believe it can be a good start for you ;) It works well for me because I just ise it as a small texture with 3D objects (So details doesn't matter) - (sorry for no-transparency, just delete everything, it would not be hard to delete the white background for you I hope) |
My pleasure fred ! Thank you again !
Isn't the Glukkon's Head in the SoulStorm Logo Purple?
Thanks for the feedback guys! I will try to make a logo on a regular basis.
Also thanks to Lauric for jumping in while I was busy. (I have to earn my money with my own company now so its a bit busy sometimes.) To answer Crashpunk, a lot of the images in the other thread were old, as in, old before I started backing up. This resulted in me only having the (non vector) png files left. And the glukkon head is indeed purple. (See the source I used for the vector here: I made the SoulStorm Brew logo in vector and placed it on the Library. Enjoy! |
Damn...I can go back to bed...^^
Sorry for the color, I used this as my source : :/ Your vectorized logos just rock...! |
wow! I've never noticed the machines had a green glukkon head in the logo.
Glad to be useful ! ^^
And here is the Mudokon Head requested by sheridanm962. :) Edit: Today is a good Vector day. Here's SoulStorm Mining Co. Both Downloadable in Vector format at: |
Hey, I was bored and made a vector - it's "Packaging" sign from the second AO screen: SVG PNG It's not as pretty as the ones made by Tim, but it's my very first vector :P If anybody wants, feel free to post it anywhere/modify/whatever, as I don't claim any rights for this image I made it in Inkscape and saved as "Plain SVG", I have no idea about compatilibity with other apps : / |
Thank you Varrok! If you don't mind I added it to the Vector Gallery under a new section called "Community Contributions". Full credit is given. :) Go and check it out! :) |
Cool! : D I think I'll make more later (when I got my desktop PC back and repaired)
Thank you Tim, this really means allot to me.
EDIT: I made an Animated version of it: |
Haha that is awesome! Love it!
I felt like doing something I have never done before. So I wrote a blog. It's a blog called: "Designing a New Oddworld Experience (Thank You)" It is about the last few years on these forums and me trying to realize an Oddworld game. If you are interested, read (and comment) here: :) |
Hi guys,
Is there someone may send me the Soulstorm brew logo in vector file ? Or up the files ? Links, in this thread, are broken and I can't find it nowhere :( Thanking you in advance !! |
Please, someone else ? I would like to make (not by myself) the light logo of a Soulstorm Brew Machine. But I need the logo in vector file. Help me guys, please. |
Might be a tad late, but I am currently working on getting the website back online soon. :)
Yay! I recently went looking for your Oddworld images and was sad to see the site down. Nice to see you again Tim!
The website is back online and can currently be found at this address: It is a mirror of the old website (before it went offline). I am working on adding some new vector images soon. Also feel free to send me any (vector) images you would like to place on the website for others to use. :) Enjoy! |
Pretty neat! Vector images are really cool. Well done on these. Looking forward to see what other vectors you or anyone else might whip up.