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panda100123 12-11-2011 02:47 PM

Any updates on the HD remake?
I heard back in January or February that Oddworld was making an HD remake of Abe's Oddysee. I havn't heard any news what so ever. Is it still being made? When is a good guess for a release date? Anywhere to go for news?

Nate 12-11-2011 02:48 PM

It's still happening, it's not coming out soon, no specific news other than that so far.

Feel free to go harass Glitch for more information.

moxco 12-11-2011 05:08 PM

Any updates on the interview with Oddworld Inhabitants?

panda100123 12-11-2011 06:09 PM

Does anyone even know if the remake will be each individual scene like in the original where you were in square maps? Or will it dynamically scroll to the next screen so your character is always in the center? That would ruin the game. Especially since the backgrounds would be weird.

AvengingGibbons 12-11-2011 09:55 PM

I think Glitch said it will use a scrollable camera. Keep in mind that it's 2011 and not 1997. The now much greater computer processing power allows for more freedom of design, they'll make it work :), it will be good, (have some faith). The scrollable camera may be much better than the static one. If you're gonna make a game 3D, you really gots to have a moving camera, or the 3D would be arguably pointless. The best type of moving camera to make the 3D scenary obvious and awesome is probably not a simple sliding camera in which Abe remains centred, but maybe a dynamic camera would work really well (where the camera would react to the environment, eg. auto-adjusting its pitch and yaw to keep sections of the scene hidden until Abe reaches them.

Artistically you could imagine that rather than having individual frame-by-frame canvases, you'd have a longer, pannable canvas - the amazing Oddworly artwork style remains. If the same developers who created the original Abe games were working on this remake, they could produce something just as beautiful using the scrolling camera. It's up to the new developers to do the game justice.

Manco 12-12-2011 01:08 AM

You guys know there’s a news blog, right? You don’t have to go asking for news.

Glitch 12-12-2011 01:36 AM

There's obviously some concerns with changing the way the game is presented. Rest assured that if we go for one type of camera over the other, then find that it doesn't work quite right, then we will change it until we find the right balance for the game.

sligpatrol 12-12-2011 02:18 AM

iv herd thay might put versus mode :( plz dont it wont be right in a way

Jordan 12-12-2011 03:16 AM


iv herd thay might put versus mode :( plz dont it wont be right in a way

Where did you hear this?

How are these rumours even created!?

Wil 12-12-2011 05:05 AM

It's easy!

I heard Lorne say that Abe is going to have cybernetic limbs in the HD remake!

Glitch 12-12-2011 07:44 AM

*Writes that down in the serious suggestions book*

Crashpunk 12-12-2011 08:11 AM


iv herd thay might put versus mode :( plz dont it wont be right in a way

You thought my spelling was bad...

Also I don't know where you heard that but it wasn't from us.

panda100123 12-12-2011 11:25 AM

And if you made a dynamic camera, wouldn't the gameplay be significantly changed? I thought when you get chased by a slig and you go to the next scene into a dark area, he wont see you. If it's a dynamic camera, he will always see you if you are running from him.

Also, the scenes didn't always blend in with the next square of map, so a dynamic one would make the backgrounds get a bit old and boring.

Nate 12-12-2011 01:48 PM


Also I don't know where you heard that but it wasn't from us.

You're kidding, right? There's a whole thread of people arguing the case for-and-against two player co-op and versus. Glitch promised to consider everything. I'd say that constitutes a 'might'.


And if you made a dynamic camera, wouldn't the gameplay be significantly changed? I thought when you get chased by a slig and you go to the next scene into a dark area, he wont see you. If it's a dynamic camera, he will always see you if you are running from him.

That's why it's a remake and not just a graphical upgrade. I am sure that gameplay is going to be affected.


Also, the scenes didn't always blend in with the next square of map, so a dynamic one would make the backgrounds get a bit old and boring.

So you're saying that every single current-gen 2.5D game has boring backgrounds? You seem to have very little faith in Glitch and his designer peers.

I think we all need to accept that Abe HD is not going to be an exact clone of the original games. As long as they capture the atmosphere and make the gameplay fun and exciting, I'm cool with that.

Connell 12-13-2011 08:47 AM


You're kidding, right?

I think he was more referring to the way Sligpatrol expressed it as if there had been an explicit statement made by JAW saying 'We might put versus mode in', whereas all ideas at this stage, are just ideas.