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Crashpunk 12-16-2011 02:16 PM

Happy Hol-ODD Days 2011!

Happy Hol-Odd-Days everyone ... Http://www.jawltd.com/xmas11/

Press the lever! Is this a sneak peak at Abe HD?

Dynamithix 12-16-2011 02:20 PM

Haha, that was awesome. But how is it a sneak peak at Abe HD?

Crashpunk 12-16-2011 02:23 PM

Well it certenly looks HD. I guess I'm just been optimistic.

JennyGenesis 12-16-2011 02:24 PM


Haha, that was awesome. But how is it a sneak peak at Abe HD?

Look at how fluid and smooth the animation is on Abe, especially when he goes to and from his crouch position.

lloyd 12-16-2011 02:25 PM

The best part is the change of light as he walks toward the centre! ;)

shame theres no jump.


Look at how fluid and smooth the animation is on Abe, especially when he goes to and from his crouch position.

HD is a pixel resolution NOT a frame rate, these are the Sprites from the PS1 Abe game put into flash.


Crashpunk 12-16-2011 02:29 PM

Something tells me thats what Abe HD is going to be like. unless they are going to re-make the models

EDIT: I mean the Sprites

Mudokon_Master 12-16-2011 02:33 PM

I thought the sprites were 3D models in AO and AE.

Crashpunk 12-16-2011 02:35 PM

So maybe they will use the same sprites only have them in better quality

also new avatar!

lloyd 12-16-2011 02:42 PM


I thought the sprites were 3D models in AO and AE.

Nope, this is one of the amazing things they did. coming form a movie/CGI background they used that to their advantage.

The limitation of hardware then (PS1) was you couldn't do lots of rendering/lighting/shaddowing etc so to get around this they used 3d programs to render out sprites. then as you move its a 2d game swapping sprites.

Now for the 3d transitions within the game, they are just videos that play over the whole screen. sometimes to cover the game loading.

Its a great way to have better looking visuals than you can get by doing real time rendering.

As for Abe HD, JAW might be looking at going down a 2.5D route. (Bionic commando, Shadow Complex, Cave Stroy 3D) but its all dependent on the engine. maybe re-rendering at a higher resolution would be the way to go and think about a 3d approach to New games, we'll see!

hedjeroo 12-16-2011 03:11 PM

That gave me a giggle. Going to share this with people as a sort of interactive Christmas card; very few people I'll show it to will appreciate it as much as me, unfortunately, but... nice.

Very fluid animation, looks pretty awesome. I derped slightly at seeing Flash because, well, my mind hasn't revisited Flash for some time and I sort of forgot how strong it was as a game platform.

Glitch 12-16-2011 03:38 PM

glad you all like it :D. It's not perfect but it works more or less. Would have done a bigger level if I had given myself more time.

This is definitely not AbeHD btw. Just a nice nostalgic visit to Abe in his original glory.

Fuzzle Guy 12-16-2011 03:52 PM

A blast from the past but with uncompressed sprites. I have waited years for this day, kind Sir.

Connell 12-16-2011 04:07 PM

Made my day. Going to spend hours rolling the little blue fella back and forth in this one screen now

DarkHoodness 12-16-2011 04:07 PM

Haha, very good. :) + rep to you, Glitch!

Sekto Springs 12-16-2011 07:33 PM

It's not just your imagination guys. The quality is much higher than the original releases. At least in the sprites themselves. The animation leaves a lot to be desired, but I'm not going to be that fan that even picks apart the promotional material.

Great work on this guys. I'm really thankful for this throwback to classic Oddworld as opposed to something cheap like photoshopping a santa hat on Stranger or something along those lines.

Oddworld and the holiday season kind of go hand-in-hand for me, as I always got the Oddworld games for my birthday, which is five days before Christmas. This brought a big, dumb smile to my face that made me feel like I did back when I got my first copy of Abe's Exoddus. :)

luke3212 12-17-2011 02:23 AM

I tried decompiling this (out of curiosity) and it was protected.

After finally breaking it's protection, It didnt even work correctly, sad day :(

Glitch 12-17-2011 02:41 AM


I tried decompiling this (out of curiosity) and it was protected.

After finally breaking it's protection, It didnt even work correctly, sad day :(


luke3212 12-17-2011 02:45 AM




Wil 12-17-2011 02:59 AM

It's not even been out a day and you're breaking it.

luke3212 12-17-2011 03:02 AM

I was only looking for easter eggs :(... And sprites

JennyGenesis 12-17-2011 03:06 AM


It's not even been out a day and you're breaking it.

Well I don't know about you, but I've done everything there is to do on that game within a day.

So that means yes, it's time to break it :p

luke3212 12-17-2011 03:09 AM

Was anyone else honestly thinking they'd throw in a secret area or any kind of easter egg?

EDIT: The best modification i've made of it is replacing the picture of the sign that falls into a rubber duck.

JennyGenesis 12-17-2011 03:28 AM


Was anyone else honestly thinking they'd throw in a secret area or any kind of easter egg?


luke3212 12-17-2011 03:29 AM

What was wrong with typing that word?

Wil 12-17-2011 03:36 AM

Words are cooler when they're images.

luke3212 12-17-2011 03:38 AM

Don't forget the fact that it's Call of Duty; everything to do with Call of Duty is always cool.

JennyGenesis 12-17-2011 03:40 AM


Words are cooler when they're images.



Don't forget the fact that it's Call of Duty; everything to do with Call of Duty is always cool.


DarkHoodness 12-17-2011 03:40 AM

EDIT: I spammed here.

luke3212 12-17-2011 03:41 AM

We accidently the topic... So, it can only get better, right?


Crashpunk 12-17-2011 03:49 AM
