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GlacierDragon 05-15-2011 10:59 AM

So umm...I guess I'm back c:
Not that anyone probably remembers me anyway, lol

Dynamithix 05-15-2011 11:04 AM

I hope you're better than Spirrow.

GlacierDragon 05-15-2011 11:05 AM


Wings of Fire 05-15-2011 11:15 AM


I hope you're better than Spirrow.

She is, I remember her.

Crashpunk 05-15-2011 11:40 AM

GlacierDragon! where have you been?

GlacierDragon 05-15-2011 11:48 AM

Oh you know, here and there :P

Actually I left two years ago for no reason at all, I guess I just kinda forgot about this place. But now OWI's back up and running, I figured I'd come back to check how things are going.
I'll probably just hang around Fan Corner like before though.

JennyGenesis 05-15-2011 12:07 PM


Crashpunk 05-15-2011 01:32 PM

Its a good time to rejoin, you haven't missed anything.

Mr. Bungle 05-15-2011 01:39 PM

What about all the recently announced remakes? Guess they don't count.

Gwan-Thwei 05-15-2011 04:09 PM

GLACIERDRAGON! I remember you! You were the one with the ossim drawings! Welcome Back!

enchilado 05-15-2011 09:43 PM

Yeah! They were really ossim!

fuck the small text, what are you reading this for?

Phylum 05-16-2011 03:20 AM

Welcome back.

Do you prefer your name pronounced Glacier or Glasher?

GlacierDragon 05-16-2011 05:06 AM

Thanks everyone c:


Do you prefer your name pronounced Glacier or Glasher?

I usually pronounce it glass-ee-er...glay-sher is more of an American pronunciation :P
But I guess it doesn't really matter lol.

MeechMunchie 05-16-2011 07:15 AM

I actually remember you, like for reals lol.

Welcome back. You haven't missed much.

Dynamithix 05-16-2011 07:41 AM


You haven't missed much.

Well, Hand of Odd announcement and the HD remake announcements.

Dixanadu 05-17-2011 02:36 AM

Kinda hoping Phylum would pop up and say 'You left?', so I could pounce on his ass.

Ahem, welcome back! You've made this place less of a sausage fest than it already is.

Phylum 05-17-2011 02:54 AM

I annoyed you by doing it and now I'm annoying you by not doing it. I can't win with this guy.

Oh, and welcome back. I mean it this time, because I know you don't use that god-awful American pronunciation of glacier.

Dixanadu 05-17-2011 03:46 AM

I am a humourless ice queen.

I say glay-see-er. Irish pronunciation ftw.

OANST 05-18-2011 01:08 PM

I remember you. You're GlacierDragon.

Dixanadu 05-18-2011 01:31 PM

OANST, you're not allowed to say that anymore.

OANST 05-18-2011 01:46 PM

Oh, sure. Take the last bit of happiness that I have away from me. I haven't suffered enough.

Mr. Bungle 05-18-2011 02:29 PM

I remember you. You're OANST.

MeechMunchie 05-19-2011 08:12 AM

High five.

MarsMudoken 05-25-2011 02:49 PM

Nice to meet you, GlacierDragon. Also, I'd like to state that though I pronounce it Glay-sure, I am not American. There.

Pilot 05-26-2011 09:00 AM


I pronounce it Glay-sure, I am not American.

THANK you. That is the proper American way to say it.

Jango 06-10-2011 01:35 PM

Hi there, and welcome back. You left just as I joined! :)


Its a good time to rejoin, you haven't missed anything.

He hasn't missed anything? I don't mean to be rude or anything but...

What about the huge breakthrough in Oddworld Level Editing? I mean, I know it isn't the most important thing to everyone, but it's still something. Check it out in the 'Oddworld Mods and Hacks' section, under 'Oddworld Discussion', if you are interested in any of that.

If you aren't interested in that, well then I guess you really haven't missed anything - from what I can tell. :)

STM 06-10-2011 05:00 PM

...The whole AO HD Remake is just thrown out the window then. Fuck that! XD