Steam sales
Steam has great price drops until 4th of july. There are games like overlord that cost only 1 €/$.
I even bought the oddworld pack wich cost me 2.50€. I'm so happy, I finally got a legal copy of oddworld :) Anyways, anyone who has the steam installed should check that out, you can really save some good money. |
I think Left 4 Dead was 75% off yesterday?
Not sure. I know it was 7.22€ one day and I bought it, lol I actually spent 200€ on the whole sale. (I'm screwed)
I also just love how you re the only person who cared to actually post into this thread. |
I care too.....but There's no point in postin anything inside here...I'm amazed that this thread isn't closed yet....
I get it! I got the reference!
I like how he brought back an otherwise dead thread for that. What a guy!
I like how Valve decides to give away a free game and the download servers instantly crash a fiery death.
Ahhhh but they didn't for me.
Alien Swarm is basically just L4D except it isn't bad and is seen from a top down perspective. That being said, it's pretty fun, now I will stop wasting my time here and play it some more. |
I believe the original developer of Alien Swarm was bought up by Valve and their first project was Left 4 Dead. So it makes sense.