Sex Free Passports
Take a read of this What is your opinion on this? I think its nice that they are taking this into consideration for transgender people but I just feel that it will make things worse as it will result in a piece of information on a person missing, which might result in idiots managing to take advantage of it and commit some sort of crime. |
I think for sake of security, these people need to put the traumatic experience of writing a four or six letter word on a sheet of paper behind them. If you look like a woman post op, that's what you are and vice-a-versa surely?
Meanwhile, gay marriage is still illegal in several states. Priorities.
I was shocked that gay marriage wasn't legal already. I mean I can understand Christian's and Muslims not doing it because well...they believe it's wrong, but non-religiously. Very odd.
And WoF they are both similar, and seriously? What security risks? "No I'm not a terrorist, that person was man, I'm wearing a wig...err, I have long hair. Etc," sort of a basic and somewhat stupid analogy but it proves the basis of the problem. |
I think what STM's trying to say is that a person's gender is probably the most common and immediate ways of identifying a person. If that field is constantly 'subject to change', as it were, it could make tracking a person difficult when really necessary.
Oh, I know it wasn't for US. I was just making a point that the US is fucking stupid.
I'm not sure how incredibly meaningful this particular thing is in the grand scheme though. |
Looks like it's time to grow my hair and crossdress.
At last! I can get a passport without having to have sex with anybody.
The Dungeon door is open, MM...
Alas, I have taken a vow of chastity until my true love returns.
Bliss is so fleeting.
I don't see a problem. Why not?
I guess if it helps subdue the feelings of discrimination for a small group of people, it did some good.
In slightly more meaningful news, Don't Ask Don't Tell is now history.
Expect the number of gay beatings in the US army to rise considerably... |
Surely when you have a penis you are a man and if you have a vagina you are a woman? I do not see why this has to be made overly complicated.
Step 1: You are a man. Step 2: You get a sex change. Step 3: You are now a woman. Step 4: You ask for it to be changed in your papers. Step 5: ??? Step 6: Profit! I don't get the reasoning behind leaving it open? :S |
Quite a lot of men who identify as women and vice versa don't want to go through the trauma of sexual reassignment.
I don't go around bitching that I want to change the height in my passport because I'm not happy with how tall I am. Even if I would go around wearing pumps every single day, it wouldn't change my actual height and thus it shouldn't be changed on an official document. |
Oh Havoc...
So if I read it correctly Havoc,
If you have a penis you are still a man? Wouldn't that be confusing to see a picture of what appears to be a woman on a passport to be labeled a man? |
It never seemed to bother Bon Jovi.
Also Visual Kei. |
Well this is good news for Stranger at least.
Call me politically incorrect but I wouldn't identify a persons sex based on what they identify as but rather what they are biologically. The only reason one could feel male or female is because society has defined what it is to be a male or a female; to me if they still have testicles/ovaries they are still their respective sex. Wouldn't this be much akin to letting furriers identify as their respective species?
Seriously. What is wrong with you? |
Furries identify as a species and see themselves as thus rather than a human...
As a note, there's an even bigger line between that and identifying as your favourite mythical being of choice, but the less said about that, the better. |
How is it not comparable? In both instances someone identifies as something they're not.
Havoc raised a good point... :